Chinese English Sentence:
  • 而我呢,虽玛格丽特任何一件用品上都没有我姓名的开头字母,可是我刚才承认过的那种出于本能的宽容和那种天生的怜悯,使我对她的死久久不能忘怀,虽说她也许并不值得我如此想念。
    For my own part, though my monogram figured on none of Marguerite's dressing-cases, the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which I have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted.
  • 他们只用天颜料染毛.
    They used only natural pigments to dye the wool.
  • 我们仍保持警惕,加固堤坝的工作继续进行。
    We remained on guard and the work of strengthening the dyke continued.
  • 后,此服务器从目录中挑选出政策信息,按照规定的政策动态配置网络。
    The server then culls policy information from the directory and dynamically configures the network based on the defined policies.
  • 后产生了cgi(公共网关接口)。在用户向由html标记构成的输入方框送入参数和提交给cgi之后,cgi通过动态反馈页面使页面活动起来。
    Then there is the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) to make the pages alive by dynamically feeding back a page to the user after he has entered the parameters to the input boxes formed by HTML tag and submitted to the CGI.
  • 航天动力学,天体动力学将天及人工天体推入外层空间的动力学
    The dynamics of natural and human-made bodies in outer space.
  • 哲学;物理学;物理学和力学
    Science of physics, or physics and dynamics
  • 迪纳摩队仍保持2比1的比分。
    Dynamo still kept the score of2-1.
  • 迪纳摩队仍保持2比1的比分。
    Dynamo still kept the score of 2 - 1.
  • 后他杀死了老鹰解放了朱庇特的囚徒。
    Thereupon he kills the eagle; and sets Jove's victim free.
  • 朱然墓犀皮耳杯
    Eared Lacquer Cup with a Rhinoceros Leather body from the Tomb of Zhu Ran
  • 这样,我们就早点开始。
    In this case, let's start earlier.
  • 官员们都漠置之,并不认真对待。
    The officials were holding loose and not in earnest.
  •  以大华银行政府债券指数衡量的债券,虽赚取比股票高的回报的可能性低,但是波动比较没有那么大。
    Bonds, measured by the UOB Government Bond Index, are less volatile although the probability of earning higher returns than equities is lower.
  • 他在18日的会议上向媒体代表说:"我们所谈论的是剔除一些最荒谬的广告,比如减肥耳环,减肥鞋垫,减肥药,在广告中宣称顾客可以想吃就吃,照样减肥,还有减肥产品号称"30天减掉30磅",按照自法则这是绝不可能实现的。
    "We are talking about screening out the most egregious examples - weight-loss earrings or shoe insoles, pills that tell consumers they can eat whatever they want and still lose weight, and products that make physically implausible promises like 'lose 30 pounds in 30 days,'" the chairman told media representatives at a meeting Tuesday.
  • 霍桑说他每年都会收到1,000多个类似景象的报道,但是其中80%都被明确证实是地球上的一些飞行物或自现象造成的。
    He said that of the more than 1,000 sightings reported to him each year, more than 80 percent turn out to have earthly explanations.
  • 占星术,占星学研究天体位置及外观的学术,并相信它们会影响地球上出现的自现象及人类事务的发展进程
    The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
  • 前不久英国国王和英国百姓才得到一些人世间的消息。那是从远在美洲的英国臣民的国会传来的。说来奇怪,这些信息对于人类的影响竟比雄鸡巷魔鬼的子孙们的预言还要巨大。
    Mere messages in the earthly order of events had lately come to the English Crown and People, from a congress of British subjects in America: which, strange to relate, have proved more important to the human race than any communications yet received through any of the chickens of the Cock-lane brood.
  • 地壳的应力似乎在积累着。直到岩层产生裂缝移位为止,这往往全引起大的自地震。
    Strains in the earth's crest seem to pile up, mail the rock formations break with cracks into new positions, often causing large natural earthquakes.
  • 而又流畅地发言。
    speak naturally and easily.
  • 彬格莱先生同样有这个打算,并且一度打算就在自己故乡购置,不过目前他既有了一幢很好的房子,而且有庄园听他任意使用,于是那些了解他性格的人都说,象他这样一个随遇而安的人,下半辈子恐怕就在尼日斐花园度过,购置田产的事又要留给下一代去做了。
    Mr. Bingley intended it likewise, and sometimes made choice of his county; but as he was now provided with a good house and the liberty of a manor, it was doubtful to many of those who best knew the easiness of his temper, whether he might not spend the remainder of his days at Netherfield, and leave the next generation to purchase.
  • 我从(人群的)背后插入,后左避右闪地慢慢穿过人群。
    I came in at the back and started easing my way through the crowd.
  • 所有这些谈话和旅行显对克林顿的精神健康有好处,这有助于他由总统到平民角色的转换。
    All the talking and traveling is apparently good for Clinton's mental health, easing the transition from the frenzy of the presidency.
  • 隔夜拆息由五月下旬约五厘的水平,上升至八月中6.75厘的高位,后逐渐回落,在五至六厘之间徘徊。
    Overnight interest rates edged up from around 5 per cent in late May to peak at 6.75 per cent in mid-August, before easing back to around 5-6 per cent thereafter.
  • 七年期和十年期外汇基金债券收益率由三月初开始上升,于六月中升至最高位,后逐步回落,并于十一月中分别回落至7%和7.3%。
    The yields of both seven-year and 10-year Exchange Fund Notes increased from early March to peak at mid-June before easing gradually to around 7 per cent and 7.3 per cent respectively in mid-November.
  • 在吃复活节大餐时,我忽忍不住大笑出来。
    During the Easter meal, a giant laugh choked my throat.
  • 喽,正是由于你在印度尼西亚的体验使你萌发灵感写了电影《东方的月亮》。
    And of course it is your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film eastern moon.
  • 我们沿着这条航线行驶到下午时分,后向东驶。
    We followed the course until well into the afternoon, then we bore off to the eastward.
  • 欧洲一体化的理念正在实现中,欧洲也正向东发展,德国必会发挥重要的作用。面对这些新的发展形势,我们必须确保香港继续与德国维持既往紧密的关系,这是至为重要的。
    At a time when the 'Euro' is becoming a reality, when Europe is expanding eastward, when Germany surely will be playing a leading role, it will be very important for Hong Kong to be sure that our relationship with Germany is as strong as ever.
  • 尽管她有一双美腿,但与这位新近离异,且大名鼎鼎的"母夜叉"并肩作战,尼克显兴味索
    Nick is clearly not too thrilled to work side by side with this recently divorced and reputed “ man eater,” despite her great pair of legs.
  • 我妹妹每天都吃天食品,但是我不吃。
    My sister eats natural foods every day, but I don't.
  • "突间,一直在偷听的孩子们飞进屋来。
    " Suddenly the kids,who had been eavesdropping,flew into the room.