  • 此框列出了你在listfileoftype框中选择的带扩展的文件
    This box lists files with the extension you select in the List File of Type box
  •  国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物录及其调整,由国务院野生动物行政主管部门制定并公布。
    Lists or revised lists of terrestrial wildlife under state protection, which are beneficial or of important economic or scientific value, shall be drawn up and announced by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council.
  • 国家重点保护的野生动物录及其调整,由国务院野生动物行政主管部门制定,报国务院批准公布。
    Lists or revised lists of wildlife under special state protection shall be drawn up by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council and announced after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
  • 各组织的成员单亦已上载互联网,方便市民查阅。
    Membership lists of all these bodies are also uploaded onto the Internet to facilitate public inspection of the relevant information.
  • 霍罗威茨,弗拉基米尔1904-1989俄裔美国钢琴家,因其对肖邦和李斯特作品的演奏而著
    Russian-born American pianist noted for his interpretations of Chopin and Liszt.
  • 仅湖南省就组织了近万干部,成立了上千个劝学小组,先后发动了数十万妇女参加扫盲学习。
    In Hunan Province, about 10,000 cadres have been organized to set up thousands of groups encouraging women to learn, and totally mobilized hundreds of thousands of women to participate in literacy classes.
  • 他是个不出的艺术家。
    He is little known as an artist.
  • 台湾《远见》杂志曾以国际都市发展协会的200会员为调查对象,新加坡在全球宜人城市上排第六。该协会拥有千余会员,他们是47个国家和地区的都市规划专业人士、建筑师、设计师和政府官员。
    Leading Taiwanese magazine Global Views once conducted a survey on the most livable city in the world and Singapore was ranked 6th.The monthly polled 200 members of The International Network For Urban Development, which has a membership of more than 1,000, comprising city planners, architects, designers and government officials from 47 countries and territories.
  • 受伤出租汽车司机把两涉嫌向他攻击的青年匪徒之一载到布朗克斯一个警察局门前放下,向他们倒将一军。
    A wounded livery cab driver turned the tables on a pair of youthful robbers yesterday when he dropped off one of his alleged assailants on the front steps of a Bronx police station.
  • 你的朋友叫什么字?
    What's your friend's name?
  • 日本不受欢迎的首相森喜朗在星期二宣布新内阁单,希望能挽回他的政治生涯,不过,外界和外国投资者都不看好结果。
    Japan's unpopular Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori unveiled a new Cabinet on Tuesday aimed at prolonging his time in power precisely the outcome many Japanese voters and global investors are loathe to see.
  • 有时,在美国我们以公共事务、政府关系或别的称来称呼说客。
    Sometimes in America we call the lobbyist public affairs,government relations or other names.
  • 伊希斯英格兰中南部的泰晤士河上流,在牛津附近。该称使用于该地和文学中
    The upper Thames River in south-central England in the vicinity of Oxford. The name is used locally and in literature.
  • 当windows2000机需要与另一台windows2000机通信时,才会发生利用dns分辨字和确定资源位置。
    The use of DNS for resolving names and locating resources only occurs when Windows 2000 machines need to communicate with other Windows 2000 machines.
  • 请问你的姓和所在地点?
    Could you tell me your name and location?
  • 直到后来她才发现:每个学生字后面的数字代表的仅仅是他们各自存物柜上的号码。
    Only later did she find out that the figures after each pupil's name stood for their locker numbers.
  • 他每晚都去小酒馆,到周末口袋就不一文了。
    He went to the pub every night, and at the end of the week he didn't have a shot in his locker.
  • 他希望当一火车司机。
    He'd like to be a locomotive driver.
  • 欧拉,莱奥哈尔德1707-1783瑞士数学家,尤其他对微积分的开创性贡献,以及他的复数、对数、三角函数和月球运动等理论而闻于世
    Swiss mathematician particularly noted for his full development of integral calculus and for his theories of complex numbers, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, and lunar motion.
  • 她还要保管书,记录每天有多少人来,他们的字,以及他们的要求。
    She also kept the books, logging in how many kids showed up each day, who they were, and any comments they might have.
  • 目前中国仍有32军事观察员分别在“联合国中东停战监督组织”、“联合国伊拉克--科威特观察团”、“联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团”3个维和任务区执行任务。1997年5月,中国政府决定原则上参加联合国维和待命安排,并将在适当时候向联合国维和行动提供军事观察员、民事警察和工程、医疗、运输等后勤保障分队。
    China still has 32 military observers serving with the UNTSO, UNIKOM and MINURSO. In May 1997, the Chinese government decided that in principle China would take part in the UN's stand-by arrangements and would provide military observers, civilian policemen, and engineering, medical, transportation and other logistic service teams in due time for UN peace-keeping operations.
  • 他虽然又有钱又有,但很孤独。
    For all his wealth and fame, he's a very lonely man.
  • (因为时已久)著的;传统的
    Famous through being long established
  • 龙井茶又长寿延年茶。
    Long Tea is also called the Longevity Tea.
  • 如今本乡住在东京西南约615英里的九州岛鹿儿市的一座老人院里,这一地区素以居民的长寿而闻
    She lives in a nursing home in Kagoshima, a city about 615 miles southwest of Tokyo on the island of Kyushu, which has reputation for record-breaking longevity among its residents.
  • "这位著的演员即使年老了,他仍保持着好看的容貌。"
    The famous actor kept his good looks even in old age.
  • 我为一家大公司工作,但我仅是个小人物,20管理定货者之一。
    I work for a large company but I'm only a small fish, one of twenty looking after the stock ordering.
  • 他拍摄的最著的照片之一是,1941年6月7日德军空袭后,在浓烟和烈火中隐约可见的圣保罗大教堂圆顶。
    One of his most famous images is of the dome of St.Paul's Cathedral looming through the smoke and fire after a German bombing raid on June 7,1941.
  • 英国的驾驶员们抓住这个惊人的法律漏洞,只要空着罚款单上签一栏不填,就可以逃避罪责了。
    An amazing loophole in the British law means motorists can escape conviction if they leave the space for their names blank.
  • 1977年纽约有的停电造成许多抢劫及其他犯罪。
    The famous black out in new york city in 1977 cause a lot of crime and loot.
  • 妄称上帝之名
    Took the name of the Lord in vain.
  • 他叫什么名字?
    Li What's his name?