  • 我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的瓶。
    I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
  • 读懂这部中世纪的手稿要很大的力气。
    It requires great pains to spell out this medieval manuscript.
  • 他们很大气力在那里培植他们的势力。
    They took great pains to build up their influence there.
  • 我们漆天板用去了四听油漆。
    We used four tins of paint when we painted the ceiling.
  • 初升的太阳在草坪上投下了阴影。我们在油漆天板之前先用纸把家俱盖上
    The rising sun threw shadows across the lawn. We threw sheets over the furniture before we painted the ceiling.
  • 他一整天都在园里绘画。
    he painted all day in the garden; He painted a painting of the garden.
  • 花鸟画
    flowers and birds painting
  • 种子榨出的油,用作食物及用于医药和油漆。
    oil from safflower seeds used as food as well as in medicines and paints.
  • 我不知道是什么促使我干了这件事,但我确实了50英镑买了双新鞋子。
    I don't know what possessed me but I spent fifty pounds on a pair of new shoes.
  • 菱形玻璃板格窗上菱形或正方形方框的小玻璃
    A small diamond-shaped or square pane of glass in a latticed window.
  • 花由小货车运送。
    The flowers were delivered in a panel truck.
  • 用饰板装饰提供(例如给天板)下凹的装饰镶板
    To supply(a ceiling, for example) with decorative sunken panels.
  • 圆锥序的具圆锥序的或按圆锥状序排列的
    Growing or arranged in a panicle.
  • 具有淡红色线形叶子和圆锥序,暗黄色,上有紫色斑纹和红色或紫色的唇瓣;产于澳大利亚西南部。
    orchid with red-tinged linear leaves and panicle of purple-marked pale-yellow flowers with deep red or purple lip; southwestern Australia.
  • 一种无茎的植物,具有成簇的草状叶子和直立的、奶油般柔滑的白色小,其呈直立的圆锥序;产于墨西哥和美国的西南部。
    stemless plant with tufts of grasslike leaves and erect panicle of minute creamy white flowers; southwestern United States and Mexico.
  • 丁香属的任何一种植物,通常带有香味的组成大的圆锥序。
    any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers.
  • 任何属于c种的灌木,大多是白色的似羊毛的的圆锥序。
    any of various shrubs of the genus Conospermum with panicles of mostly white woolly flowers.
  • 产于东亚和澳大利亚的一个灌木和乔木属,圆锥序,大,白色或黄色。
    East Indian and Australian shrubs and trees having panicles of large white or yellow flowers.
  • 北美一个草本和灌木小属,放射状,排成顶生的圆锥序。
    small genus of North American herbs and shrubs with terminal panicles of small ray flowers.
  • 旧大陆灌木或长有艳丽的圆锥序的香的的矮树的一个属;丁香。
    genus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs.
  • 旧大陆热带的长有肉质的叶子的长青观赏灌木植物,大的粉白,圆锥序。
    tropical Old World ornamental evergreen shrubs having fleshy leaves and large panicles of white pink flowers.
  • 美国南方的小树,有开隐约白的圆锥序,结暗紫色果实。
    small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits.
  • 藜一种分布于世界各地的粗糙野草(反枝苋苋属),长有毛茸茸的叶子,和有绿的浓密侧面穗状序的紧凑的顶生圆锥
    A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers.
  • 加拿大飞蓬一种(加拿大飞蓬飞蓬属)属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小,呈圆锥
    A weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis) having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles.
  • 北美东部攀援植物,蔓生于其他植物之上,有许多奶油色白的圆锥序。
    common climber of eastern North America that sprawls over other plants and bears numerous panicles of small creamy white flowers.
  • 常青的象树的地中海灌木,有芳香的白,在大的终端圆锥序中和硬的木本的根,被用来做吸烟管。
    evergreen treelike Mediterranean shrub having fragrant white flowers in large terminal panicles and hard woody roots used to make tobacco pipes.
  • 热带美洲一个灌木状乔木和木本攀缘植物属,枝纤细,叶宽而扁平,大圆锥
    genus of tropical American shrubby trees and woody climbers having slender branches with broad flat leaves and large panicles of flowers.
  • 西印度群岛木质爬行植物,有带刺的茎干和带香味的白色组成的圆锥序,结黄色至橘红色的果实。
    West Indian woody scrambler with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers in panicles followed by small yellow to orange fruits.
  • 铁树亚洲东部的一种热带灌木(朱蕉朱蕉属),生有成簇细长的顶生叶和白色、黄色或红色的圆锥
    An eastern Asian tropical shrub(Cordyline terminalis) having a terminal tuft of long narrow leaves and panicles of white, yellowish, or reddish flowers.
  • 在中国和美国长有圆锥序的和稠密的果肉状的扁豆层的每年落叶的乔木的小属。
    small genus of deciduous trees of China and United States having paniculate flowers and thick pulpy pods.
  • 园植物,主要源自欧洲野圆三色堇,有各种颜色被绒毛的瓣。
    large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors.
  • 后来上帝指着兰和三色堇菜的瓣给他看,叫他用手指去抚摩那些柔润的瓣,问他道,那色泽不是很美妙吗?那个人说:“不。”
    Next God showed him the petals of the orchid and the pansy, and asked him to put out his fingers and touch gently their velvety lining and asked if the color scheme was not exquisite, and the man said, "No. " In His infinite patience.