  • "只要你定期它加点油,自行车就会运转得很好。"
    The bicycle works fine if you oil it regulally.
  • hanson和gretchen已说好要去,我们都希望你能同去我们讲解歌剧的妙处!
    Bill Hanson and Gretchen are going, and we all should like you to join us to explain the finer points of opera!
  • 如果他们的黑桃是4-1,分配,我就让一墩那Q。
    If their spade break4-1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
  • 如果他们的黑桃是4-1,分配,我就让一墩那q。
    If their spade break 4 - 1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.
  • 他把最好的图画指我看。
    He pointed out the finest pictures to me.
  • tmodelbag参数使你能搜索带有与特定的tmodel模式相匹配的商业实体,具体地来讲就是,这些商业实体包含的使用tmodelinstancedetails聚集表示的技术指纹信息与定的tmodel模式相匹配。返回的businesslist包含了与所有(逻辑与)传入的tmodelkey值匹配的businessinfo结构。
    The tModelBag argument lets you search for businesses that have bindings that expose a specific fingerprint within the tModelInstanceDetails collection. The returned businessList contains businessInfo structures that provide a summarized view of registered businessEntity data that contains bindingTemplate structures that match all of the tModel keys passed (logical AND by default)
  • 是挫折我们的冒险事业划上了句号
    Setbacks that wrote finis to our venture.
  • 他正在他的画作最后的修饰。
    He was giving the pictures a few finishing touches.
  • 我在蛋糕最后加一点点缀。
    I'm just putting the finishing touches to the cake.
  • 在计算机系统中,在定条件下完成的,由其用途或效果所确定的一个唯一且有限的事件历程。
    In a computer system, a unique, finite course of events defined by its purpose or by its effect, achieved under given conditions.
  • 在有限步骤内求解某一问题所使用的一组定义明确的规则,例如,为达到定精度计算sinx的全部运算过程的完整说明。
    A finite set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps, for example, a complete specification of a sequence of arithmetic operations for evaluating sinX to a given precision.
  • 给炉火再添些煤。
    Put some more coal on the fire.
  • 给火车生火
    Fire up a locomotive
  • …装足火药(火器)填充弹药不足
    To load(a firearm) with an insufficient charge.
  • "放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,人们充分表达欢乐兴奋之情的机会。"
    Setting off firecrackers can add to the festive atmosphere and offer an outlet for people's pleasure and excitement.
  • 书和房内的火炉人一种温暖的感觉
    Books and a fireplace lent a feeling of warmth to the room.
  • 自己安排了劈柴的任务。
    I set myself the task of chopp up the firewood.
  • 为解决烧柴困难,人民甚至无怨言地拆房子我们当柴烧。
    To help us solve the problem of firewood, people even pulled down their houses without hesitation and gave us the wood.
  • 于是,亚伯拉罕一早起来,驴备了鞍,带了两个家人和儿子以撒,砍了献牲用的柴火,就出发去上帝指定的地方。
    So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his ass, and he took with him two of his men and his son Isaac; and he split the firewood for the sacrifice, and wet out for the place of which God had spoken.
  • 给儿子的第一封家书
    First letter to Son
  • 谁先到就先给谁办。
    Whoever comes first will be served first.
  • 应该首先为着自,其次也为着出口,有计划地恢复和发展手工业和某些工业。
    We should systematically restore and develop handicrafts and also certain industries, firstly to supply our own needs and secondly for trade with the outside.
  • 哦!我讲渔夫的故事他听,讨了他的欢心。
    Oh! I tickled his ears with the tale of the fisherman.
  • 那老渔夫常村里的孩子讲捕鲸的故事,使他们听得津津有味。
    The old fisherman used to delight the children of the village by spinning yarns about the whale fishery.
  • 予渔民的协助包括向975名受影响的渔民发放4,660万元低息贷款,根据综合社会保障援助计划向符合资格的申请人发放财政援助款项,以及提供其他服务。
    Assistance given to the fishermen included the issue of $46.6 million low-interest loans to 975 affected fishermen, the provision of financial assistance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme to eligible applicants and other services.
  • 鱼类统营处是根据《海鱼(统营)条例》成立的法定机构,在辖下七个批发市场提供有秩序的统销服务,收入来自售鱼收益的佣金,盈余则用以发展渔业,包括提供低息贷款渔民、改善市场服务和设施、提供奖学金渔民子弟等。
    The Fish Marketing Organisation is a statutory body established under the Marine Fish (Marketing) Ordinance. It provides orderly marketing services at its seven wholesale markets. Revenue comes from charging commission on the proceeds of sales. Surplus earnings are channelled back into the industry through the provision of low-interest loans to fishermen, improved services and facilities in the markets and scholarships for fishermen's children.
  • 王平:张健的横渡牵动了亿万人的心,旅顺口区铁山镇的6个渔民分乘两条渔船日夜守护着张健,海上有101人的队伍为他提供保障,美国芝加哥大学一位名叫萨拉·查林的女孩在网上看到张健要横渡渤海海峡的消息,还特地张健推荐并寄来了200支能量棒。
    Wang Ping: Zhang Jian's crossing touched hundreds of millions of people's hearts. Six fishermen from the Tianshan Town of Lushunkou District took two boats respectively and took care of Zhang Jian day and night. There were 101 people on the sea to provide safety for him.Sara Chalin, a student of the Chicago University read the news from the Intemet that Zhang Jian would swim across the Bohai Straits, and she especially recommended and sent 200 energy sticks.
  • 第五条 在增殖和保护渔业资源、发展渔业生产、进行渔业科学技术研究等方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由各级人民政府予精神的或者物质的奖励。
    Article 5 People's governments at various levels shall give moral encouragement or material awards to units and individuals who make outstanding contributions to the increase and protection of fishery resources, to development of fishery production, or to research in fishery science and technology.
  • 老师这个班的学生解释核裂变的原理。
    The teacher explained the principles of nuclear fission to the class.
  • 我量做一件新茄克
    She fitted me for a new jacket.
  • 自己准备了一身新衣服。
    He fitted himself out with a new suit.
  • 能借给我五英镑吗?
    Can I borrow a fiver?