  • 俄罗斯必将重新统到欧洲中去。
    Russia must be reintegrated into Europe.
  • 监管释囚计划于九九六年底开始实施,规定若干类成年犯人须接受善后监管,以助他们改过自新,重新投入社会。
    The Post-release Supervision of Prisoners Scheme, which came into operation in late 1996, provides after-care supervision for certain categories of adult prisoners to facilitate their rehabilitation and reintegration into the society.
  • 新约圣经需要经常为接踵而来的每代重新加以解释。
    The New Testament needs constantly to be reinterpreted for each succeeding generaton.
  • 他极力提倡些历久不衰的亚洲价值观,认为它们比西方价值观优越,更加深方媒体对他的不友好态度。
    His strong advocacy on upholding certain time-tested Asian values, as being superior to those of the West, further alienated him to their media.
  • 《谜3》结合并重新诠释了这些元素,是"谜"前两部作品的种演进性的综合。
    ENIGMA 3 combined and reinterpreted these elements,providing an evolutionary synthesis of previous ENIGMA works.
  • 这种三民主义不是任何别的三民主义,乃是孙中山先生在《中国国民党第次全国代表大会宣言》中所重新解释的三民主义。
    The Three People's Principles as reinterpreted by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the Manifesto of the First National Congress of the Kuomintang, and no other.
  • 聪明的孙中山看到了这点,得了苏联和中国共产党的助力,把三民主义重新作了解释,遂获得了新的历史特点,建立了三民主义同共产主义的统战线,建立了第次国共合作,取得了全国人民的同情,举行了九二四年至九二七年的革命。
    Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his wisdom saw this point, secured the help of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party and reinterpreted the Three People's Principles so as to endow them with new characteristics suited to the times;as a result, a united front was formed between the Three People's Principles and communism, Kuomintang-Communist co-operation was established for the first time, the sympathy of the people of the whole country was won, and the revolution of 1924-27: was launched.
  • 其他美国选手的表现与帕克样,这还是自从1972年射箭比赛在奥运会上恢复以来美国选手第次空手而归(1980年除外,因为那年美国为了抵制莫斯科奥运会未派选手参赛)。
    Parker's performance mirrored the rest of the Americans, who failed to medal in archery for the first time-the 1980 boycott year excepted-since the sport's reintroduction to the Olympics in 1972.
  • sun公司的jini不是希望重新发明在线的互联网世界的操作系统的唯技术。
    Sun Microsystems' Jini isn't the only technology hoping to reinvent operating systems for an online, internetworked world.
  • 例如,当开发人员需要种特别的按钮时,他们不必每次都要重新开发这个玩意儿。
    For example, when developers want a special kind of button, they don't have to reinvent the wheel each time.
  • 她对mtv说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另个昙花现的人物。
    And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder.
  • 但是,最有价值的50名ceo在某些方面还有些共性:正直、远见卓识、对事情的专注能力、进行战略性冒险的勇气以及对公司和自身的坚定不移的信仰(这可以表现为他们愿意为公司再投资,并且将他们自己的命运同企业的命运紧密结合在起)。
    S Diverse as they are, however, the Worth 50 also all share certain key traits: integrity, vision, an ability to focus, a willingness to take strategic risks, and an unwavering belief in themselves and their companies (as demonstrated by their willingness both to reinvest corporate resources and to tie their personal fortunes to their enterprises).
  • 伊梅尔特:我认为有两个因素将起作用:是消费者的情况,二是何时会出现技术再投资。
    Immelt: The two factors I watch are what's happening with the consumer and when will technology reinvestment occur.
  • 资本主义种经济制度,在该制度中,生产资料和分配为私人或企业所有,生产的发展与从自由市场中所获利润的聚集和再投入成比例
    An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
  • 任何种财产,不论多么不适合于劳动者使用,但只要这种财产或得自这种财产的价值用于生产性再投资,它就是资本的部分。
    and all property, however ill adapted in itself for the use of labourers, is a part of capital, so soon as it, or the value to be received from it, is set apart for productive reinvestment.
  • 怎样重振众多的微机制造商:第要降低开支,扩大你公司经销商的基数,降低售价。
    How to reinvigorate a bloated PC-clone maker: First, cut costs, expand your dealer base, and slice prices.
  • 国家在西藏实行了系列比内地优惠得多的经济政策和灵活措施,以增强西藏经济的内部活力,加快西藏的经济建设。
    The central government has introduced a series of more preferential economic policies and more flexible measures compared to those enjoyed by the interior provinces and municipalities in order to reinvigorate Tibet's economy and speed up economic construction there.
  • 同时,也将为我国科技兴贸、技工贸相结合探索出条新的路子,为优化出口商品结构,促进我国对外贸易的可持续发展作出新的贡献。
    In the meantime, it may open a new avenue for China to reinvigorate trade with science and technology and combine technology, industry with trade, thus making new contributions to the optimization of China's export mix and sustainable development of foreign trade.
  • 昨天,丁勤时市长在次记者招待会中,对几位商界领袖们说:“曼哈顿南部是推动本市经济的发动机,”并宣布研究改善此地区的计划,设法使其复苏,并研拟本地的长期发展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • 九四七年重新颁布的三大纪律八项注意,内容上也有修改,“上门板”、“捆铺草”,改为“不打人骂人”、“不损坏庄稼”,“洗澡避女人”、“不搜俘虏腰包”,改为“不调戏妇女”、“不虐待俘虏”。
    When the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention were reissued in 1947, some revisions were again made in the content."Put back the doors you have taken down for bed-boards" and "put back the straw you have used for bedding" were replaced by "do not hit or swear at people" and "do not damage crops"."Do not bathe within sight of women" was changed to "do no take liberties with women", and "do not search the pockets of captives" became "do not ill-treat captives".
  • 香港芭蕾舞团于九九七年将多出舞剧搬上舞台,包括"雪国皇后"、艺术总监谢杰斐的"吉赛尔"、本地编舞家伍宇烈的"娃娃世界"、苏东美的"国王与夜莺"、颜以宁的"末代皇帝"及艺术总监谢杰斐的"胡桃夹子"。
    In 1997, the Hong Kong Ballet's performances included Snow Queen, a double bill of Artistic Director Stephen Jefferies' Giselle and local choreographer Yuri Ng's The School of the Dolls, and Domy Reiter-Soffer's The Emperor and the Nightingale. It premiered Wayne Eagling's The Last Emperor and Stephen Jefferies' The Nutcracker.
  • 现在所以仍然需要加以着重说明,是因为:第,群众路线是我们党的组织工作中的根本问题,是党章中的根本问题,是需要在党内反复进行教育的。
    There are several reasons why the mass line must again be explained with great emphasis: First, the mass line is of fundamental importance in the Party's organizational work and in the Party Constitution and therefore needs constant reiteration in Party education.
  • 我的篇论文被退回来了。
    One of my papers is reject.
  • 此外,道路安全议会继续统筹全港的道路安全事宜,该会是个谘询组织。
    The Road Safety Council, an advisory body, continues to co-ordinate all road safety matters in the territory.
  • 否认共产主义,实际上就是否认统战线。
    To reject communism is in fact to reject the united front.
  • 同人类样,母大猩猩拒绝与兄弟婚配。”
    " Female gorillas reject brothers, just as we do."
  • 因此,他们拒绝切政治行动,特别是切革命行动;
    Hence, they reject all political, and especially all revolutionary, action;
  • 拒绝--报告接受或拒绝个不正确的组件。
    Reject - reports the receipt and rejection of an incorrect component.
  • 像其他人样,他们未能抓住机会选对人。
    Like other people they reject chances of backing a right horse.
  • 新思想被接受,就是要把它抛弃的时候了。
    As soon as an idea is accepted it is time to reject it.
  • 种简单或傲慢的拒绝。
    a curt or disdainful rejection.
  • 顾问委员会要注意的第件事情,就是不要妨碍中央委员会的工作。
    First, the Central Advisory Commission has to be careful not to hinder the work of the Central Committee.