  • 紧身内衣种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形
    A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.
  • 你应将热忧培养成种习惯,而习惯需要不断的补给。
    You are developing enthusiasm as a habit,and habits require reinforcement.
  • 运动员护身种运动员用的护身弹性织物,有用保护性的坚硬塑料或金属制成的加强层
    An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal.
  • 由于日寇无底止的进攻,全国人民的坚决斗争,民族资产阶级的倾向抗日,中国共产党抗日民族统战线政策的努力提倡、坚决实行和取得全国的赞助,使得“九八”以来中国统治当局的对日不抵抗政策,在卢沟桥事变后开始转变到实行抗战的政策,使得二九运动以来中国革命发展的形势,由停止内战准备抗战的阶段,过渡到了实行抗战的阶段。
    The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people's resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie's tendency towards resistance, the Communist Party's vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy and the nation-wide support this policy has won -- all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the September 18th Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Lukouchiao Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the December 9th Movement, i.e. the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance.
  • 扶壁,撑墙用于支撑或加固墙壁的通常由砖块或石头砌成的种结构
    A structure, usually brick or stone, built against a wall for support or reinforcement.
  • 金属箍,金属包头种用来加固或防止杆子或木柄劈裂的包在顶端的金属圈或金属帽
    A metal ring or cap placed around a pole or shaft for reinforcement or to prevent splitting.
  • (心理学)指种条件反应;因为强化作用的消失或者减弱而导致条件反应的渐渐消失。
    (psychology) of a conditioned response; caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement.
  • 回顾过去,我们高兴地看到,中美两国经贸合作与交流不断加强,双边进出口贸易、投资合作规模进步扩大,中美经贸关系业已成为中美双边关系中的重要组成部分。
    In retrospect, we are pleased to take note the constant reinforcement of Sino-US cooperation and communications in trade and economy. With the expansion of bilateral trade and investment collaboration, Sino-US economic and trade ties have become a crucial part of the overall bilateral relations.
  • 我们提倡和实行这些原则,决不是说可以不注意个人利益,不注意局部利益,不注意暂时利益,而是因为在社会主义制度之下,归根结底,个人利益和集体利益是统的,局部利益和整体利益是统的,暂时利益和长远利益是统的。
    Our advocacy and practice of these principles in no way means that we can ignore personal, local or immediate interests.In the final analysis, under the socialist system there is a unity of personal interests and collective interests, of the interests of the part and those of the whole, and of immediate and long-term interests.
  • 全党同志定要从党和国家生死存亡的高度,充分认识反腐倡廉工作的重大意义,把党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争进行到底。
    All the comrades in the Party must fully recognize, from the perspective of life and death of the Party and the state, the major significance of our fight against corruption and advocacy for clean governance and see through the development of Party's style, the building of a clean government and the battle against corruption.
  • 我们提倡的实事求是,是马列主义、毛泽东思想的个基本组成部分,因此提倡实事求是决不能离开马列主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理,决不能忽视毛泽东同志在这个问题上的伟大功绩。
    Therefore, our advocacy of it can in no way be construed to mean that we can separate ourselves from the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, or that we can neglect the great contribution Comrade Mao Zedong made in formulating this principle.
  • 压力喷浆种从特殊喷枪喷出的混凝土的混合物,用来喷在小型建筑的钢筋加固物上
    A concrete mixture that is sprayed from a special gun over steel reinforcements in light construction.
  • 这个纸板衬背就是个助力器。
    the cardboard backing was just a strengthener,; he used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook.
  • 明朝政府于十六世纪中后期,恢复了度废止的“巡检司”,并为防御外敌侵犯,增兵澎湖。
    During the mid- and late 16th century the Ming Dynasty reinstated the once abolished agency and sent reinforcements to Penghu in order to ward off foreign invaders.
  • 人人享有饮水、卫生设备和卫生运动(饮水卫生运动)是项协调致的宣传和交流运动,旨在调动政治宣传、支持和行动,结束得不到安全水的11亿人民和没有足够卫生设备的24亿人民的痛苦。
    The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All campaign (WASH) is a concerted advocacy and communications campaign to mobilize political awareness, support and action to end the suffering of the 1.1 billion people without access to safe water, and the 2.4 billion without adequate sanitation.
  • 但在兵力优裕的条件下,使用次要力量(例如县和区的游击队,以至从主力中分出部分)于外线,在那里破坏敌之交通,钳制敌之增援部队,是必要的。
    But when we have the strength to spare, we should use our secondary forces (such as the county or the district guerrilla units, or even detachments of the main force) on exterior lines to disrupt the enemy's communications and pin down his reinforcements.
  • 政权被移交给党手中。
    The reins of government have been handed to men of one party.
  • 手腕轻轻的击;用鞭子轻抽了下我的马
    A flick of the wrist; gave my horse a flick with the reins.
  • 没能把学校管理好的校长走了,另个人已接任。
    The headmaster who failed to govern the school has left, and another man has taken the reins.
  • 马笼头安放在马头周围,用来限制或引导动物的种马具,包括笼头、马勒、缰绳
    A harness, consisting of a headstall, bit, and reins, fitted about a horse's head and used to restrain or guide the animal.
  • 不解决选拔人才的问题,我们交不了班,历史会给我们写下笔。
    But if this matter of promoting capable people isn't settled, we won't be able to hand over the reins, and history will count that against us.
  • 好在缰绳、鞭子、车夫和卫士的联合行动有如宣读了份战争文件的道理。那文件禁止擅自行动,因为它可以大大助长野蛮动物也有思想的理论。
    Reins and whip and coachman and guard, however, in combination, had read that article of war which forbad a purpose otherwise strongly in favour of the argument, that some brute animals are endued with Reason;
  • 祖父年纪大了,退到香蕉园里度晚年,我父亲接受了全部产业的经营权,并在当地开家运输公司,把全岛的锡砂和大型货物运输全包下来,当时从美国进口的福特卡车就达几十辆。
    My grandfather retired to a banana plantation in his old age and my father took over the reins of the business. He set up a shipping company which took over most of the shipping of tin, sand and bulky cargo on the island. At that time, he even imported scores of Ford trucks from the United States.
  • 徐:你有重新商栓的权力,而且如果发现货物的质量和数量与合同和提单上规定的不样的话,可以向我们提出索赔,不会有什么风险的。
    You have the right of reinspection. And you may lodge claims with us if you find the quality or quantity does not conform to the contract and the bill of lading. There's no risk involved.
  • 儿童基金会对国际年的最重要贡献就是通过在国家级的宣传和行动改善儿童为生存和发展获得淡水的机会及淡水的质量。
    Its most important contribution to the Year is through advocacy and action at the country level for improving the access to and quality of freshwater for children’s survival and development.
  • 但是,如果你重提“老式的”金钱观和工作观,你就等于赠给了孩于件宝贵的礼物:自给自足的要诀。
    But if you reinstate old-fashioned values about money and work, you can give your children a precious gift: the key to self-sufficiency.
  • 他想不如再巩固下英语,于是自学英语成了他当时的消遣,直至1978年平反。
    He thought of consolidating his English. Thus, English self-study became his pastime. The situation persisted until he was reinstated in 1978.
  • 九四五年中国人民抗日战争胜利后,中国政府重新恢复了台湾省的行政管理机构。
    After the Chinese people's victory in the war against Japanese aggression in 1945, the Chinese government reinstated its administrative authority in Taiwan Province.
  • 他用零用钱上学弹琴,于是父亲不再给钱——但在发现儿子到个为跳舞伴奏的乐队去自己挣钱以后,又重新给零花钱了。
    When he used his allowance to pay for lessons, his father stopped doling it out but reinstated it after discovering his son was playing in a dance band to earn money.
  • 才不过四天,葛市长已在参加第二个执法人员的丧礼。他说个对犯罪软弱的政府应对这种杀戮分担责任——他呼吁恢复死刑。
    Mayor Koch, attending his second funeral for a law-enforcement officer in four days, said a government that has gone soft on crime shares the blame for the slaying – and he called for reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • 在敌人看来,方面根据地使他们畏进,方面打到白区去的红军是他们的主要的危险物。
    consequently there was opposition to concentrating our forces and advocacy of dividing them up for defence, but in the end all this proved to be wrong.
  • 分保可保证客户得到家保险公司无力偿付的巨额保险。
    reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume.