  • 有,我曾在业杂志中看过。这项品似乎蛮有前景的,但是我还没有看到品的细节介绍。
    Yes, I have read about it in a trade journal. It seems like a promising item, but I have not seen any details about it yet.
  • 在您了解品之后,我们能否有机会见面并讨论品进入美国的市场的可能性?
    After you study them, would I have an opportunity to meet you and discuss various possibilities in the American market?
  • 现在大多数的工人和公职人员从上午9:00工作到下午5:00点,一些人甚至从上午8:00或8:30工作到下午5:00,但是根据由英国睡眠(调查)委员会所做的全球外戚农工调查,地中海国家的午间小憩一直(被认为)是个好主意.英国睡眠(调查)委员会要求老板们结束朝九晚五的工作方式,而选择灵活的时间.他们相信真正能够提高工人生产积极性的是一个很好的午间小睡而不是那些奖金和鼓励.
    Now most of the workers and public servants work from 9 am to 5 pm. Some of them even work from 8 am or 8:30 am to 5 pm. However, according to the global Internet survey done by the UK Sleep Council, the Mediterranean siesta was the right idea all along. The UK Sleep Council called on the country's bosses to end nine-to-five working in favor of more flexible hours. They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives.
  • 关于包装问题,我方将与厂联系,要求他们对此加以重视。
    About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
  • 既然你要经常出差,去申请一张飞行积分卡。积累飞行里程是务旅行的额外补贴之一。到时候告诉我你是怎么带着旅行包生活的。
    Since you'll be traveling often, apply for a frequent flyer card. Gathering frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of OCS travel. And let me know how you like living out of a suitcase.
  • 唔,由于每人的平均收入不断地增高,市场的发展领域似乎偏向于高价位品。
    Well, as per capita income goes up and up, the growth sector seems to be in the high-end.
  • 看样子我们似乎低估了成本。根据制造厂的说法,成本会比原计划的高出约8%.
    Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.
  • 我想您也知道,货物装船之前经中国品检验局检验员抽样检查确认,东西是完全符合标准的。
    I think you know that there is a sample survey by a checker from State Administration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities before shipping. Our merchandise is surely up to standard.
  • 有多种方式。最好的方法是通过双方协圆满解决。
    There are several ways. The best way is to achieve consensus through consultation.
  • 如果协解决不了的话,通过法律就是说依靠国家权力来解决吗?
    Would you seek for the legal means if the consultation cannot help resolve the dispute?
  • 品检验报告给我看一下。
    Let me have a look over the test report.
  • 如果双方无论如何都无法通过协解决的话,也只好由仲裁来解决了。
    Arbitration would be used if consultation could not resolve the dispute at all.
  • 没有发票的品不能退换。
    We cannot do a replacement without a receipt.
  • 这个嘛,这里有规定,没有发票的品不能退也不能换。
    I'm afraid that we cannot do a replacement without the receipt according to the regulation in our shop.
  • 好的。你要用我们公司的货运代理吗?
    OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?
  • 好的。我们明早可以出一半的货给你们的代理
    All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.
  • 我们有六家主要的零售在大部分的分店做展示。而且我们的展示队伍已经为计算机展在起跑了。
    OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.
  • 我们在两家大的业杂志刊登了全版广告。更重要的是,我们的新闻稿已经全被采纳了。
    We've taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received.
  • 没有。对像你们这样的制造来说,那并不是正确的作法。把这种方式留给零售吧。
    No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.
  • 看样子我们似乎低估了成本。根据制造厂的说法,成本会比原先计划的还高出百分之八。
    Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.
  • 噢,天哪!有好多的细节:标,标语,信头,名片……
    Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards.. .
  • 只要品质量可靠,就不会发生差错。
    Nothing wrong will happen, so long as the quality of your article is good.
  • 和其他厂相比,贵方产品质量上乘。
    Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.
  • “双鱼”牌标不错,图案新颖
    The "double fish" brand is not so bad, the design is fresh and vivid.
  • 我们来谈谈贵产品的标一事。
    We're here to discuss the trade marks of your products.
  • 初步建立社会主义计划品经济新体制。
    To establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy.
  • Jansen说:”组建一个由聪明、善解人意的人们组成的顾问团,定期和他们讨找工作的事宜。“
    "Create an advisory board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search, " says Jansen.
  • 尽管下着大雨,她还是去了店。
    In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.
  • 长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。凡高的印象派作品《盖什医生》被一名日本投资以8500万美元的天价购得。
    Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.Van Gogh's impressionistic paingting entitled "Dr. Gachet" was purchased for a world record $85 millon by Japanese investor.
  • 把精确复制大众化文化和业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。起源于20世纪中期。
    A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly.(mid-20th century)
  • 投资银行相当于股票承销人或代理,作为股票发行者和投资者之间的媒介。投资银行家通过再次发行或协调处理前期发行的股票的分配,维持已经发行股票的市场,或为公司私募寻找买家。
    An investment banking firm acts as underwriter or agent, serving as intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public. Investment bankers handle the distribution of blocks of previously issued securities, either through secondary offerings or through negotiations, maintain markets for securities already distributed, and act as finders in private placements of securities.
  • 去。。。做商务计划
    Make a business trip to. . .