  • 把蔬菜煮上20分钟,后把水沥掉。
    Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water.
  • 让这些杯子滴干水,后再把它们放起来。
    Let the wet glasses drain before you put them away.
  • 他的精力在渐渐耗尽,但他仍坚持他的研究工作。
    Although his energy is draining away he still insists on his research work.
  • 不自或机械刻板的戏剧表演。
    a stilted dramatic performance (as if by puppets).
  • 同时,如果出现另一种截不同的可能性,即股价继续下滑,这名投资者也可以很好地保护自己。
    Meanwhile, that investor would have dramatically protected himself from that other distinct possibility -- that the stock will keep sliding.
  • 而某些新的产品和管理方式变化很快,因此在这同时发展新的技术和作战理论就很重要。
    But some of these new products and processes change dramatically and therefore it is important to exploit tactics and doctrine at the same time.
  • 没有人知道明确的答案,但是,科学家在预测后代将面对一个迥不同的世界时确实有一定的把握。
    While no one knows for sure , scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically diffrernt world.
  • 1827年,柏辽兹狂热地、激情地、当也是戏剧性地爱上了一位英国女演员哈里特·史密森。当时她正在巴黎的莎土比亚戏剧季节中演出。
    In 1827 Berlioz fell in love, wildly, passionately, dramatically of course, with an English actress, Harriet Smithson, then performing in a season of Shakespeare plays in Paris.
  • "真怪,你竟没听说过这样一位天才的剧作家!"
    How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist!
  • 莱利斯:于是我们不得不采取断的措施;其实呢,这就是解聘那些拿高薪的长期合同的球员。
    Leslie And then we had to take drastic steps; and these were, in fact, to get rid of those long-contract players who had very high wages.
  • 在电影中费雯丽为了真实,有意使自己显得衰老些。使用浓妆、假发和强烈的灯光来掩盖她仍美丽的容貌。一九五一年的秋天,观众惊讶地看见了一个完全不同的人物,几乎不能确认这就是十年前出色地扮演过郝思佳的演员。一九五一年的这部影片结果仍造成轰动,也许是费雯丽最成功的作品,为她再次赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。
    Vlvien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the film一using heavy makeup,wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful features. Audiences in the autumn of l951were stunned to see such a different person,barely recognizing the actress that played Scarlett so exquisitely a decade earlier The resulting film in l951 was still powerful,perhaps Vivien's finest achievement,winning her a second best actress Oscar.
  • 而要实现全面的民族抗战,必须国民党政策有全部的和彻底的转变,必须全国上下共同实行一个彻底抗日的纲领,这就是根据第一次国共合作时孙中山先生所手订的革命的三民主义和三大政策的精神而提出的救国纲领。
    Such a war, however, requires a complete and drastic change in Kuomintang policy and the joint efforts of the whole nation from top to bottom to carry out a thoroughgoing programme of resistance to Japan, that is, a national salvation programme formulated in the spirit of the revolutionary Three People's Principles and the Three Great Policies drawn up personally by Dr. Sun Yat-sen during the first period of Kuomintang Communist co-operation.
  • 在世界社会主义发生严重曲折、国内外风云急剧变幻的局面中,我们党砥柱中流、岿不动,社会主义在中国展现出蓬勃的生机和活力。
    Even in a situation where world socialism experienced serious twists and turns and domestic and foreign situations changed drastically, our Party steadfastly stood its ground like a firm rock in midstream , and socialism in China has displayed its vigor and vitality.
  • 人类赖以生存的地球已是岌岌可危,生态环境在不断的破坏下已产生了显著的变化,四季气温异常、北极冰岩急速溶化、海水水温高涨、臭氧层的破洞继续扩张、大自“还赠”给人们的酸雨、陆地下陷海平面上升,这种种的自界反应到底给了我们什么启示?
    The earth, upon which mankind depends for survival, is in danger. The natural environment, under mankind's incessant destruction, is changing drastically. The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather, the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the rising temperature of the oceans, the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer, the acid rain "given back" to us by Mother Earth, sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us?
  • 人类赖以生存的地球已是岌岌可危,生态环境在不断的破坏下已产生了显著的变化,四季气温异常、北极冰岩急速溶化、海水水温高涨、臭氧层的破洞继续扩张、大自“还赠”给人们的酸雨、陆地下陷海平面上升,这种种的自界反应到底给了我们什么启示?
    The earth, upon which mankind depends for survival, is in danger. The natural environment, under mankind's incessant destruction, is changing drastically. The abnormalities in the seasons and the weather, the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the rising temperature of the oceans, the continuous expansion of the hole in the ozone layer, the acid rain "given back" to us by the nature, sinking land masses and rising sea levels - what do all these reactions of the natural environment tell us?
  • ,这里面也还有生产关系问题,如耕畜怎么养法,是私养为主,还是公养为主。
    Of course, this also involves the relations of production. For example, how would draught animals be raised--mainly privately or collectively?
  • 他的兴趣包罗万象,他所有的研究都以完美尤缺的草图形式记录了下来,这使得他留下的它记趣味盎
    His interests ranged everywhere and all his investigations were recorded in the faultless draughtsmanship that makes his surviving notebooks so interesting.
  • 实际上,这样的体育经营虽有利于促进竞技体育水平的提高,但是其弊端也是十分明显的。
    In fact, although such sports management is beneficial to the promotion of the athletic sports level, its drawback is obvious,too.
  • 后他们从许从多小抽屉里把一样样的药称了出来。
    Then they weighed out the ingredients from the many small drawers.
  • 慢吞吞的地方腔调已经不再是致命的缺陷,但如果谁有以前所谓的牛津口音或是英国广播公司的发音,那还是有优势的。
    A regional drawl is no longer necessarily a fatal flaw but what used to be called an " Oxford" accent or " BBC" pronunciation will still give advantage to someone with it.
  • 许多诗人和艺术家从大自中获得他们的灵感。
    Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.
  • 的、使人麻木的恐怖。
    a sudden numbing dread.
  • 恐惧一种突的、使人失去知觉的害怕或恐惧
    A sudden numbing fear or dread.
  • 凡是罪犯必经常提心吊胆,害怕暴露。
    A criminal must be in perpetual dread of exposure.
  • 而,最令我害怕的却是那条把两路相连的窄路,这路只有两条车道。
    But the part I dreaded most was a narrow two-lane stretch of a road that connected the two.
  • 真可怕,他们的生活竟还是这样悲惨。
    It's dreadful that their life should stillbe so miserable.
  • 在这里,他读到使人毛骨悚的可怖罪案。
    Here, he read of dreadful crimes that made the blood run cold.
  • 它运送着人和物资,创立了梦幻般的自通道,孕育了沿岸诸多地区的文化进程。
    It transported foods and people, creating a dreamlike natural thoroughfare. It is also nourished a cultural progress which has given rise to those enchanting pearls that the river passes on its course.
  • 在心情上或者自界里是空想的。
    dreamy in mood or nature.
  • 1949年,新中国成立后,中国政府和人民开展了一系列规模宏大的运动,迅速荡涤了旧社会遗留下来的污泥浊水,建立了促进和保护人权的基本社会政治制度,使国家和社会的面貌焕一新,开创了中国人权发展的新纪元。
    But after New China was founded in 1949, the Chinese government and people waged a series of large-scale campaigns, rapidly sweeping away the dregs left over from the old society, and established a basic political system which could promote and protect human rights, so that the nation and society took on an entirely new look and a new epoch was started for the progress of human rights in China.
  • 然后她就调拌沙拉。
    Then she dressed the salad.
  • 很自地,中国得出了结论。
    Naturally, China drew its conclusions.