| - 我们保证我们将及时付款。
We engage that the bill will be duly paid by us. - 10月11日,17日贵电收悉。那位先生将在马尼拉给你们回信。
Your message October 11th 17th duly convey understand gentleman is writing you from Manila. - 工业废物是引起水体污染的一个尤其重要的因素,工厂可能将含有化学有毒物的废物直接倒进水体中或排水系统。
Waste from industries is a particularly important cause of water pollution. Factories may dump waste containing toxic chemicals directly into bodies of water or into sewerage systems. - 第六十六条 违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进口固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。
Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped, piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Council, shall be ordered by the Customs to transport such solid waste back to where it is dispatched and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan. - 他需要知道有人关心。对一个情绪陷入低潮的人这是无比的振奋。他将无任感激。
He needs to know that someone cares. You can't imagine what a boost it will give to a person who is down in the dumps. He will appreciate it more than you know. - 我们将不再多想这件事了。
We will not dwell on that matter any longer. - 假如我们住在月球,一切将会是什么样?
Just suppose we dwell on the moon, what will happen then? - 别老是想着过去的失败;要想到将来。
Don't dwell too much on your past failures; think of the future. - 戴尔博士写道:“绝不可将对机构和事物的忠诚凌驾于对自己的忠诚之上。”
“ Never place loyalty to institutions and things above loyalty to yourself,” Dr Dyer wrote. - 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必争。
It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation. - 为加强社会监督,对具备承担一、二级堤防工程建设监理资质的单位,将在《中国水利报》上公告。
In order to access supervision of the society, the first class and second class qualified construction supervision institutes for dyke projects will be published on "China Water Resources News". - 水利部已进行了核查,对具备一、二级堤防工程勘测设计资质等级的单位,将在《中国水利报》上公告,接受社会监督。
The Ministry of Water Resources has already checked the first class and second class qualified design institutes for dyke project reconnaissance and design and will publish the results on "China Water Resources News" for supervision by the society. - 在切换期间,网络ip和以太网地址会动态地从activelan接口切换到standby接口并将standby接口提升为active。
During the switchover, the network IP and the Ethernet addresses dynamically switch from the ACTIVE LAN interface to the STANDBY interface and promotes it to ACTIVE. - 航天动力学,天体动力学将天然及人工天体推入外层空间的动力学
The dynamics of natural and human-made bodies in outer space. - 至此,vlan配置的很多复杂性将消失,网络管理人员将拥有能唯一响应业务连网动态变化的工具。
At that point, many VLAN configuration complexities will disappear, and network managers will have a tool that's uniquely responsive to the dynamics of business networking. - 诺贝尔,阿尔弗烈德·伯恩哈德1833-1896瑞典化学家、工程师,他发明了炸药(1866年)并将他的财产遗赠建立了诺贝尔奖
Swedish chemist and engineer who invented dynamite(1866) and bequeathed his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. - 他说他将分别约见我们每一个人。
He said he would see each of us separately. - 鹰将捕获物紧紧抓住.
The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip. - 请告诉我你的经历,我将洗耳恭听。
Tell me your experience, I'm all ears. - 我将随兴而定。
I'll play by ear. - 我将随兴而定。
I'll play it by ear. - 没有国王的命令,士兵们不敢砍断绞索,将那杀人犯的尸体放下来。
Without the king’s order, the soldiers eared not cut the murderer down. - 我下次将更早点来。
I'll come earlier next time. - 要说出谁将赢为时太早。
It is still too early to tell who will win. - 我将为你的研究指拨一笔款项。
I will earmark this money for your research. - 此外,中国政府还将出资两百万美元在上海设立"亚太经合组织金融与发展项目",旨在着重加强亚太经合组织在金融领域内的人才培养,提高各成员实现经济持续增长的能力。
In addition, the Chinese Government will earmark US$2 million for the launch of the "APEC Finance and Development Project" in Shanghai, a project designed to train more financial professionals and enhance APEC members' capacity for a sustainable economic growth. - 将军的勇敢和沉着在军界博得了深深的赞扬。
The general's courage and presence of mind earned him deep admiration among the armymen. - 名次将由总分决定。
Placings will be determined according to the total points earned. - 当前的经济滑坡预示着一次大的衰退即将来临。
The current economic slump is an earnest of the major recession to come. - 除非你努力下功夫, 否则你将永远打不好网球。
You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it earnestly. - 令人不安的是,现在很多学生把将来能挣多少钱作为选择学校、专业和职业的首要标准。
Many students today display a disturbing willingness to choose academic institutions, fields of study and careers on the basis of earning potential. - 他将其所有的收入都存入银行。
He put all his earnings into his bank.