  • 那个候选人得过火了:他已经领先他人却又了一百万元在宣传费上。
    The candidate used overkill: he is way ahead in the poll but spend another million dolly on campaign ads.
  • 镊合状的在没有重叠的情状下边上镊合的,例如
    Meeting at the edges without overlapping, as some petals do.
  • 盘旋的某些叶、瓣或贝壳等卷曲或盘绕成重叠的螺旋状物的
    Rolled or coiled together in overlapping whorls, as certain leaves, petals, or shells.
  • (植物学;)通常以拥挤的或翻卷的形式排列,比正常的瓣多得多的。
    (botany; of flowers) having more than the usual number of petals in crowded or overlapping arrangements.
  • 爬行的常绿灌木,有窄的重叠的叶子和初期的白色星状的;在新泽西和卡罗莱纳州的松树的荒地中可见。
    creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of pine barrens of NJ and the Carolinas.
  • 我的房间俯瞰花园。
    My room overlooked the garden.
  • 我们想要一个能居高临下看到园而不是停车场的房间。
    We want a room which overlook the garden, not one overlook the car park.
  • 她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
    Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
  • 该董事会决定限制生产部门的过度费。
    The board decide to limit the overspend by the production department.
  • 走了很长一段路后到达小镇的边缘;费过度,导致负债
    Took a long walk and wound up at the edge of town; overspent and wound up in debt.
  • 我妻子一直钱如流水,她似乎认为我可变魔术似地从空中得到钱。
    My wife is always overspending. She seems to think I can wave my magicwand and get money out of the air.
  • 数月来,春天一直在和冬季玩耍着你来我往的游戏。冬季的乌头和雪、藏红混长在一块,可看起来好像正在为水仙所压倒。
    Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. The winter aconites have got mixed with the snowdrops and crocuses and look like being overtaken by the daffodils.
  • 汤姆的身体因在棉种植园里劳累过度而垮了下来。
    Tom's health broke down from overwork on the cotton plantation.
  • 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开白,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
    A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking.
  • 卵子表面上使粉管穿入的小口。
    minute opening in the wall of an ovule through which the pollen tube enters.
  • 珠孔种子植物胚珠上的小开口,通常粉管由此进入胚珠
    A minute opening in the ovule of a seed plant through which the pollen tube usually enters.
  • 他依旧是一个未受胎的卵,一个未得粉的雌蕊。
    He remains an un-impregnated ovum, an unfertilized pistil.
  • 他为她园除草来偿还他欠她的钱。
    He worked out what he owed her by weeding her garden.
  • 这个园之美赖于人工多于自然。
    The beauty of this garden owes more to art than to nature.
  • 一只猫头鹰在园里叫。
    A owl was hooting in the garden.
  • 通过自己的粉授粉。
    fertilized by its own pollen.
  • 主人继续雇用他作匠。
    The owner kept him on as a gardener.
  • 酢浆草属任一种酢浆草属的植物,经常有混合的三叶状的复叶,附有三片小叶,有各色的通常集聚在伞状序上
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Oxalis, having often cloverlike compound leaves with three leaflets and variously colored flowers that are usually clustered in umbels.
  • 他以步测出园的长度。
    He paced out the length of the garden.
  • 她用步子量出了园的长度。
    She paced out the length of the garden.
  • 他们用步量出这个园的长度。
    They paced out the length of the garden.
  • 了一大笔钱买了那幢房子。
    That house cost me a packet.
  • 了一大笔钱买了那辆小汽车。
    That car cost me a packet.
  • 买那辆车了我一大笔钱。
    I spent a pretty packet in buying that car.
  • 现在全军五千人的冬衣,有了棉,还缺少布。
    We now have cotton padding for winter clothing for the whole army of five thousand men but are still short of cloth.
  • 一个院子、园或牧场
    A yard, garden, or paddock.
  • 你能想象他买那车了多少钱吗?
    Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?