  • 本规范文档的主要读者群应当是需要编写与uddi操作入站点(uddioperatorsite)能直接交互的软件的程序员。
    The primary audience for this document is programmers who want to write software that will directly interact with a UDDI Operator Site.
  • 或是通过它们提供给平台的部件模型的描述或者通过利用程序本身的应用编程接实现与应用程序的交互。
    The interfaces interact with applications either via descriptions. They provide to their platform's component model or by taking advantage of the program's application programming interfaces.
  • 当然这些北大学生是从中国广大人中筛选出来的精英,但是如果不是基于北大的历史与传统,他们不会有足够的信心跟美国总统进行有效的对话。
    Of course, the students of Beida are very intelligent because they are selected from a large population base. But without the sense of Beida's history and tradition, they would not have this confidence to interact effectively with the American President.
  • 当局装设了一套24小时互动式话音回应系统,为市民提供有关学童牙科保健服务和腔健康护理的话音及传真资料。
    A 24-hour interactive voice response system is available to provide voice and fax information about the School Dental Care Service and oral health.
  • 当局装设了一套24小时互动式话音回应系统(热线号码27137028),为市民提供有关学童牙科保健服务及腔健康护理的话音及传真资料。
    A 24-hour interactive voice response system (hotline number 2713 7028) is available to provide voice and fax information about the School Dental Care Service and oral health.
  • 两种软件之间的一种共享逻辑界面。例如,一个交互开发工具是系统软件和应用软件之间的友好接
    A shared logical boundary between two software components. An interactive development tool, for example, is a user-friendly interface between a system software and an application software.
  • 市民亦可随时浏览腔健康教育网页“牙齿俱乐部”,以及致电24小时腔健康教育热线,取得有关资讯。
    Readily available information is also provided to the public through the Oral Health Education home page 'Tooth Club' and a 24-hour interactive Oral Health Education telephone hotline.
  • 两次户普查间人的增加
    the intercensal increase in population
  • 他所要做的一切就是截获令。
    All they would have to do is intercept the password.
  • 社会或头上的交换。
    social or verbal interchange (usually followed by `with').
  • 在过程控制计算机系统中,连接计算机系统和过程控制接系统的线路。
    In a process computer system, the means for interconnection between the computer system and the process interface system.
  • 值得注意的是法国上一次夺得主要的足球桂冠,是1984年自己家门举行欧洲杯的时候。
    Interestingly, the last time the French won a major soccer championship was also when it played host to the European Championship in 1984.
  • 防火墙计算机要求2张以太网卡,一个对外部世界的接和一个对主POP网络的接
    The firewall machine will require two ethernet card, one interface to the outside world and one to the master pop network.
  • 你能给我解释一下人机接吗?
    Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface?
  • 以太网接口节点(ein)
    Ethernet Interface Node (EIN)
  • 电源(参见)光接板(参见)
    Optical Interface Board (See)
  • li=链路接口tn916板。
    LI = link interface TN916 board.
  • li4d=链路接口tn1315板。
    LI4D = link interface TN1315 board.
  • li4o=链路接口tn1669板。
    LI4O = link interface TN1669 board.
  • li4s=链路接口tn1316板。
    LI4S = link interface TN1316 board.
  • 光接板和光发射机/接收机的连接
    Optical Interface Board, and Optical Transmitters/Receivers
  • atm接失效可以是物理的或者逻辑的。
    ATM interface failures are physical or logical.
  • 缺省的li4s=链路接tn1316板。
    The default is LI4S=link interface TN1316 board.
  • 音乐设备数字接,或称midi,实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接
    Musical Instrument Digital Interface,or MIDI,is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today.
  • 音乐设备数字接,或称midi,实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接
    Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today.
  • 可以在运行时间选择你比较喜欢的用户接语言
    You can choose your preferred user interface language at run-time
  • 诊断ds1就是对ds1接运行电路板级的硬件测试。
    Diagnosing a DS1 runs board-level hardware tests on the DS1 interface.
  • 的物理失效是由丢失行信号指示出来的。
    Physical failures of the interface are indicated by a loss-of-line signal.
  • 这一回环测试将影响到ds1接上的所有dso。
    This loopback affects all of the DS0s on the DS1 interface.
  • 一种显示设备,可以通过数据电话或数据装置(通常是调制解调器)来指明和一台接计算机的远程连接。
    A device used to indicate that remote connection to an interfacing computer by Dataphone or Dataset is possible.
  • 中国反对借人权问题干涉别国内政,并为消除各种不正常现象、加强国际人权合作进行了不懈的努力。
    China is opposed to interfering in other countries' internal affairs on the pretext of human rights and has made unremitting efforts to eliminate various abnormal phenomena and strengthen international cooperation in the field of human rights.
  • 任何此类干涉中国内政的做法,既背离了国际社会在人领域确立的基本原则,又违背了公认的国际法准则,都是无益于中国计划生育事业的健康发展和世界人的稳定的。
    Any such practice of interfering in China's internal affairs has not only deviated from the basic principle set up in the field of population by the international community, but it has also violated the established principles of international law, which will neither help promote a healthy development of China's family planning programme nor the stability of the world's population.