  • 我们从多方获得情报指出伊拉克试图获得磁块和高速配平机械:两者都可用于进行气体离心离机浓缩铀计划。
    We also have intelligence from multiple sources that Iraq is attempting to acquire magnets and high-speed balancing machines; both items can be used in a gas centrifuge program to enrich uranium.
  • 如果负荷平衡软件支持广域网,那末可以在世界任何地点给网络增加服务器,而服务器的性能仍然如同它们是局域网的一部那样高。
    If the load-balancing software supports WANs, then servers can be added to the network at any point in the world, and the servers' performance would still be as high as it would be if they were part of a LAN.
  • 作为硬汉及好莱坞动作片的英雄偶像,席维斯·史泰龙扮演的两个主要角色,已成为美国文化词典中的一部。洛奇,一位无名的拳击手,战胜了所有劲敌,最终夺得冠军;兰搏,一名勇敢的斗士,擅长于执行激烈的营救任务与复仇行动。
    An icon of machismo and Hollywood \action heroism, Sylvester Stallone is responsible for creating two characters who have become a part of the American cultural lexicon: Rocky Balboa, the no-name boxer who overcame all odds to become a champion, and John Rambo, the courageous soldier who specialized in violent rescues and revenge.
  • 我把湿游泳衣挂在阳台上,20种后就干了。
    I hung my wet swimsuit on the balcony and twenty minutes later is was bone dry.
  • 知识子(可能是单调枯燥的人)。
    an intellectual (who is bald?).
  • 假发戴在头上以遮盖秃发部位的部假发或一绺假发
    A partial wig or hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot.
  • 戴一小部假发用来覆盖部的秃顶。
    wearing a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness.
  • 商贩的理由是村落举行宗教和传统仪式时用海龟祭祀在几个世纪以来已成为巴厘文化的一部了。
    They argued that using turtle s in religious and traditional village ceremonies had been part of Balinese cult ure for centuries.
  • 你可以相信这家公司,该公司的合伙人都十可靠。
    You can trust that firm; the partners are in ballast all right.
  • “真是一场恶梦,”帕利克说,两部的考试他必须重新考。“我用了1600张卡片准备考试,听到这个消息,真叫人懊恼。
    "What a nightmare," said Eric Pawlik, who must take two parts of the exam again. "I studied from 1,600 note cards. When I heard about this, I really went ballistic."
  • 裂票(同时选举不同党派候选人的选票)
    Ballot-paper marked with votes for candidates of more than one party
  • 他们立假后选人纠集选票以裂选票。
    They packed the ballot with dummy candidates to split the vote.
  • 投赞成票对不同党派候选人都投赞同票
    To mark(a vote or ballot) in favor of candidates from different parties.
  • 如果我们看见威尔登夫妇进入舞厅,我们会十惊奇。
    If we had seen the Wiltons enter the ballroom, we could have knocked us down with a feather.
  • 当我们看见我们原以为到巴西去了的威尔顿夫妇进入舞厅时,我们感到十惊奇。
    When we saw the Wiltons whom we imagined to be in Brazil, enter the ballroom, you could have knocked us down with a feather.
  • 对候选人的竞选宣传得太过了。
    The candidate's campaign was attended with too much ballyhoo.
  • 如果他对其他人的痛苦不幸有同情之心,那他的心必定十美好,犹如那能流出汁液为人治伤痛的珍贵树木。
    If he is compassionate towards the afflictions of others, it shows that his heart is like the noble tree, that is wounded itself, when it gives the balm.
  • 虽然黛安娜对于拜尔马洛的众王族感到有些害怕,可她十明智没有前往城堡。
    Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral, Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself.
  • 香脂冷杉黄色透明的泌物,用作光学设备(尤指显微镜)的透明接合剂,亦作封固剂。
    yellow transparent exudate of the balsam fir; used as a transparent cement in optical devices (especially in microscopy) and as a mounting medium.
  • 拉脱维亚的官方语言;属于印-欧语系的波罗的语支。
    the official language of Latvia; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European.
  • 立陶宛的官方语言;属于印-欧语系的波罗的语支。
    the official language of Lithuania; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo_European.
  • 一种已经灭绝的非德国的普鲁士人的语言(1700年以后绝迹);被认为属于印-欧语系的波罗的语支。
    a dead language of the non-German Prussians (extinct after 1700); thought to belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European.
  • 内华达河前苏联欧洲部西北部的河流,由拉多加湖流至波罗的海的伸出部芬兰湾,流程约74公里(46英里)
    A river of northwest European U.S.S.R. flowing about74 km(46 mi) from Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea.
  • 克莱佩达,梅梅尔苏联欧洲部西部一城市,位于波罗的海边。1252年作为一个堡垒建立。它是汉萨同盟的一个重要商业城镇。后来它先后被瑞典,俄罗斯、普鲁士、立陶宛和德国占领,1945年被苏联军队占领。人口195,000
    A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Baltic Sea. Founded as a fortress in1252, it was an important trading town of the Hanseatic League and was later held by Sweden, Russia, Prussia, Lithuania, and Germany before its capture by Soviet forces in1945. Population,195, 000.
  • 两个月后,我开车去巴尔的摩——华盛顿国际机场送她。当她拎着箱子下了车,挥手向我道别的时候,我才意识到这短暂的别真的开始了。
    Two months later, Lisa stepped out of our minivan at Baltimore?Washington International Airport with suitcase in hand and waved goodbye. It really was happening.
  • 约翰.霍普金斯大学的一个研究小组围绕这一课题,别用松鼠猴和狒狒为对象进行了实验。研究人员每三小时让研究对象服用一份低剂量的摇头丸,共服用三份。结果发现两种动物脑部一种能治疗脑神经病的多巴胺细胞都遭到了永久性的破坏,而这种细胞的缺乏正是"帕金森氏症"的主要症状。
    A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons found that both species of primate suffered irreversible damage to key cells called dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinson's, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three-hour intervals.
  • 部分禁止核试验条约
    Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
  • 也许是由于厌倦了地球上的平常的事物或是因为受到了那些勇敢者,如美国第一个太空人艾伦·谢菲尔德和第一个进行太空旅行的美国富翁丹尼斯·蒂托的鼓舞,调查结果显示有7%的美国富人愿意花2千万美元参加为期两周的太空轨道环绕旅行。还有19%的人愿意掏10万美元参加另一种只有15钟的太空飞行。
    Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane Mother Earth or inspired by the dashing derring-do of such pioneers as first American in space Alan Shepard and first millionaire in space Dennis Tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich Americans would pay $20 million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay $100,000 for 15-minute sub-orbital flight.
  • 你要是把香蕉皮只剥一半,还有一部可以让手拿着。
    If you peel a banana skin only halfway back, you still have some left for holding it.
  • 尽管我们对工作计划存在着歧,但我们应该联合起来与自然灾害作斗争。
    We must band ourselves against natural calamities despite the disputes on the working plan.
  • 片麻岩层状或叶片状变质岩,成通常与花岗岩相同
    A banded or foliated metamorphic rock, usually of the same composition as granite.
  • 新大陆几种毒蛇,红色或黄色的身体上有鲜艳的红色或黑色条纹;广泛布于南美和中美。
    any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South and Central America.