  •  旧西藏的法典被废除,人不再为三等九级,各种野蛮刑罚被禁止,私设的监狱被全部拆除。
    Now old Tibet's codes have been abrogated. Citizens are no longer divided into three classes and nine ranks. All sorts of barbarous punishments are prohibited and privately established prisons have all been dismantled.
  • 的黎波里北非历史上的一个工区,大约与古代的黎波里塔尼亚地区同时期存在,16世纪该地区成为巴巴里诸国的一部,后来归属土耳其和意大利管辖
    A historical region of northern Africa roughly coextensive with the ancient region of Tripolitania. It became part of the Barbary States in the16th century and later passed to Turkey and Italy.
  • 弯曲部,有钩部曲线形或长倒刺的动植物部
    A curved or barbed plant or animal part.
  • 带刺铁丝网上尖的部
    the pointed part of barbed wire.
  • 泌毒液的大型鳐,其鞭形的尾部生有有毒的背棘,能造成严重的伤害。
    large venomous ray with large barbed spines near the base of a thin whiplike tail capable of inflicting severe wounds.
  • 当罗纳尔多在亚特兰大时,psv别与巴赛罗纳及因特米兰俱乐部谈判。
    When Ronaldo was in Atlanta, PSV was negotiating with both Barcelona and Inter Milan.
  • 道·琼斯红利策略道·琼斯红利策略是一整套购买便宜股票的系统。通过它所买到的股票都有很高的红利(配给股东的公司收入)。和收相比,它们出售的价格很低。
    The Dow Dividend Strategy The Dow Dividend Strategy is a system for buying bargains stocks with high dividends (company earnings distributed to shareholders ) that are selling at low prices compared to those earnings.
  • 内河驶轮上的生活,即使在情况最好时也不自在而且十单调。
    Life on a river barge was, at the best of times, uncomfortable and monoto-nous.
  • 1895年,威廉·伦琴偶然发现阴极射线管能使涂有一层氰亚铂酸盐钡的薄相纸发光,甚至当阴极射线管和相纸别放在不同的房间时也能发光。
    In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.
  • 沸石水合的铝硅酸盐矿物的一种,它的子包括钠、钾、钙、锶、钡的阳离子或相同的人工化合物,主要用于子过滤和离子交换的催化剂
    Any one of a family of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, whose molecules enclose cations of sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, or barium, or a corresponding synthetic compound, used chiefly as molecular filters and ion-exchange agents.
  • 长石任何一组由大量岩石形成的矿物,主要存在于火成岩、深成岩以及一些变性的岩石中,含有钾、钠、钙及极少的钠的铝硅酸盐,地球的外层地壳中约百之六十是长石
    Any of a group of abundant rock-forming minerals occurring principally in igneous, plutonic, and some metamorphic rocks, and consisting of silicates of aluminum with potassium, sodium, calcium, and, rarely, barium. About60 percent of the earth's outer crust is composed of feldspar.
  • 有好几个星期,狗的吠叫使特纳一家与邻居的关系十紧张。
    The dog's barking kept the Turners at swords' points with their neighbours for weeks.
  • 西班牙巴洛克建筑的西班牙和其拉丁美洲殖民地的巴洛克建筑方式或与之相关的,以精细的和过的装饰为特点
    Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.
  • 劳务杂役派给士兵的一年一次或两次的杂役(如打扫军营)
    Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.
  • 近20年来,军队先后向地方开放101个机场,开放和腾让29个港口码头、300多条铁路专用线、90条通信线路、1000多个仓库、300多万平方米军事用地及部营房设施。
    Over the past 20 years China's armed forces have opened 101 airports to the public, and opened or surrendered 29 harbors and docks, more than 300 special railway lines, 90 telecommunications lines, 1,000-some warehouses and over three million square meters of land on former military reserves and some barracks facilities.
  • 这项法案是一项“政治肥”的办法。
    This bill is a "pork barrel" proposition.
  • 桶或盒子的突出部分
    The bulging part of a barrel or cask.
  • 炮尾武器的枪炮炮管后面的部
    The part of a firearm behind the barrel.
  • 解的桶;用来存储或装船。
    a disassembled barrel; the parts packed for storage or shipment.
  • 长有毛状叶的石松;广泛布于美国东部和东南部贫瘠的沙地或泥炭沼泽地区。
    ground pine thickly covered with bristly leaves; widely distributed in barren sandy or peaty moist coastal regions of eastern and southeastern United States.
  • 士兵们向暴乱子设置的街垒发起了猛攻.
    The soldiers stormed the barricades erected by the rioting crowd.
  • 政府运用公帑提供法律援助,为符合资格的人士视需要委聘代表律师或大律师,以确保有充理据提出诉讼或抗辩的人不会因为经济能力不足而不能采取法律行动。
    Eligible applicants receive legal aid in court proceedings through the services of a solicitor or barrister as necessary to ensure that any person who has reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending a legal action is not prevented from doing so by lack of means.
  • 政府运用公帑提供法律援助,为符合资格的人士按需要委聘代表律师或大律师,确保有充理据提出诉讼或抗辩的人不会因为经济能力不足而不能采取法律行动。
    Eligible applicants receive legal aid through the provision of the services of a solicitor and a barrister in court proceedings, as necessary, to ensure that any person who has reasonable grounds for pursuing or defending a legal action is not prevented from doing so by lack of means.
  • 巴里在发免税香烟,但却没有给我。
    Barry handed round some of his duty-free cigarettes but I didn't get a look in.
  • 我生活中的许多事都与计划背道而驰。可我相信那都是一个更大计划的组成部?
    Nothing in my life is going as I planned it, but l know it's all a part of a bigger plan." Barry chuckled.
  • 该交响曲结束部各节中的弦乐全为弱化音.
    The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony.
  • 节拍将音乐成拍子和小节的
    Division into measures or bars.
  • 音乐小节之间标志界线的垂直线。
    a vertical line marking the boundary between musical bars.
  • 酒吧招待拼命劝那小伙子喝点威士忌酒,但那小伙子十坚定,不为所动。
    The bartender endeavoured to persuade the lad to drink some whisky, but he was as firm as a rock against temptation.
  • 如果已给群众,则应说服群众归还,或由政府用其他东西从群众手中换回发还。
    if they have been distributed to the masses, we should persuade the masses to return them, or the government should barter with the masses for their return.
  • 在社区中,一个人可以为大家制造斧头或矛头,而大家则把狩猎所得的一部给他,这就是易货贸易的模式。
    One man in a community might make axe-heads or spearheads for all the rest, and they would give him a share of the proceeds of the hunt. That is the barter model;
  • 而生产工精细化,贸易与经济依存度提升的结果,从世纪末的金融风暴中可以看得一清二楚,经济活动不再是单纯的生产和交易、或互补有无的事情,而是人类满足各种欲望的手段,其中包含强权与弱者之间的不平等关系。
    The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.