  • 他负责报纸写小说评论。
    He do+[1]es the fiction for a newspaper.
  • 换句话说,文学可说是历史、事件和人类经验的摘要,而且它采用更活泼,甚至充满想象力的方式呈现读者。
    To put it in another way, literature is like a summary of history, of events and human experiences recounted in a lively and sometimes fictional way.
  • 他讨厌才能不如他的人当副手。
    He is tired of playing second fiddle to men with less talent.
  • 现在威廉负责销售部,约进修曾负责过,但他没干好,现在他威廉当副手。
    William has now taken control of the sales department. John used to be in charge but was not very successful and is now having to play second fiddle to William.
  • 一笔微不足道的钱;动作细微的手势;与战争时期的国家相比,我们的烦恼是微不足道的;小事;关于琐碎细节的争论;限于小企业;无足轻重的努力;警察提供一顿免费餐也许违反了法律,但这看起来只是个小小的违反。
    a fiddling sum of money; a footling gesture; our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war; a little (or small) matter; a dispute over niggling details; limited to petty enterprises; piffling efforts; giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction.
  • 一种数据处理操作,其中输入项或字段被分发或复制多个输出项或字段。
    A data processing operation in which input items or fields are distributed or duplicated in more than one output item or field.
  • 这动物太凶,应该它戴上口套.
    Such a fierce animal ought to is muzzled.
  • 是的,那段历史了我们许多成败浮沉的前车之鉴,在面对公众意愿的两难之下展开激烈的辩论、无情的抗争。
    Indeed,that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debated,as fiercely fought,with their own challenges to the popular will.
  • 这里有15元,找我3块钱就好了。
    Here's fifteen. Give me three back.
  • 下周,他将家里寄15元钱。
    He will sent home fifteen dollars next week.
  • 我五分之一加仑的威士忌酒。
    A fifth of whiskey, please.
  • 话务员接了5次才我接通电话。
    At the fifth attempt the operator got me through.
  • 几句笑话会你的演说添些生气。
    A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech.
  • 照相机买了两卷胶卷。
    He bought two rolls of film for the camera.
  • 大雾把路给遮住了。
    A mist filmed over the road.
  • 她母亲的双眼泪水遮挡住了。
    Her mother’s eyes filmed over with tears.
  • “这的确拍摄增添了一层紧张气氛,”她承认道,“因为我担心站立的时间太长或工作过久。
    “It did add another layer of tension to filming.”She admits,“because I’d be worried that I was on my feet too long or working too many hours.
  • 当那位富有的赌徒向萨拉求婚时,她回答道:“收起你的不义之财,我要嫁我所爱的人。”
    When the rich gambler tried to make Sarah marry him, she said, “Keep your filthy lucre–I shall marry the man I love. ”
  • 我们把日程确定下后,我马上他打电话。
    I'll call him as soon as we finalize the itinerary.
  • 伯恩:你动身日期定下来后我打个电话或发个传真。
    Give me a ring or fax when you finalize your time for departure.
  • 在四分之一决赛中客队以7比12输了主队。
    The visiting team has lost to the local team 7 - 12 in the quarter - finals.
  • 提供充分的资金;供经费。
    provide with sufficient funds; finance.
  • 我们延长90天的贷款偿还期限,以便克服目前的财政困难。
    Please give us a90-day extension on loan repayment to help us tide over current financial difficulty.
  • 群众团体的经费,应逐渐做到自,政府以足够的津贴。
    Mass organizations should gradually become financially self-supporting, but the government will provide them with adequate subsidies.
  • 我们你们的融资设一个上限。
    Let's set an upper limit for the financing you're going to provide.
  • 这项计划在财政上自自足,经费来自向获得赔偿的受助人扣取的分担费。
    The scheme is self-financing and is funded by contributions from damages or compensation recovered.
  • 法律援助辅助计划在财政上自自足,经费来自法援受助人缴付的分担费及向获得赔偿或补偿的受助人扣取的费用。
    The scheme is self-financing and is funded by legal aid contributions and damages or compensation recovered.
  • 政府也因此与这类合资企业比较优惠的金融和税收政策。
    And because of this, the government gives such joint ventures more favorable policies in financing and taxation.
  • 所有课程均是财政自
    They offer award-bearing and professional programmes, as well as short courses, on a self-financing basis.
  • 香港公开进修学院在一九九六年获授自行评审资格,一九九七年升格为大学,由一九九三至一九九四年度开始财政自
    It was granted self-accrediting status in 1996 and then university status in 1997. Since 1993-94, OUHK has become self-financing.
  • 不过要记着,既然我你当职业介绍所的介绍人,你要我职业介绍费。
    But remember, you'll have to give me a finder's fee since I am acting as your placement agency.
  • 不过要记着,既然我你当职业介绍所的介绍人,你要我职业介绍费。
    But remember, you 'll have to give me a finder 's fee since I am acting as your placement agency.