  • 其他的庆祝活动,包括一连3天在伦敦举行的"香港周",期除了举行一连串文化及贸易活动外,还在六月三十日现场直播在香港举行的交接仪式,成为整项活动的高潮。
    Other celebration events included a three-day 'Hong Kong Weekend' in London which featured a series of cultural and trade events, culminating in the live broadcast of the Handover Ceremony in Hong Kong on June 30.
  • 军事对抗最高峰期的肉搏战。
    close fighting during the culmination of a military attack.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”后,还把个人崇拜的一套搬了一段时
    After the smashing of the Gang of Four, the personality cult continued for a period of time.
  • 李洪志也和这些邪教教主一样,说地球即将毁灭,他能推迟地球爆炸的时,度人去天国。
    Like these cult founders, Li Hongzhi has also predicted the imminent end of the earth and that he alone can postpone the explosion of the earth and send people to the heaven.
  • 小道与小道之,形成四块方地,边沿上种了黄杨。
    In three of these, Madame Magloire cultivated vegetables;
  • 不但如此,我们还要大声疾呼和以身作则地把这些精神推广到全体人民、全体青少年中去,使之成为中华人民共和国的精神文明的主要支柱,为世界上一切要求革命、要求进步的人们所向往,也为世界上许多精神空虚、思想苦闷的人们所羡慕。
    But that is not all: we must call on members of the Party to foster this spirit among all our people, particularly our young people, through exemplary deeds, so that it becomes the main pillar of a culturally and ideologically advanced civilization in the People's Republic of China. Our country will then be looked up to by all revolutionary- and progressive-minded people in the world and admired by all who feel frustrated and suffer from spiritual emptiness for lack of purpose in their lives.
  • 民间文化;民族英雄
    Folk culture; a folk hero.
  • 客观的说,要求新加坡在一代人的时里,发展成一个文雅的国家,是不切实际的。
    To be objective, it is unrealistic to expect that Singapore can blossom into a cultured nation within a mere generation.
  • 在观众提问时,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof. Gao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasized that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 在观众提问时,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof Kao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasised that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 废除州际货车运输的繁琐规章
    Dismantling the cumbersome regulations for interstate trucking.
  • 但长期以来,电视会议的形象不佳,运作繁琐且费用昂贵,还需要提前很长时预定。
    For a long time it suffered from the image of the video conferencing suite, cumbersome and expensive to operate with long booking lead times.
  • 只有战役和战斗的速决战集合了很多,即是使得很多战役和战斗的进攻战都能因迅速解决战斗之故而取得了胜利,才能达到战略持久的目的,一方面争取时加强抗战力量,同时促进和等候国际形势的变动和敌人的内溃,以便举行战略反攻,驱逐日寇出中国。
    Only through the cumulative effect of many campaigns and battles of quick decision, namely, the cumulative effect of many victories achieved through quick decision in offensive campaigns and battles, can we attain our goal of strategic protractedness, which means gaining time to increase our capacity to resist while hastening or awaiting changes in the international situation and the internal collapse of the enemy, in order to be able to launch a strategic counter-offensive and drive the Japanese invaders out of China.
  • 拖着辫子的可爱小孩;可爱的小房;伶俐的小猫;可爱的宝宝。
    a cute kid with pigtails; a cute little apartment; cunning kittens; a cunning baby.
  • 于是丘比特飞到了人,他发现波西卡正在她的房里熟睡。
    Cupid flew down to the Earth. He found Psyche sleeping in her room.
  • 老孔对恶狗说:‘这样的审判,既没有陪审员,又没有法官,不过是白白浪费时,恩狗说:‘我就是陪审员,我就是法官,我要亲自执法审判,我要判处你的死刑!’
    id the mouse to the cur, "Such a trial, dear Sir, With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath." "I'll be judge, I'll be jury," Said cunning old Fury: "I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."'
  • 走在大街上,我也不必担心停在路边的车辆,会突然爆炸;
    I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up.
  • 一长,他渐渐忘却了自己的悲伤。
    Time cured him of his grief.
  • 在晚十时起对所有居民实行的宵禁
    A10 p.m. curfew for all residents.
  • 怎么办!我会赶不上关门时的。
    What am I gonna do? I am gonna miss the curfew.
  • 怎么办!我会赶不上关门(时的)。
    What is I going to do? I am going to miss the curfew.
  • 选择一个如回家时这样一个话题,问清孩子的想法,然后一起实践:“我们可以试一个月规定周末午夜回家的时
    Choose a topic such as curfew, then ask for input. And be willing to experiment: "We will try a midnight curfew on weekends for a month.
  • 此后,玛格丽特改变了过去整夜寻欢作乐的习惯,开始在夜早点休息。
    In later years Margaret's up-all-night joie de vivre gave way to an earlier curfew.
  • 克隆也可直接提供治疗疾病的方法,或者一种获得用于胚胎科学的数据和生物从总体上随时而发育成整体的技术。
    Cloning could also directly offer a means of curing diseases or a technique that could extend means to acquiring new data for the sciences of embryology and how organisms develop as a whole over time.
  • 据初步统计,新中国成立50年来,中央下拨的特大自然灾害救济补助款300多亿元,为22亿多人次解决了因灾缺粮的困难,帮助8亿多人次重建家园,重建倒塌房屋1亿多,为2亿多人次提供衣物数十亿件,为10多亿人次治愈了因灾引起的疾玻
    According to preliminary statistics, in the past 50 years since the founding of the PRC, the Central Government has allocated more than 30 billion RMB yuan as relief funds for serious natural disasters, solving the problem of provisions in 2.2 billion cases, helping over 800 million people rebuild their homes, rebuilding more than 100 million collapsed houses, providing billions of items of clothing for 200-odd million people and curing a billion cases of disease or injury resulting from disasters.
  • 别把时都浪费在搜集古玩上面。
    Don't trifle away your time on curio hunting.
  • 我听到隔壁房里有奇怪的响声。
    I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room.
  • 他好奇的跟在悄悄溜出房的她的后面。
    He curiously ran after her who had slipped out of the room.
  • 潮流的最高时速一般介乎0.5浬至1.5浬之,在狭窄的海峡,流速可高达5浬。
    Maximum tidal currents generally range from 0.5 to 1.5 knots and locally up to 5 knots at narrow channels.
  • 流动的液态流是由这个流体带顶端和基部之的温差引起的。
    Currents of flowing liquid are caused by the difference in temperature between the top and the base of this zone.
  • 中部过渡区则由珠江水与海流的相对影响定下界线。
    The limits of the central transitional zone vary depending upon the relative influence of Pearl River water and marine currents.
  • 新议会不但加强了工作效率,亦确保更适当地进行级别和跨学科的课程综合统整。
    It not only enables a more efficient operation but also ensures a better integration of cross-level and cross-subject curricula.