  • 预期收入;未来的母亲;会生效的法令。
    prospective earnings; a prospective mother; the statute is solely prospective in operation.
  • 情况将会有所缓和。
    Things will ease up a bit.
  • 她小心翼翼地邮票揭下。
    She eased the stamp off carefully.
  • 车缓慢驶入狭窄空间;小心地董事送出办公室
    Eased the car into a narrow space; eased the director out of office.
  • 他轻轻地电视机搬过窄门。
    He eased the TV set through the narrow door.
  • 为达到这个目的,最简单的方法是所有内容都置于同一个文件。
    The easiest way to do this is to put everything in the same file.
  • 不管我们喜欢与否,"中庸回教徒"这个标签不会消失。因为这是分别一般回教徒和少数乖离回教的"不良回教徒"最容易的方法。
    Like it or not, the "moderate Muslims" label is likely to stay because it is the easiest way for the world to tell Muslims apart from small minority of "bad Muslims" who stray from their religion.
  • 气温在二十四至二十九度之间,微弱东风,今晚转为和缓北风,
    Temperature will range between 24 and 29 degrees,Light easterly wind, become mode.
  • 蛀虫我的外套蛀了一些小洞。
    The moths have eaten holes in my coat.
  • 声言“须要采取果断步骤”的弗吉尼亚州参议员罗布,今天三名高级助理停职留薪,以待他与怀尔德州长因窃听电话所引起的争端得到解决。
    Saying that "decisive steps are required," Senator Charles S. Robb of Virginia put three top aides on leave today pending resolution of his feud with Gov.L.Douglas Wilder over telephone eaves-dropping.
  • 教会的财产转给世俗使用或支配。
    transfer from ecclesiastical to civil possession, use, or control.
  • 再三的重复回响;回声传送回来。
    repeat or return an echo again or repeatedly; send (an echo) back.
  • 下礼拜一有全日蚀。
    There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday
  • 中国继续加强生态农业建设,开展大规模的水土保持,综合治理小流域水土流失,防治土地荒漠化和草场退化,努力提高森林植被覆盖率。
    China will continue to promote agricultural construction in an ecologically friendly way, start large-scale water and soil conservation, control soil erosion in small river valleys in a comprehensive way, prevent desertification and grassland deterioration, and strive to increase the coverage rate of forests.
  • 这项工程对生态与环境可能产生的不利影响,中国政府采取有效措施加以解决。
    The government will adopt a sequence of measures to minimize the unfavorable effects on the ecology and the environment that could be caused by the Three Gorges Project.
  • 认为人口的增长过大而不适合生存资料的增长的英国经济学家(1766-1834)。
    an English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence (1766-1834).
  • 这家银行的经济学家弗雷德-胡说,举办2008年奥运会给中国带来长期的永久性利益。
    "Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games would bring long-term permanent benefits to China," Goldman Sachs economist Fred Hu said.
  • 随着今后工业化进程的加快,经济建设对耕地的需求压力仍然很大,中国政府按照节约用地、少占或不占耕地的原则,采取更加有力的措施确保耕地总量的动态平衡:控制非农业占用耕地,进一步健全耕地保护制度,切实加强基本农田保护;
    Following the speeding up of industrialization in the future there will be a growing demand for land for economic construction. In view of this the government will, in light of the principle of "economization on land use and little or no occupation of cultivated land", adopt still more effective measures to ensure the dynamic equilibrium of the total cultivated land, restrict occupation of cultivated land for non-agricultural purposes, improve the land preservation system and strengthen the protection of basic farmland.
  • 如果节省花费,我们会熬过难关
    We'll get by if we economize.
  • 这台新机器有助于节约原材料。
    This new machine will help economize on raw materials.
  • 从现在起到本世纪中叶,投资220多亿元人民币,建设160多个生态环境保护项目,促进西藏生态环境的不断改善。
    From now until the mid-21st century, more than 22 billion yuan will be invested in over 160 eco-environmental protection projects aimed at steadily improving the ecosystem in Tibet.
  • 预计今后一个时期,城市建成区面积、人口数量、能源与资源消耗总量、机动车保有量、城市需水量、建设规模等影响环境质量的诸多因素,有所增长或维持在较高水平,只有采取积极措施防治环境污染、加强生态保护与建设,城市环境质量和区域生态状况才能迅速改善。
    In the foreseeable future, a number of factors affecting environment, including city size, population, energy and resources consumption, vehicle fleet, water demand in urban area and the scale of construction, will keep increasing or maintain at a high level. More active measures to prevent and treat environmental pollution and improve the environmental quality should be taken to safeguard and improve the urban environmental quality and regional ecosystem.
  • 他们钢琴慢慢抬过门去。
    They edged the piano through the door.
  • 这种设想即成为现实,科学家已找到方法,新的基因加入实验室生产精子的动物细胞中,培育出改变基因的精子。
    That scenario is edging closer to reality now, as scientists figure out how to slip new genes into the sperm-producing cells of lab animals, yielding genetically altered sperm.
  • 我们乘10点25分的特快列车去爱丁堡。
    We take the 10:25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 我们乘10点25分的特快列车去爱丁堡。
    We will take the 10.25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,定义信息的一种能力,以便该信息从正文部分的一点移到另一点或移入另一个正文部分中或进行编辑。
    In word processing, the ability to define information so as to move it from one point to another within a text element or into another text element, or to edit it.
  • 作者已涉及他自己家庭之处剔除。
    The auther has edited out all references to his own family.
  • 为了网络上安装的所有机器的ip地址包含在内,编辑防火墙的/。rhosts文件
    Edit the/.rhosts file of the firewall to contain the ip address of all the machine that you will install over the network
  • 为了网络上安装的所有机器的ip地址包含在内,编辑防火墙的/.rhosts文件
    Edit the /.rhosts file of the firewall to contain the IP addresses of all the machines that you will install over the network
  • 为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中编有索引。
    The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
  • 这一字典的袖珍版即问世
    A pocket edition of the dictionary will come out soon.