  • 近来委员会主席缪里斯正频频与媒体巨头会面,希望他们能做到行业内的自我规范。缪里斯认为市场上虚假的减肥广告数量有增无减,相比之下,法律法规的贯彻不足以与之抗衡。因为有许多广告是美国境外人士推的,有些则采用匿名或中间人的方式发行。
    FTC Chairman Timothy J. Muris has been meeting with media industry leaders to encourage self-regulation, saying that law enforcement can't keep up with the growing number of phony weight-loss schemes - many run by people outside the United States or hiding behind aliases or middlemen.
  • 但假若不愿意在这种情况下现别名,又该怎么操作呢?
    But what if you don’t want aliasing to occur in this case?
  • 用有灰度的象素值去平滑锯齿形边缘的现,以减小混叠效应的可见性的处理技术。
    The process of reducing the visibility of aliasing by using gray scale pixel values to smooth the appearance of jagged edges.
  • 阿利期设计一种新的发型。
    Alice worked out a new hair do.
  • 艾丽斯在学校演的戏剧中担任主角。
    Alice has the lead in the school play.
  • 他作为一个不受欢迎的外国人被驱逐境。
    He is deported as an undesirable alien.
  • 把不受欢迎的外国人从国家中驱逐
    Expulsion of an undesirable alien from a country.
  • 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐境。
    She is declared an undesirable alien and deport.
  • 我们地方的荷花又在这陌生的水上开了花,放同样的清香,只是名字换了。
    The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.
  • 先生们提的第二部分问题里,有关于所谓“限制异党”的问题,就是说,关于各地磨擦的问题。
    In the second group on your list, you raise the question of "restricting alien parties", that is, the question of the friction in various localities.
  • 现在现的一些问题,反映我们较长时间以来相当地脱离群众。
    The problems that are arising now show that we have been quite alienated from the people for a considerable time.
  • 英国教师及讲师协会主席迈克尔·穆尔4月16日指,英国的课程设置太过枯燥,以至于学生对学校产生了疏离厌恶的情绪。
    The national curriculum is so boring that children are becoming alienated and disruptive at school, Michael Moore, president of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said yesterday.
  • 五十年节,禧年犹太教《圣经》中以色列人遵守的每50年一次的休息年,这一年中奴隶获得释放,抵押去的土地归还原主,土地休耕
    In the Hebrew Scriptures, a year of rest to be observed by the Israelites every50th year, during which slaves were to be set free, alienated property restored to the former owners, and the lands left untilled.
  • 现在有些同志却超资本主义的范围,甚至也不只是针对资本主义劳动异化的残余及其后果,而是说社会主义存在异化,经济领域、政治领域、思想领域都存在异化,认为社会主义在自己的发展中,由于社会主体自身的活动,不断产生异己的力量。
    Yet in discussing alienation some of our comrades go beyond capitalism; some even ignore the remaining alienation of labour under capitalism and its consequences. Rather, they allege that alienation exists under socialism and can be found in the economic, political and ideological realms, that in the course of its development socialism constantly gives rise to a force of alienation, as a result of the activities of the main body of the society.
  • 人道主义和异化论,是目前思想界比较突的问题。
    This confusion about humanism and the theory of alienation is a very serious problem among people working in the ideological sphere.
  • 如果石油碰到火星,就会现可怕的火灾。
    If this oil should catch alight, there would be a terrible fire.
  • 那可爱的小男孩立即做反应,双臂搂着狗脖子,朝我们转过头,欣喜若狂地问,“这会是我的狗吗?”
    In response, this darling little boy threw his arms around the dog’s neck and turned toward us. His face alight with ecstasy, he cried, “can this be my dog?
  • 她充满着年轻人的热烈幻想,虽然漂亮,她还只是一个正在发育阶段的美人胎子。不过从她的身段已经可以看将来发育成熟时的美妙体态了。她的眼睛里透着天生的聪明。她是一个典型的美国中产阶级少女--她们家已是移民的第三代了。
    Warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class--two generations removed from the emigrant.
  • 耶稣受洗后,马上从水中来;这时,天忽然开了。他看到圣灵象鸽子一样从天而降,落在了他身上。天上传下一个声音来说:“这就是我所宠爱的爱子。”
    After baptism Jesus came up out of the water at once, and at that moment heaven opened; he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove to alight upon him; and a voice from heaven was heard saying,‘This is my Son, my Beloved, on whom my favor rests.'
  • 卑鄙的报复总是阴险地做的——约翰·东尼;老牌的贵族外交家阴险地破坏了为了德国与西方民主国家联盟所做的努力——c·g·保尔斯。
    Mean revenge, committed underhand- John Donne; oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt...to align Germany with the Western democracies- C.G.Bowers.
  • 双目镜片没有调好时会现重影
    Binocular lenses that are out of alignment will yield a double image.
  • 基准兵位于一行士兵最左或最右的士兵,以使队列成一条直线、保持方向或标志基准点
    A soldier stationed at the right or left of a column of marchers to control alignment, show direction, or mark the point of pivot.
  • 楚兵渡河以后,还未排列成阵,宋国官员又请求击。宋襄公又说:不可,因为君子不攻击不成阵势的队伍。
    When the Chu troops had crossed the river but had not yet completed their battle alignment, the officer again proposed an immediate attack, and once again the Duke said, "No, a gentleman should never attack an army which has not yet completed its battle alignment."
  • 这些小猫看上去一模一样--你怎麽能分哪个是哪个?
    These kittens look exactly alike how can you tell which is which?
  • 我总是分不这对姐妹, 她们看上去简直一模一样.
    I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike.
  • 消化道或其它管状结构肌肉的波状移动,通过这种方式使里面的东西移至口外。
    the process of wave-like muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along.
  • 肛门消化道下端的开口,固态废物由此排体外
    The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated from the body.
  • 蠕动消化道或其它管状结构肌肉的波状移动,通过这种方式使里面的东西移至口外
    The wavelike muscular contractions of the alimentary canal or other tubular structures by which contents are forced onward toward the opening.
  • 前肠脊椎动物消化道的前部,由此产生咽、肺、食管、胃、肝脏、胰和十二指肠
    The anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal of a vertebrate from which the pharynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum develop.
  • 我们的邻居charlesalison船长明天将从朴次茅斯海。
    Our neighbour Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmonth tomorrow.
  • 我不敢大声说,甚至也不敢低声向艾莉森说我的心里话。
    I did not dare to speak aloud or even whisper to Alison what was in my mind.
  • 钫从碱金属锕或钍中人工提炼的一种极不稳定的放射线元素,约有19种同位素,其中最稳定的是半衰期为21分钟的fr223。原子序数为87;化合价为1
    An extremely unstable radioactive element of the alkali metals, produced artificially from actinum or thorium, having approximately19 isotopes, the most stable of which is Fr223 with a half-life of21 minutes. Atomic number87; valence1.