  • 征兵费由政府在战期间所付的款项
    A monetary payment exacted by a government in wartime.
  • 在战期间,为了缓解食物短缺而种植的菜园。
    a vegetable garden planted during wartime to relieve food shortages.
  • 过去是战年代,她孤独一人,现在和平啦。'
    it was wartime, she was alone; now there is peace.'
  • 期间所有叛国通敌的人都可以判处枪决。
    "During the wartime, anyone who collaborated might be sentenced to be shot."
  • 像医院性质的船;用于在战中救护伤员。
    a ship built to serve as a hospital; used for wounded in wartime.
  • 中,一些政府经常封锁新闻或发布假新闻。
    In wartime, govermnents often black out all news or give out false news.
  • 他的讲演太没意思了,因为他总讲战时期自己的经历,离题了。
    His speech was so boring because he would keep going off the point to describe his wartime experiences.
  • 他因给花浇水与邻居吵以后,老是跟邻居过不去。
    She has got her knife into the neighbors after her argument about watering the flowers.
  • 在科学技术人员中,也有一部分人资产阶级世界观没有得到根本改造,或者受到资产阶级思想的影响比较深,在尖锐、激烈、复杂的阶级斗中,常常摇摆不定。
    There is also a group of scientists and technicians whose bourgeois world outlook has not fundamentally changed or who are still deeply influenced by bourgeois ideology. In the midst of sharp, intense and complicated class struggle they often waver.
  • 各级党委既要充分认识反腐败斗的紧迫性,又要充分认识其长期性,坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明、毫不动摇地把反腐败斗深入进行下去。
    Party committees at all levels must fully recognize the urgency as well as the protracted nature of the fight against corruption. They should enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth.
  • 各级党委既要充分认识反腐败斗的紧迫性,又要充分认识其长期性,坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明、毫不动摇地把反腐败斗深入进行下去。
    They should enhance confidence, do a solid job, take a clear-cut stand and never waver in carrying on the fight in depth. We should work still harder to make sure that our leading cadres are clean, honest and self-disciplined, and see to it that major corruption cases are investigated and dealt with.
  • 军阀间的分裂和战,削弱了白色政权的统治势力。
    Splits and wars among the warlords weaken the power of the White regime.
  • 所以没有群众自觉地参加政治斗,要想削弱封建阶级的政治地位,是不可能的。
    Therefore, it is impossible to weaken the political position of the feudal classes without the voluntary participation of the masses in political struggles.
  • 中国劳动力成本比东南亚低很多,周边国家的汇率变化不一定会削弱中国商品的竞优势。
    the cost of China's labor force is much lower than Southeast Asian countries, and the change in exchange rates of neighboring countries is unlikely to weaken the competition of China's commodities.
  • 今天如果你的竞者转弱,你就强过了他;
    If your competitors are weaker today, you are stronger.
  • 一旦遇上的是更强的竞者,你就相对处于弱势了。
    However, you will become weaker in the face of a stronger competitor!
  • 我们又度过了一场战
    We have weathered another war.
  • 楔形队形一种楔状的队形,如在足球运动或地面战
    A wedge-shaped formation, as in football or ground warfare.
  • 商界中认为,一个公司的竞优势来自总部,但韦尔奇对此却不寄任何希望。
    In the business world that Welch saw ending, a company's competitive advantage came from headquarters.
  • 要使一家人紧密地团结,忘记他们之间的吵,从外部入手常常很麻烦。
    If often takes trouble from outside to weld a family together and cause them to forget their quarrels.
  • 回伦敦时,正好路过皮卡迪利的宏伟官邸(简直是座宫殿)阿普斯利大厦,这是心存感激的英国人民在拿破仑战之后送给威灵顿公爵的。
    When I returned to London,I happened to pass Apsley House,the enormous mansion(almost a palace)on Piccadilly given by the grateful British people to the Duke of Wellington after the Napoleonic wars.
  • 任何几个每一年的威尔士的音乐界包括艺术的竞(特别在唱歌方面)。
    any of several annual Welsh festivals involving artistic competitions (especially in singing).
  • 确保战连续取得胜利;国家主义的持续存在;西部片的持续流行。
    to insure the continued success of the war; the continued existence of nationalism; the continued popularity of Westerns.
  • 不管你怎样辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。
    Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.
  • 直到抗日战胜利后,三处文物复集中于重庆,于1947年运回南京。
    Only at the end of the war were they consolidated in Chongqing, whence they were returned to Nanjing in 1947.
  • 无论哪个国家使用原子弹都会使全世界卷入战
    Whichever nation explodes an atomic bomb will engage the whole world in war.
  • 现在爆发的战,无论在英法方面,或德国方面,都是非正义的、掠夺的、帝国主义的战
    On whichever side, the Anglo-French or the German, the war that has just broken out is an unjust, predatory and imperialist war.
  • 《中国工人》将以通俗的言语解释许多道理给工人群众听,报道工人阶级抗日斗的实际,总结其经验,为完成自己的任务而努力。
    Using simple language, The Chinese Worker will explain the hows and whys of many issues to the workers, report the realities of the working-class struggle in the War of Resistance and sum up the experience gained, and in this way it will endeavour to fulfil its task.
  • 中国市场是日益开放的,同时也是竞激烈的。
    The Chinese market is opening wider while the competition is also getting tougher.
  • 那次战于很多妇女变成寡妇。
    The war widowed many women.
  • 在前南斯拉夫战中使许多妇女丧偶。
    The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia.
  • 威尔逊先生和老板吵起来,所以被解雇了。
    Mr.Wilson got into a quarrel with his boss and was let go.