  • 要是支付现金,你可以600镑购得此车。
    If it's cash on the nail you can have the car for600 pounds.
  • 部分受文教育者对汉语拼音有所抗拒。不久以前进行的改革,他们反对熟悉的“笛卡巴刹”(tekkamarket)被易名为“竹脚中心”(zhujiaocentre),那名字既陌生又不易上口;
    Some among the English-educated still resent the hanyu pinyin fervour of the not-too-distant past, when the favoured and familiar like Tekka Market was replaced by the alienating and unfamiliar such as Zhujiao Centre.
  • 叙述一位雄行为的长篇叙事诗。
    a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds.
  • 圣经钦定译本中的散文或叙述风格的
    Suggestive of the prose or narrative style of the King James Bible.
  • 大风以40里的时速刮断了塔科玛纽约湾海峡大桥。
    40 miles an hour was the wind that dropped the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
  • 这项技术将由美国宇航局用于实际,该局的研究人员正在探讨利用纳管做宇宙电梯的可能性,它是一个20多年前由arthurc.clarke设想的、长达23000里的、从卫星到地球的电缆。
    The technology will be put into practice by NASA, where researchers are exploring the possibility of using nanotubes to make a space elevator, something like the 23, 000-mile satellite-to-Earth cable Arthur C.Clarke envisioned more than two decades ago.
  • 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵国。
    The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in1805, and so stop him from invade England.
  • 戴维斯,约翰1550?-1605国航海家,在寻找西北航道时发现了北极,后来又航行到南海地区,他于1592年发现了福克兰群岛
    English navigator who explored the Arctic while searching for the Northwest Passage and later sailed to the South Seas. He discovered the Falkland Islands in1592.
  • 海军在他们的战舰上安装了8寸口径的大炮。
    The navy mounted 8-inch guns on its warships.
  • 国政府中负责海军的政府办事部门。
    British government office which is in charge of the navy.
  • 在第二次世界大战中国和法国并肩作战,抗击纳粹。
    Britain and France fought together against the Nazis during World War II.
  • 发现于吉利海峡附近。
    found near the Channel Islands.
  • 国非正式用法)可爱而又整洁。
    (British informal) pretty and neat.
  • 那块地约有2亩,四周整齐地围着高大的棕榈树。
    It was some two acres in extent, neatly fenced in with tall palms.
  • 果园面积有两亩左右,四周整齐地围着高大的棕榈树。
    The orchard was some two acres in extent, neatly fenced in with tall palms.
  • 雄未必是做过勇敢之事的人。
    A hero is not necessarily one who has done brave things.
  • 利物浦足球队和格兰足球队实力相当。
    Liver-pool and England are neck and neck in strength.
  • 刚踏入社会工作时,因为语不灵光,我时常不能有效地和同事交换意见。
    Needless to say, I had problems communicating effectively with my colleagues in English when I began working.
  • 一位爱逗笑的国人一次建议说:“一进车厢,要同所有的旅客握手。”不用说,他是故意在开玩笑。
    An English wit once suggested:"On entering a railway compartment shake hands will all the passangers." Needless to say, he was not being serious.
  • 他主动提出要教附近的几个孩子学语。
    He offered to teach English to some of the children in the neighbourhood.
  • 他既不讲语也不讲法语。
    He speaks neither English nor French.
  • 纳尔逊阻拦拿破仑侵略格兰。
    Nelson stopped Napoleon from invading England.
  • 文考试时我有些神经紧张。
    I got nervous at the English examination.
  • 国到南非有6,000里的距离,这些鸟不仅在第二年春天从非洲返回国,而且它们经常返回前一年它们筑的巢窝里。
    From England to South Africa is a journey of 6,000 miles. And the birds not only return from Africa to England next spring, but often they come back to nest in the very same house where they nested the year before.
  • 荷兰西部一城市;国清教徒在年去美国前居住了年的地方。
    a city in the western Netherlands; residence of the Pilgrim Fathers for 11 years before they sailed for America in 1620.
  • “很抱歉,我声音有点嘶哑。”国广播公司的新闻播音员说。
    "I must apologize for this frog in my throat," a BBC newsreader said.
  • 卡杜纳尼日利亚中部偏西北的一城市,位于拉各斯东北部。该市由国人建于1913年,拥有棉纺厂。人口202,000
    A city of northwest-central Nigeria northeast of Lagos. Founded by the British in1913, the city has cotton mills. Population,202, 000.
  • 卡诺尼日利亚中北部一城市,位于拉哥斯东北部。17和18世纪,该市为势力强大的豪萨人的城邦,1903年被国人占领。现在,该市为尼日利亚北部主要的工业城市。人口475,000
    A city of north-central Nigeria northeast of Lagos. A powerful Hausa city-state, particularly in the17th and18th centuries, it was taken by the British in1903. It is now the chief industrial city of northern Nigeria. Population,475, 000.
  • 贝宁尼日利亚南部一城市,位于约161公里(100里)长的贝宁河畔。该城市以其铜制艺术品而著称。人口161,700
    A city of southern Nigeria on the Benin River, about161 km(100 mi) long. The city is known for its bronze works of art. Population,161, 700.
  • 另一位国广播公司的录音记者为了调试好他的录音设备,竟让尼日利亚的一场绞刑推迟了半个小时才进行。
    A BBC sound man held up a Nigerian execution for half an hour while he adjusted his sound equipment.
  • 我不理解他们为什么对给这笔资金支付几个镑的小事大动脑筋,他够富的了。
    I don't see why they should niggle over paying a few pounds into the fund. They're rich enough.
  • 他离家差不多只有二十里了。
    He was nigh upon 20 miles from home.