  • 所有三色紫罗兰圃在酷热的夏天里都腐烂了。
    Entire beds of pansies have shanked off during a very hot summer.
  • 一种欧洲长期培植的普通草本植物,多数园圆三色堇的始祖。
    a common and long cultivated European herb from which most common garden pansies are derived.
  • 堇菜一种堇菜属的植物,包括紫罗兰和圆三色堇,尤指朵大小形状象紫罗兰、色彩象圆三色堇的一种植物
    A plant of the genus Viola, which includes the violets and pansies, especially a variety having flowers resembling violets in size and shape and pansies in coloration.
  • 美国东部普通紫罗兰,巨大的浅蓝色或紫色,类似圆三色堇。
    common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies.
  • 妈认为要是给爸爸买一顶草帽,他就不再肯钱买牛仔帽了。
    She also thought that if she spent money for a straw hat, Papa would not spend any money to buy a cowboy hat.
  • 像纸的瓣;黄蜂用像纸一样的材料筑穴。
    papery leaves; wasps that make nests of papery material.
  • 澳洲西南一种像纸一样的开亮丽的粉红色雏菊状冠的植物;可做干燥剂。
    flower of southwestern Australia having bright pink daisylike papery flowers; grown for drying.
  • 桦一种桦属的落叶树木或灌木,生长于北半球,生有柔荑序,互生、单茎齿状叶子的单性以及经常脱去薄如纸层的树皮
    Any of various deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus Betula, native to the Northern Hemisphere and having unisexual flowers in catkins, alternate, simple, toothed leaves, and bark that often peels in thin papery layers.
  • 鸟目,由鹦鹉、巴西鹦鹉、葵鹦鹉、小五彩鹦鹉、五彩鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、长尾鹦鹉等组成。
    an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets.
  • 这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是天酒地。
    What these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and helling around.
  • (木)髓许多生植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成
    The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.
  • 大部分家长都会明白我下面这段话的意思:我了许多时间鼓励我的孩子们独立;许多个夜晚我念着出自父母口中的祈祷:亲爱的主啊,别让他们伤害自己。
    Most of the parents will understand when I tell you that I spent many days encouraging my kids to be independent and many nights whispering the parent's prayer: "Dear God don't let them hurt themselves.
  • 这座房子面向花园。
    The house faces the park.
  • 当你在都市里散步的时候,你看见大街上有美容室、鲜店和运输公司,后边一条街上有药店、食品杂货店、铁器店、理发店、洗衣店、小餐馆和报摊。
    And as you take a stroll through the city, you see that back of the main avenue with beauty parlors and flower shops and shipping firms is another street with drug stores, grocery stores, hardware shops, barber shops, laundries, cheap eating places, news-stands.
  • 镶木细工制作镶地板的工艺或程序
    The art or process of making parquetry.
  • 用镶花地板装修
    To furnish with a floor of parquetry.
  • 把(如,地板)做成镶式样
    To make(a floor, for example) of parquetry.
  • 莳萝,枯茗一种产于地中海地区的伞形科一年生草本植物(莳萝枯茗),生有纹路纤细的叶子,开白色或粉色的小
    An annual Mediterranean herb(Cuminum cyminum) in the parsley family, having finely divided leaves and clusters of small white or pink flowers.
  • 芫荽一种一年生的欧亚芳香型草本植物(芫荽属芫荽),属伞形科,有伞形叶片,小的介于白与淡粉红色的伞状序。种植它为了收获其可食性果实,叶芽和根
    An aromatic annual Eurasian herb(Coriandrum sativum) in the parsley family, having parsleylike leaves and umbels of tiny white to pinkish flowers. It is cultivated for its edible fruits, leafy shoots, and roots.
  • 新税法通过的时候,纳税人发现政府将棉的税率又提高了6%。
    When the new tax laws were passe, the taxpayers found that the government had clapped another 6% on cotton.
  • 轻轻拍打着窗户。
    Snowflakes were patting against the window.
  • 约翰趁妻子还没发现把破碎的瓶补好了。
    John patched up the broken vase before his wife noticed it.
  • 杂色马,马一匹有白色或另外一种色斑的马
    A horse with patchy markings of white and another color.
  • 杂色的;有斑纹的,斑的
    Patchy in color; splotched or piebald.
  • 有灰色或棕色的条纹、图案或斑点;特别用来指猫的皮毛上的纹。
    having a gray or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of the patterned fur of cats.
  • 花郎道
    the path of talented
  • 花朵点缀在小径上。
    Flowers fringe the path.
  • 两腿发僵在园小道上走著
    Stumping up the garden path
  • 园小径上到处都是杂草。
    Weeds cumbered the garden paths.
  • 一种装饰性园;由床和小路形成的某种式样。
    an ornamental flower garden; beds and paths are arranged to form a pattern.
  • 坛,圃在坛和小路上形成某种式样的装饰性
    An ornamental flower garden having the beds and paths arranged to form a pattern.
  • 衣料上的图案花
    a pattern of flowers on dress material