  • 挤压(纸等)发的细碎响声
    To crush(paper, for example) with sharp, snapping sounds.
  • 可食用的海洋双壳类动物,壳呈扇形且有凹巢,通过一连串的张合动作将水逐壳外而游动。
    edible marine bivalve having a fluted fan-shaped shell that swim by expelling water from the shell in a series of snapping motions.
  • 事实上恰恰相反,如果你能不去谴责、厉声怒斥、大吼大叫或做其他什么样的激烈反应,你也许会惊奇地发现你的伴侣会变得多么能干。
    On the contrary, if you can avoid lecturing, snapping, yelling or otherwise reacting, you may be amazed at how helpful your partner will become.
  • 这张快照印来不太清楚。
    This snapshot hasn't printed very well.
  • 现viewhere弹菜单,同时snapshot已变亮。
    The view here pop-up menu appear with snapshot already highlight.
  • 现viewhere弹菜单,同时snapshot已变亮。
    The view here pop up menu appear with snapshot already highlight.
  • 主要经济指标传达的信息包括当前的经济状况以及未来可能现的情况,能协助制定投资和商业决策。
    Understanding key-economic indicators will assist in the decision making process, providing a snapshot of the current situation and an insight into the future.
  • 你必须把这些快照转寄去。
    You must forward those snapshots.
  • “我们的快照还没被洗来“;他尝试着给没有摆好姿势的朋友照相。
    my snapshots haven't been developed yet; he tried to get unposed shots of his friends.
  • 人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听到一切真实和虚伪的东西,然后作正确的判断。倘使让我来决定,我们应该是有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.)
    The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. (Thomas Jefferson, American president)
  • 没于太平洋海岸水域和美国自加利福尼亚下游至阿拉斯加的河流中。
    found in Pacific coastal waters and streams from lower California to Alaska.
  • 一些历史学家认为,蹦床最早现在19世纪中期的阿拉斯加因纽特人中间;另一些则提这一运动真正的先驱是马戏团的杂技演员,他们使用类似于蹦床的器械已至少有200年了。
    Some historians believe the first trampoline dates back to the Alaskan Inuits as early as the mid-1800s; others suggest that the pioneers are really circus acrobats who have used devices resembling trampolines for at least 200 years.
  • 哈瓦已经搞不清楚现在谁在阿尔巴尼亚执政,也叫不她所有后代的名字。
    She is unable to say who rules Albania these days and has a hard job remembering the names of all her grandchildren.
  • 因此,事情只能是这两者之一:要么是尼尔又找到一项新的室内娱乐活动,尽管这项活动有点奇特;要么是现了另一个女人。
    So it could only have meant one of two things--Neil had at last found himself an indoor pastime, albeit a strange one, or else there was another woman.
  • 如果时间安排不同的话,情况就会大相径庭,再说我的心还没有——尽管心里没底——定下来,我就可以终止跟那个男人外观光。
    If the timing had been different, the distance less daunting and my heart not already albeit unknowingly--engaged, I could have ended up with that man whom I went off to visit.
  • 那时威胁来自美国,最突的就是朝鲜战争,后来还有越南战争、朝鲜战争,中国了志愿军,同美国直接较量,苏联供给的军火还要中国付半价。
    At that time, the threat came from the United States. Glaring examples were the Korean War and then the Vietnam War. In the first, China sent volunteers to fight the United States. The Soviet Union supplied us with arms but asked us to pay for them, albeit at half price.
  • 企业经济效益明显好转,虽然还是初步的,原因也是多方面的,但显示国有企业改革和发展的良好前景,进一步鼓舞了士气,增强了人们对于实现三年脱困目标的信心。
    The economic performance of enterprises has taken a favorable turn obviously, albeit only initially and due to various reasons. However, it shows the good prospect of the reform and development of the state-owned enterprises, further boosting the morale and increasing the people’s confidence in achieving the objectives of the three-year difficulty relief.
  • 我买了一大堆介绍中国文明、艺术、陶器、纺织品的英文书,读得津津有味,我也找来了《西游记》、《水浒传》和《三国演义》的英译版本,我常常去听有关介绍中国陶器的讲座,以及在香港席一个有关中国纺织品的会议,我发现中国的一些最好的珍藏品已落在欧美人士手中。
    I acquired a collection of books on Chinese civilizations, art, ceramics, textiles and read them voraciously, albeit in English. I read translated versions of the Journey to the West, Water Margin and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I frequented talks on Chinese ceramics, attended a Chinese textile conference in Hong Kong only to find that some of the best collections were in European and American hands.
  • 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在莱布尼茨之后做了这样的表述,"我们用事情发生的顺序来衡量时间,此外时间并不独立存在",他接着提了一个名为"同时存在的事件"的观点。
    Albert Einstein followed Leibnitz, and made the statement that " Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it." He then developed an idea called "simultaneous events.
  • 瑞士、丹麦和瑞典除了拥有本国健全的政策外,也吸纳了其他欧洲国家的优秀人才,例如:生在德国的爱因斯坦,在瑞士受教育并做惊天动地的物理研究;
    Besides having sound national policies of their own, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden also absorbed talent from other European countries. For instance,German-born Albert Einstein was educated in Switzerland. His subsequent research into physics was nothing short of earth-shattering.
  • 曾经有两位画家――阿皮雷斯和丢勒滑稽地认为,可以按照几何比例,或者通过摄取不同人身上最美的特点,加以合成的方法,画最完美的人像。
    A man cannot tell whether Apelles, or Albert Durer, were the more trifler; whereof the one, would make a personage by geometrical proportions; the other, by taking the best parts out of divers faces, to make one excellent.
  • 瑞士、丹麦和瑞典除了拥有本国健全的政策外,也吸纳了其他欧洲国家的优秀人才,例如:生在德国的爱因斯坦,在瑞士受教育并做惊天动地的物理研究;
    Besides having sound national policies of their own, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden also absorbed talent from other European countries. For instance, German-born Albert Einstein was educated in Switzerland. His subsequent research into physics was nothing short of earth-shattering.
  • 在长橇赛中,苏联在双人赛中胜,瑞士在四人赛中胜,但人们谈论得更多的反而是牙买加人居然也组队参加了长橇赛,以及摩纳哥王子阿尔勃特的参赛。
    In the bobsled, the stories were not those of the eventual winners, the Soviets in the two-man and the Swiss in the four-man, but rather of the Jamaicans having bobsled team at all and of prince Albert of Monaco competing.
  • 成龙正在艾伯塔拍一部西部喜剧片《上海正午》,人们问他最难的特技是什么,他笑道,"总是讲英语,"答案似已成竹在胸。这位超级武打明星生于香港,只讲普通话和粤语。
    Jackie Chan has a ready answer when asked about his toughest stunt in Shanghai Noon, a comic western he is currently filming in Alberta. "Always English," laughs the Hong Kong-born martial arts superstar, who speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • 这张专辑卖了1400万张,并在25个国家获金唱片和白金唱片奖?quot;
    The album sold 14 million copies and went gold and platinum in 25 countries.
  • 结果他们成功地为bbc推了一张电视音乐专辑。
    The result was a successful album of TV music for the BBC.
  • 专辑共收录了14首新歌,罗比推的是他和盖伊·钱伯斯的作品。
    Album itself contains 14 new tracks,where Robbie presents his and Guy Chambers'compositions.
  • 1995年8月,希尔的第2张专辑《对我很重要》大张旗鼓地推了。
    Hill released her second album,It Matters to Me,to great fanfare21 in August of 1995.
  • 乳清蛋白一种含于牛奶中并可从乳清中提炼来的白蛋白
    The albumin contained in milk and obtained from whey.
  • 德国神话中的炼金术士,将灵魂卖给魔鬼换取知识。
    an alchemist of German legend who sol his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge.
  • 法律禁止向18岁以下的人售含有酒精的饮料。
    The law forbids the sale of alcohol to people under 18.
  • 我们没有售酒水的许可征。
    We're not licensed to sell alcohol.