  • 巴布亚新几亚所使用的货币单位。
    the basic unit of money in Papua New Guinea.
  • 巴布亚新几亚首府和最大城市。
    the capital and largest city of Papua New Guinea.
  • 巴布亚的,巴布亚人(语)的属于巴布亚新几亚或新几亚的民族、语言或文化的或与之有关的
    Of or relating to the peoples, languages, or cultures of Papua New Guinea or New Guinea.
  • 1974年,葡萄牙承认几亚比绍。
    Portugal recognized Guinea - Bissau in 1 9 7 4.
  • 用于制几亚硬币的克拉的黄金。
    22-karat gold from which guinea coins were made.
  • 位于几亚湾的一个西部非洲共和国。
    a republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea.
  • 澳大利亚和新几亚林区的黑冢雉。
    black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea.
  • 亚比绍的基本货币单位。
    the basic unit of money in Guinea-Bissau; equal to 100 centavos.
  • 属于或关于几亚、几亚居民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Guinea or its inhabitants.
  • 只在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛和新几亚发现的原始卵生哺乳动物。
    primitive oviparous mammals found only in Australia Tasmania and New Guinea.
  • 新几亚东北部太平洋西南部的一组岛屿。
    a group of islands in the southwestern Pacific northeast of New Guinea.
  • 澳洲和新几亚松类植物;木质轻,有平滑纹理。
    pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood.
  • 所罗门列岛中最大的一个;巴布亚新几亚的一个省。
    the largest of the Solomon Islands; a province of Papua New Guinea.
  • 新几亚岛东半部的一个议会制民主主义国家。
    a parliamentary democracy on the eastern half of the island of New Guinea.
  • 我们没有受伤,因为我们不在敌人炮火的奢侈之
    We are not injured, because we in not is in enemy's gunfire luxurious.
  • 进入叙利亚班领土的20分钟后,在周三的晚上摩哈默德.里兹.迪伯离开经济舱,向一位乘务员喊叫并向机舱开枪,一位名叫abeerbittar----来自宾西法尼亚纽卡斯尔的叙裔美籍家庭主妇回忆道。
    Twenty minutes into the Syria-bound flight, Mahmoud Rizq Deeb walked from the economy class Wednesday night, screamed at a flight attendant and sprayed the aircraft with gunfire, recalled passenger Abeer Bittar, a Syrian-American housewife from New Castle, Pa.
  • 机心枪机可通过主发条运作推动击铁向前的机伴
    A piece in a gunlock that forces the hammer forward by action of the mainspring.
  • 我并不是说在这段漫长的时期没有技术发展,技术发展是有的——甚至有两项发明具有极大的重要性,即火药和航海指南针。但是,就其革命的影响力而言,这两项发明都不能同诸如语言和文字以及农业的发展相比。
    I do not mean to suggest that there was no technical progress during this long time; there was progress there were even two inventions of very great importance, namely gunpowder and the rnariner's compass- but neither of these can be compared in their revolutionary power to such things as speech and writing and agriculture.
  • 我们尽量不进入敌人的炮火射程
    We were careful not to come within gunshot of the enemy.
  • 毫无内容;毫无价值
    Have no guts in sth.
  • 他的书内容贫乏。
    His book has no guts in it.
  • 那楝建筑物的部被火焚毁。
    The building was gutted by the fire.
  • 那座大工厂的部于几分钟全部烧毁。
    The huge factory was gutted in minutes.
  • 王平:除了刚说的游泳馆,还有田径馆、球类馆、体操馆、举重馆、拳击馆、武术馆等十几个室训练馆,还有许多室外训练场。
    Wang Ping: Except the indoor swimming pool as we mentioned just now, we have gymnasiums for track and field, gym, boxing,and wushu. In addition, we have many outdoor training fields.
  • 王平:除了刚说的游泳馆,还有田径馆、球类馆、体操馆、举重馆、拳击馆、武术馆等十几个室训练馆,还有许多室外训练场。
    Wang Ping: Except the indoor swimming pool as we mentioned just now, we have gymnasiums for track and field, gym, boxing, and wushu. In addition, we have many outdoor training fields.
  • 在最令人难忘的体育项目中,体操显得更为突出,这是因为一个名叫娜迪亚·科马奇的14岁女学生在正式的体操比赛中获得了第一个满分,即10分,之后她再接再厉共获得了7个满分。
    Of the most memorable of all athletic events, gymnastics stood out as Nadia Comaneci, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, captured the first perfect score, a 10, in official gymnastics competition. Later, she went on to register seven perfect scores.
  • 窥镜术在妇产科的应用
    endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics
  • 该院建立了门诊部、住院部、制药厂和藏医研究所、天文历算研究所,设有科、外科、妇产科、肿瘤科、胃肠病科、小儿科等门诊科室,还建立了预防保健、口腔、眼科、藏医外治科等20多个专科门诊,并设有放射、检验、b超、心电、胃镜等现代化的医技科室,除采用传统藏医医疗手段治疗疾病外,还采用西医与藏医相结合的方法治疗疾病,丰富和发展了藏医诊治手法和理论。
    The hospital has set up outpatient and inpatient departments, a pharmaceuticals factory, and research institutes of Tibetan medicine, astronomy and the calendar. It has a department of medicine, surgical department, department of gynecology and obstetrics, tumor department, gastrointestinal department and department of pediatrics to cater to outpatients. In addition, it has set up more than 20 special outpatient departments, such as the department for disease prevention and health protection, oral hygiene department, ophthalmological department and department of external Tibetan therapeutic medicine, and some modern medical and technical departments such as the departments of radiation, ultrasonic wave examination, electrocardioscopy and gastroscopy. The hospital has adopted the method of combining Western and Tibetan medicine to treat diseases, thereby enriching and developing Tibetan medical therapies and theories.
  • 以石膏为核心,外面包一层厚纸板或纤维板的墙板;它用作墙及天花板而无需涂灰泥。
    wallboard with a gypsum plaster core bounded to layers of paper or fiberboard; used instead of plaster or wallboard to make interior walls.
  • 回转稳定器一种稳定器具,由一个粗重的回转仪构成,回转仪的轴在垂直的平面旋转,这样可以减轻船只或飞机两侧的晃动
    An instrument having a heavy gyroscope whose axis spins in a vertical plane to reduce the side-to-side rolling of a ship or aircraft.
  • 吸一口乙醚会使你在几秒钟昏迷过去。
    A whiff of ether win put you out ha a few seconds.
  • 想偷盗,而不是在看护根据华盛顿大学的动物行为学家雷尼·罗比特·哈和詹姆斯·哈的说法,某些乌鸦忍不住要把爪子伸到邻伴的午餐盒里去。
    Stealing, Not Protecting According to animal behaviorists Renee Robinette Ha and James Ha of the University of Washington, some crows just can't keep their claws out of their neighbor's lunch box.