Chinese English Sentence:
  • 已设警卫人员以阻止闯入的人.
    Security guards were stationed at the door to deal with any interlopers.
  • 这样,人普查局就能够更好地了解美国异族通婚的广度。
    As a result, the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States.
  • 按工业生产所需原材料和制成品进出额占工业产值比重来测算,改革初期中国工业与国际经济的融合度只有15%,而改革后的今天已达40%,接近了世界中等发达国家的水平。
    In accordance with the calculation based on the proportion of raw materials needed by industrial production and the import and export volume of manufactured goods to total industrial output value, the amalgamating level of China's industry with the international economy has increased from 15 percent in the early stage of reform to the present 40 percent. This rate approaches that of intermediately developed nations worldwide.
  • 巴邻帝,巨港印度尼西亚的城市,位于苏门答腊岛东南部。在17和18世纪它是印度王国的权力中心,在1617年它成为荷兰的贸易港并且后来紧接着被英国占领。人787,187
    A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island. Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries, it became a Dutch trading post in1617 and was later occupied intermittently by the British. Population,787, 187.
  • 这既与历次国际人会议确定的基本原则相吻合,又建立在社会主义条件下人们之间利益关系的基础之上。
    These conform to the basic principles outlined at the various international population conferences and have been established on the basis of the relationship of interpersonal interests under socialism.
  • 唇读通过观察形来理解话
    To interpret utterances by lip reading.
  • 唇读通过观察形来理解(话)
    To interpret(utterances) by lip reading.
  • 我认为我没有在会议时当译的经验。
    I don't think I have the experience necessary to interpret at a meeting.
  • 操作入个体当发现并解释这类混合版本信息的时候,被允许认为是一个错误的发生条件。
    Individual operators are permitted to interpret mixed versioning information as an error condition.
  • 他擅长口译。
    He is good at interpretation.
  • 不等于财政部不管,财政部有干预的权利,要提出意见。
    However, this does not mean the Ministry of Finance will have nothing to do with budgeting; it still has the right to intervene and offer suggestions.
  • 他们企图以此为借直接进行干预。
    This was designed to provide a pretext for direct intervention.
  • 这样做的目的不过是为他们的干涉寻找借
    This was designed to provide a pretext for their intervention.
  • 破口大骂
    Launch into strong language
  • [口]向某人扫射
    Pump lead into sb.
  • 普查表格的纷繁难懂之处
    The intricacies of a census form.
  • 引进先进技术的政策主要是为了进一些成套工厂设备。
    The policy of introducing advanced technology mainly means import some complete plant.
  • 兹向贵方作一介绍,本公司为出商行。
    I take the liberty of introducing to you my firm as an export merchant.
  • 审计线索不仅突出了网络上脆弱之处,而且还能识别出一次内部作业中用于入侵系统的令和设备。
    The audit trail not only highlights points of vulnerability on a network, but can also identify the password and equipment used to invade the system during an inside job.
  • 一些传教士还竭力主张西方列强用武力强迫清政府开放沿海岸,声称“只有战争能开放中国给基督”,并直接参与英国侵略中国的军事活动。
    Some missionaries strongly advocated resort to force by Western powers to make the Qing government open its coastal ports, saying that it was only war that could open China to Christianity, and directly participated in the British mititary activities to invade China.
  •  无效宣告请求人对专利复审委员会发出的头审理通知书在指定的期限内未作答复,并且不参加头审理的,其无效宣告请求视为撤回;
    Where the person requesting invalidation fails to make response to the notification of the oral procedure sent by the Patent Reexamination Board within the specified time limit, and fails to take part in the oral procedure, the request for invalidation shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
  •  第六十九条专利复审委员会根据当事人的请求或者案情需要,可以决定对无效宣告请求进行头审理。
    Rule 69 The Patent Reexamination Board may, at the request of the parties concerned or in accordance with the needs of the case, decide to hold an oral procedure in respect of a request for invalidation.
  •  专利复审委员会决定对无效宣告请求进行头审理的,应当向当事人发出头审理通知书,告知举行头审理的日期和地点。
    Where the Patent Reexamination Board decides to hold an oral procedure in respect of a request for invalidation, it shall send notifications to the parties concerned, indicating the date and place of the oral procedure to be held.
  • [口]骗取某人东西
    inveigle sb. out of sth.
  • 编造似真的借口
    Invent a likely excuse.
  • 别问乔治的理由是什么,他可以虚构很多借
    Don't ask George what his excuse is. He can invent any number.
  • 不过,说到这儿,在座的人可能会产生怀疑:各种虐待狂们、独裁者们、狂信者们以及那些靠几句响亮的号妄图夺权的蛊惑人心的政客们,不也热衷于自己的行当,都在凭着一种创造性的热情尽他们的职责吗?
    At this point, though, certain doubts may arise in my audience. All sorts of torturers, dictators, fanatics, and dema gogues struggling for power by way of a few loudly shouted slogans also enjoy their jobs, and they too perform their duties with inventive fervor.
  • 比较而言,欧洲的封建制度历史较短,其后以复兴古希腊文艺为号的文艺复兴时期历时二百余年(公元14-16世纪),实则是一次思想意识和发明创造的革命。
    The feudal period in Europe was, by comparison, shorter.It was followed by over 200 years (14th to 16th century A.D.) of the Renaissance, a movement spurred on by the call to revive the arts of classical Greece. It was a revolution in intellectual thought and inventiveness.
  • 比较而言,欧洲的封建制度历史较短,其后以复兴古希腊文艺为号的文艺复兴时期历时二百余年(公元14-16世纪),实则是一次思想意识和发明创造的革命。
    The feudal period in Europe was, by comparison, shorter. It was followed by over 200 years (14th to 16th century A.D.) of the Renaissance, a movement spurred on by the call to revive the arts of classical Greece. It was a revolution in intellectual thought and inventiveness.
  • 实施科技兴贸战略对外贸出的带动作用已经显现。
    The implementation of the strategy of invigorating trade though science and technology has began to function in driving export.
  • 所以,我们首先在农村实行搞活经济和开放政策,调动了全国百分之八十的人的积极性。
    We therefore began by invigorating the economy and adopting an open policy there, so as to bring the initiative of 80 per cent of the population into full play.
  • 在很多情况下,头邀请比书面邀请更为方便。
    In many situation, speaking invitation is more convenient than writing invitation.