  • 她的耐心和机智是出的。
    Her patience and tact were legendary.
  • 传奇人物具有传奇色彩或享有传奇式誉的人物
    One that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame.
  • 传说中有的在寓言中著称或闻的;在寓言中的
    Made known or famous by fables; legendary.
  • 当地人选举了六立法委员。
    Six legislators were elected by local people.
  • 选区的全体选民由一被选出的立法或官员作代表的全体选民
    The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official.
  • 沃尔夫,卡斯帕·弗雷德里希1733-1794德国解剖学者,以其在胚胎学方面的先驱工作而著
    German mathematician and philosopher who popularized the work of Leibnitz.
  • 同团一在银行工作的执行员就曾对笔者说:“大概是因为接近高山,所以瑞士人比较懂得爱惜大自然,也比较有闲情逸致,享受生活。”
    "The Swiss people can better appreciate Nature and enjoy a leisurely life," remarked a fellow visitor from Singapore, "probably because they live close to the Alps."
  • 他以自己的义支持这一崇高的事业。
    He has lent his name to the lofty cause.
  • 世界著的《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民在漫长历史长河中创造出来的一部珍贵的长篇英雄史诗,是中国乃至世界文学宝库中少有的珍品,但一直是通过民间说唱艺人口头流传。
    The world-famous Life of King Gesar, a lengthy and valuable heroic epic created by the Tibetan people over a considerable length of time, is a rare literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind. However, it has all along been passed down by folk artists orally.
  • 经过改造,一千多原日本战犯经宽大释放回国后,绝大多数积极参加反战、和平和促进中日友好的活动;
    After their reform, over one thousand Japanese war criminals received lenient treatment and were returned to Japan. Most of them have taken an active part in anti-war activities, supporting peace and promoting Sino-Japanese friendship.
  • 这个党,照我们历来的说法,是光荣的、伟大的、正确的党,是副其实的马克思列宁主义的党。
    This Party, as we have consistently maintained, is glorious, great and correct and is a Marxist-Leninist Party worthy of the name.
  • 她以自己的义支持这一崇高的事业。
    She has lent her name to the lofty cause.
  • 菲尼克斯大学直接与大的州立大学和不大知的小学校竞争,因为这些学校都怕学生流失。
    Phoenix competes directly with the big state universities and lesser-known small colleges, all of which fear a student drain.
  • 由13,500美国飞行员组成的飞行员联盟发言人格雷格·奥弗曼说:"我们一直在寻找能够与致命的恐怖行为抵死抗争的最后防线。
    "We are looking for a last line of defense and that defense has to be lethal to counter lethal intent," said Gregg Overman, spokesman for the Allied Pilots Union representing 13,500 American Airlines pilots.
  • 私人侦精英装备着最先进的高科技武器、性能精良的车辆、武功绝技和眼花缭乱的伪装,在海、陆、空施展她们的盖世本领,追寻一被劫持的计算机专家,确保其绝密的语音识别软件免落凶犯之手。
    A trio of elite1 private investigators armed with the latest high tech tools,high performance vehicles,martial arts techniques and a vast array of disguises unleash their state of the art skills on land,sea and air to track down a kidnapped computer ace and keep his top secret voice identification software out of lethal hands.
  • 这场争吵有损於党的声。
    This blood-letting is damaging the reputation of the party.
  • 英国作家;查尔斯·道奇森是牛津大学的数学指导教师因他以刘易斯·凯偌为笔写的儿童故事而被世人纪念。
    English author; Charles Dodgson was an Oxford don of mathematics who is remembered for the children's stories he wrote under the pen name Lewis Carroll (1832-1898).
  • 学校会增聘一图书馆主任,专责管理中央图书馆,并为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
    A teacher-librarian is provided to manage the school central library and to organise library activities for the pupils.
  • 那天下班时,他提出要做一正常工作的图书管理员,我马上就答应了。
    At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes.
  • 每所公营中学均有一学校图书馆主任,负责管理校内的图书馆,并为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
    Each public sector secondary school has a library staffed by a teacher-librarian responsible for managing the school library and organising library activities for students.
  • 为辅助小学生学习并鼓励他们养成良好的阅读习惯,政府除了设立课室图书馆外,还分期为每所小学设立中央图书馆,并增聘一学校图书馆主任,专责管理中央图书馆,以及为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
    To encourage good learning and reading habits among primary school pupils, the Government is providing, on top of class libraries, a central library in each primary school by phases. A teacher-librarian is provided to manage the school central library and to organise library activities for the pupils.
  • 歌剧星,歌剧的歌词
    Opera stars; an opera libretto.
  • 本港现有83持有执照的领港员,透过一家私人公司提供领航服务。
    There are 83 licensed pilots who provide pilotage services through a private company.
  • 该会有90持有执照的领港员,提供全年365天、每天24小时不间断的领航服务。
    The service has 90 licensed pilots and is available around the clock throughout the year.
  • 经许可使用他人注册商标的,必须在使用该注册商标的商品上标明被许可人的称和商品产地。
    Where any party is authorized to use a registered trademark of another person, the name of the licensee and the origin of the goods must be indicated on the goods that bear the registered trademark.
  • 用谎言诋毁某人的誉。
    Lie away sb.'s reputation
  • 他说有人说谎,但他不愿指道姓。
    He said someone had lied but wouldn't name names.
  • 画押,记号用来代替签的标记,如十字符
    A sign, such as a cross, made in lieu of a signature.
  • 年轻的中尉被任命担任这项职务。
    A young lieutenant was named for duty.
  • 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,"这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及声,也在所不辞。"……"他喜欢去做棘手的事。"
    "This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A. Foley,??"He likes to go out and grab the nettles."
  • 佩德·佩德森和一上尉在星期天溜出去探查情况。
    Peder Pederson and a lieutenant slipped out Sunday to spy out the situation.
  • 排由两个或多个分排组成,通常由一中尉指挥的军队中连的划分
    A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.