  • 酒店执有酒类经销许可证,每周可按一定时数售。
    Public houses are licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for a certain number of hours per week.
  • 允许出售酒精饮料
    Permit the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • 一群警察站在那里,对她否认看到了那场意外事故感到惊讶;目瞪口呆的市议员说不话来;听到他晋升的消息都惊呆了。
    a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seem the accident; the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless; was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion.
  • 啤酒馆,麦芽酒店提供和售啤酒的地方
    A place where ale is sold and served.
  • 后者的现是非常可能的,因为当时每一个邮车站,每一家麦酒店都可能有人“拿了老大的钱”,这些人从老板到最糟糕的马厩里的莫名其妙的人都有,这类花样非常可能现。
    As to the latter, when every posting-house and ale-house could produce somebody in `the Captain's' pay, ranging from the landlord to the lowest stable nondescript, it was the likeliest thing upon the cards.
  • 耳朵尖的人能听这个错。
    An alert listener will have noticed the error.
  • 粮食及农业组织监测全球鱼类,向有过度捕捞危险的国家发警报。
    The Food and Agriculture Organization monitors global fish stocks, alerting countries to the risks of overfishing.
  • 排放的气味就像开胃剂一样在空气中流动,对于蚊子来说等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。
    The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range.
  • 当探测到入侵时,入侵探测系统以多种方法作反应--从警告系统管理员和推荐不同的动作,到自动打掉网络入侵者。
    When an intrusion is detected, the intrusion-detection system can react in a number of ways -- from alerting a systems administrator and recommending various actions to automatically kicking the intruder off the network.
  • 当亚历克斯解决问题时,他非得找答案为止。
    When Alex gets to grips with a problem, he doesn't leave it alone until he's found the solution.
  • 有些人认为我在扩大会议上的举动会遭致上司的训斥,但是结果大大乎他们的预料:亚历山大先生任命我为公关部主任。
    Some thought I was to be called on the carpet for my behaviour at the enlarged meeting. But all the prophets were confounded. Mr Alexander offered me the appointment of the head of the Public Relations.
  • 六位身着泳装的姑娘在埃及地中海城市亚历山大滨海公路上招摇过市,滨海公路上车辆排起了长龙,引起了严重交通阻塞。据周日版的埃及alwafd报报道,当时这些穿着泳装的姑娘们正沿滨江大道行走,而开车人纷纷减慢车速,伸长了脖子大饱眼福。
    Six scantily-clad girls caused a massive tail-back on the beach-side road in Egypt's Mediterranean city of Alexandria as drivers slowed down to gawp as they strolled along in their bathing costumes, Al Wafd newspaper reported Sunday.
  • 电报是奥斯忒的实验和安培的数学研究最乎人预料而令人惊异的结果;现代航海技术则意外地产生于亚历山大的数学家们对由一平面和一圆锥相交所形成的三条曲线的性质进行的纯粹思辩性的、显然仅仅是于好奇的探索。
    The electro-magnetic telegraph was the wonderful and most unexpected consequence of the experiments of OErsted and the mathematical investigations ofAmpe: and the modern art of navigation is an unforeseen emanation from the purely speculative and apparently merely curious enquiry, by the mathematicians of Alexandria, into the properties of three curves formed by the intersection of a plane surface and a cone.
  • 希罗亚历山大时期的科学家,发明了许多水动力机和蒸汽动力机并想了测定三角形面积的公式
    Alexandrian scientist who invented many water-driven and steam-driven machines and devised a formula for determining the area of a triangle.
  • 如果这房子真的是阿尔弗雷德的话,他为什么不提产权要求呢?
    If the house really belongs to Alfred, why doesn't he lay claim to it?
  • 大陆漂移理论自阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳在1910年首先提之后,经历了一段漫长和混乱的历史。
    The Theory of Continental Drift has had a long and turbulent history since it was first proposed by Alfred Wagener in 1910.
  • 过了39年的幸福婚姻生活后,艾尔弗雷德突然迷上了一个19岁的姑娘,并离家走跟她过上了。
    After thirty years of happy married life, Alfred suddenly became infatuated with a girl of nineteen and left his family to live with her.
  • 玛丽亚·凯丽于1970年3月27日生在离纽约长岛不远的地方,父母分别是阿尔弗雷德和帕瑞西亚·凯丽,有一个哥哥和一个姐姐。
    Mariah Carey was born on March 27, l970 near Long Island, NY, to Alfred and Patricia Carey. She has an older brother and sister.
  • 玛丽亚3岁时双亲离异,部分原因是人们对他俩有种族偏见(父亲是委内瑞拉生的美国黑人,母亲是爱尔兰人)。
    When she was around three years old, her parents divorced due in part to racial prejudice against them (Alfred is Venezuelan and African American, Paricia is Irish).
  • 这个男孩做不这道代数题。
    The boy can't figure out the algebra problems.
  • 我还没有解这些代数题。
    I haven't worked out these algebra problems.
  • 指乔治·布尔提的代数运算法则。
    Pertaining to the processes used in the algebra formulated by George Boole.
  • 伽罗瓦,艾瓦里斯特1811-1832法国数学家,21岁时在一场决斗中被杀,对数字理论代数做了很大的贡献
    French mathematician who made valuable contributions to number theory algebra before being killed in a duel at the age of21.
  • 原始的一种代数的或几何的表达,基于此派生另一种表达
    An algebraic or geometric expression from which another expression is derived.
  • (数学)指其他表达式是从中派生来的代数或者几何表达式。
    (mathematics) being an algebraic or geometric expression from which another expression is derived.
  • 不等式一种代数表达式,显示某个量大于或小于另一个量
    An algebraic expression showing that a quantity is greater than or less than another quantity.
  • 一种功能部件,其输模拟变量和输入模拟变量的数值相等,但代数符号相反。
    A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal in magnitude to its input analog variable but is of opposite algebraic sign.
  • 他按字母顺序拼了从阿尔及利亚到扎伊尔的所有非洲国家。
    He spelt the nations of Africa running alphabetically from Algeria to Zaire.
  • 褐藻酸,褐藻胶任一种从特定的褐藻中提炼来的胶状衍生物,如褐藻酸钠和褐藻酸。它作为粘稠剂、稳定剂、乳化剂或悬浮剂而广泛应用于工业、制药业和如冰淇淋的食品生产中
    Any of several derivatives, such as sodium alginate or alginic acid, of a gelatinous substance extracted from certain brown algae and widely used as a thickening, stabilizing, emulsifying, or suspending agent in industrial, pharmaceutical, and food products, such as ice cream.
  • 本文提出算法
    In this paper, an algorithm is proposed
  • 用户数据掩蔽加密功能是在ibm的某些产品中,一种替代des的口级算法,如分布计算环境(dce)。
    The User Data Masking Encryption Facility is an export-grade algorithm substituted for DES in several IBM products, such as the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).
  • 一种调度算法,当开始一个新的进程时,双亲处理器发争控广告,欲争夺这项工作的各组合处理器将各自的信息送至请求处理器,最后由请求处理器选择执行该项工作的处理器。
    A type of scheduling algorithm where, when a new process is to be initiated, the parent processor broadcasts a bid request. Pool processors who wish to bid for the work send messages to the requesting processor, which then chooses a processor to carry out the work.