  • 蒲公欧亚大陆的一种菊科植物(药蒲公蒲公属),长有许多放射状的黄色花头,和具有很深锯齿状的基生叶。在北美洲是一种生长很广的野草,用来做沙拉和制酒
    A Eurasian plant(Taraxacum officinale) of the composite family having many-rayed yellow flower heads and deeply notched basal leaves. Widely naturalized as a weed in North America, it is used in salads and to make wine.
  • 由于入口直径只有6尺,它几乎不可能被人们察觉。
    As it is only six feet across, it is barely noticeable.
  • 早期对国的空袭是非常明显的,有人听到一位海军军官对另一人开玩笑说:“什么!你要当水兵?这么说你是表示害怕啰。”
    The early attacks on Britain from the air were noticeable enough for a naval officer to be heard saying playfully to another. "What! Going to sea, are you? So you are showing the white feather!"
  • 最值得注意的是,国学生到美国去读学位的趋势日渐增强,今年的数量将首次突破1000人的心理防线。
    Most noticeably, there is a growing trend of British students' taking degrees in American universities. This year the number will break the psychological barrier of 1,000 students for the first time.
  • 一百万镑可以写作“1m”或“1后面加六个零(即1,000,000)”。
    A million pounds can be written as "1m" or as one and six noughts.
  • 绝大多数语的形容词位于他们修饰的名词前。
    Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify.
  • 谁是你最喜爱的国小说家?
    Who is your favorite English novelist?
  • 黎里,约翰1554?-1606国剧作家和小说家,写了许多对国戏剧产生深远影响的喜剧
    English playwright and novelist who wrote a number of comedies that influenced English drama.
  • 能说某种外国语的国商人仍可算是新奇人物
    A British businessman who can speak a foreign language is still something of a novelty
  • 没有任何地方他们能推进到7里以上。
    Nowhere had they advanced more than seven miles.
  • 语式法语以大量外来语为特点的法语
    French characterized by numerous borrowings from English.
  • 负责照料“没名”病童的保育员杨金介绍说,凯特-布莱维特等人在进入病儿室时让她留在门外不要进去,而片子中却说,保育人员都不愿进入这间病房。
    Yang Jinying, the nurse who was responsible for looking after the ``nameless'' child, said that after Blewett and others entered the sick child's room, they told Yang to stay outside. Contrary to fact, the television program claimed that nurses hardly ever went into that room.
  • 在一场不义战争中雄式的战士与护士
    Soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war.
  • 他让人从这块像树上锯下12尺长的木块。
    He had a 12-foot length measured off from a piece of oak.
  • 国用法)加糖的麦片粥,由木薯粉或面粉、燕麦片快速在牛奶或水里煮熟。
    (British usage) sweetened porridge made of tapioca or flour or oatmeal cooked quickly in milk or water.
  • 燕麦是一种谷物,在格兰一般用来喂马,但苏格兰则靠它来养人。
    Oats: a grain which in england in generally give to horse, but in scotland support the people.
  • 谷类各种禾谷类作物中的任一种,尤指某特定地区的主要作物,例如格兰的小麦或苏格兰的燕麦
    Any of various cereal plants or grains, especially the principal crop cultivated in a particular region, such as wheat in England or oats in Scotland.
  • 仅仅在国,就有100多万16岁以下的儿童被归为超重或者肥胖一族,比80年代中期多了一倍。
    In the UK alone, more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese - double the number in the mid-Eighties.
  • 服务员招待周到。他们不会讲语,可是也想方设法解决我的问题。
    The attendants are obliging and managed to cope with me without being able to speak English.
  • 短的语单词(通常有四个字母)被认为是淫秽或另人讨厌的意思。
    any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive.
  • 没有名气的家族;战争中的无名雄。
    an obscure family; unsung heroes of the war.
  • 不信奉国教的人新教教会的一个成员,他不遵从国家的或已建立的教会的教义、习惯做法或政体,尤指国教会
    A member of a Protestant church not observing the doctrines, usage, or polity of a national or established church, especially the Church of England.
  • 草舍的主人叫徐祺,文名叫rebecca,温柔漂亮的rebecca自幼痴迷于古老且现代的中国民俗文化。
    The hostess of this cottage is Xu Qi, a mild and beautiful girl, whose English name is Rebecca. When she was a little girl, Rebecca was obsessed by Chinese folk customs.
  • 旧制可变长度单位约等于里。
    an obsolete unit of distance of variable length (usually 3 miles).
  • 基尔德坎国旧时容量单位,相当于约18加伦(68升)
    An obsolete English measure of capacity equal to about18 gallons(68 liters).
  • 他要打破国人的顽固而折断了牙齿。
    He bit the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth.
  • 他要打破国的顽固而折断了牙齿。
    He bit the file to english obstinacy and break his teeth.
  • 他要打破国的顽固而折断了牙齿。
    He bitted the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth.
  • 二十年来,波兰政府一贯地反对苏联,在法苏谈判中,坚决地拒绝苏联军队的援助。
    For twenty years the Polish government consistently opposed the Soviet Union and, during the talks between Britain, France and the Soviet Union, it obstinately rejected the Soviet offer to help it with troops.
  • 国硬币的正面有女王的头像.
    The head of the Queen appears on the obverse of British coins.
  • 国硬币的正面有女王的头像
    The head of the queen appears on the obverse of British coin
  • 我们整天驱车,但离大海还有100里。
    The day's drive still left us a hundred miles short of the ocean.