  • 她渴望自己曾经在宝石商的窗口中见到过的那项链。
    She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window.
  • 获香港赛马会慈善信讬基金拨款赞助在市区设立的首文物径──中西区文物径分三期开放,介绍本港早期的发展。
    With the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Central and Western Heritage Trail, the first of its kind in an urban area was established in phases to present the early development of Hong Kong.
  • 他把一细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
    He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory.
  • 小路同几公路相连。
    A minor road connects the highways.
  • 马路把两个村庄给连接起来了。
    This road joins the two villages.
  • 小路在哪里与大路相交?
    Where does the path join the road?
  • 这两马路在哪儿会合?
    Where do the two roads join?
  • 这两条路在哪儿交汇?
    Where do the two roads join up?
  • 木匠把一块木钉在门上。
    The Joiner nailed a strip of wood on the door.
  • 合资经营的优惠条件
    Favourable condition of running joint venture
  • 合资经营条件
    term and condition on joint venture
  •  第十三两人以上合作创作的作品,著作权由合作作者共同享有。
    Article 13 Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors, the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors.
  • 第二十五转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商标局提出申请。
    Article 25.Where a registered trademark is assigned, both the assignor and assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office.
  • 要是约拿吞下了那大鲸鱼,那就更加接近奇迹了。
    It will have approached nearer to the idea of miracle if Jonah has swallowed the whale.
  • 要是约拿吞下了那大鲸鱼,那就更加接近奇迹了。
    It will have approach nearer to the idea of miracle if jonah have swallow the whale.
  • 要是约拿吞下了那大鲸鱼,那就更加接近奇迹了。
    It would have approached nearer to the idea of miracle if Jonah had swallowed the whale.
  • 记者急步走到电话机前,打电话要求撒回那新闻。
    The journalist beat it to telephone to call in the news.
  • 年底时,居民巴士路线共有227,平均每日载客111000人次。
    At the end of 1997, the 227 residents' bus services made an average of 111 000 passenger journeys per day.
  •  第九十一香港特别行政区法官以外的其他司法人员原有的任免制度继续保持。
    Article 91 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the previous system of appointment and removal of members of the judiciary other than judges.
  •  第八十香港特别行政区各级法院是香港特别行政区的司法机关,行使香港特别行政区的审判权。
    Article 80 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at all levels shall be the judiciary of the Region, exercising the judicial power of the Region.
  •  第九香港特别行政区的行政机关、立法机关和司法机关,除使用中文外,还可使用英文,英文也是正式语文。
    Article 9 In addition to the Chinese language, English may also be used as an official language by the executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  •  第九十二香港特别行政区的法官和其他司法人员,应根据其本人的司法和专业才能选用,并可从其他普通法适用地区聘用。
    Article 92 Judges and other members of the judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be chosen on the basis of their judicial and professional qualities and may be recruited from other common law jurisdictions.
  •  第八十五香港特别行政区法院独立进行审判,不受任何干涉,司法人员履行审判职责的行为不受法律追究。
    Article 85 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. Members of the judiciary shall be immune from legal action in the performance of their judicial functions.
  • 后来当奥古斯塔斯以他的女儿玖利亚的婚事问麦西那斯的时候,麦西那斯竟敢说“他必须把女儿嫁给阿葛瑞帕,否则就必须把阿葛瑞帕杀了。再没有第三路可走,因为他把阿葛瑞帕已造就得如此之伟大了”。
    When he consulted with Maecenas, about the marriage of his daughter Julia. Maecenas took the liberty to tell him, that he must either marry his daughter to Agrippa, or take away his life; There was no third way, he had made him so great.
  • 土豆丝;猪肉条
    Julienne potatoes; julienned pork.
  • 根据约, 中国将于1997年7月1日收回香港。
    According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.
  • 消息使我惊跳起来。
    That news made me jump.
  • 你能跳过那小溪吗?
    Can you jump across that stream?
  • 我们看到那边瀑布里几□鱼在跳
    We saw a few salmons jumping in the waterfall there
  • 我们看到那边瀑布里几□鱼在跳。
    We see a few salmon jumping in the waterfall there.
  • 在两条公路的交叉点
    at the junction of two highways
  • 发电站在两河流的汇合处。
    The power station stands at the junction of two rivers.