  • 我要让我的眼睛饱享维勒兹那炽烈的色彩,研究埃尔·格列科的神秘,从科罗那里领略大自然的新视觉。
    I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of Veronese, study the mysteries of E1 Greco, catch a new vision of Nature from Corot.
  • 临时区域市政局负责管理新界区各公园、花园、运动场、足球场、体育用地及儿童游乐场的花草树木,这些绿化地带占地达703公顷。
    The Provisional Regional Council maintains 703 hectares of greenery in parks, gardens, sports grounds, soccer pitches, games areas and children's playgrounds in the New Territories.
  • 国王林荫大道北端有漂亮的霍夫花园供人们小憩。公园已经尝试在僻静的小块区域种植草木。
    The pretty Hofgarten at the north end of the Konigsallee offers a brief respite and, within the grounds, attempts have been made to pro-vide quiet pockets of greenery.
  • 加湿器一种用于增加房间、温室或其它封闭空间湿度的装置
    A device for increasing the humidity in a room, greenhouse, or other enclosure.
  • 各种药用植物,于一九八七年种植,新温室则于一九九三年建成,吸引不少游人。
    The medicinal plant collection, established in 1987, and a new greenhouse built in 1993 have generated much interest.
  • 我尤其希望见到区议会获得所需的支援,使它们得以在区的清洁和绿化工作上,担当更重要角色。
    I am particularly keen to see the District Boards being given the support needed to let them play a fuller part in cleaning and greening their areas.
  • ,当局修订或制定了有关加油站、石油气加气站、电力供应、电话服务和绿化计划的规划标准与准则。
    During the year, planning standards and guidelines for petrol filling stations, liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, electricity supply, telephone service and greening were revised or in the process of formulation.
  • 为应付失业率不断上升的问题,行政长官在十月发表的《施政报告》中宣布,政府短期会在文康设施、屋?管理、教育、环保、公众卫生、绿化及健康护理和福利服务等多个范畴,创造三万个就业机会。
    In his Policy Address in October, the Chief Executive announced the creation of 30000 job opportunities in the short term in a number of areas including recreational and cultural facilities, housing estate management, education, environmental protection, public sanitation, greening and health care and welfare services in response to the rising unemployment rate.
  • 世界第五大岛屿,是加拿到北极圈最大的岛屿;位于格林兰岛和哈得逊海湾之间。
    the 5th largest island and the largest of the Canadian Arctic; between Greenland and Hudson Bay.
  • 在几星期她的头发就变灰白了。
    She's gone grey within a few weeks.
  • 能够保持潜藏在真空管的栅格的电池。
    battery used to maintain the grid potential in a vacuum tube.
  • 扬回忆到,本地的高压输电网曾经无法正常运转,结果热带雨林的温度在15分钟之从华氏85度窜升到120度。
    Once when the local power grid failed, Young recalls, the rain forest shot from 85 to 120 degrees F in just 15 minutes.
  • 棋盘格相互交叉的线条,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统部分或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面
    A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.
  • 在平底锅或煎锅里烘焙而成(南部和陆地区)。
    baked in a pan or on a griddle (Southern and Midland).
  • 心痛苦(不表露出来)
    Grieve inwardly, ie not show one's grief
  • 有折磨凶杀容的恐怖小故事
    A grim little tale of torture and murder
  • 想到这里,他的脸上不禁浮现出一种可怕的笑容,他心深处既伤感而又快活。
    The thought of it caused a grim smile to appear and joy to his heart.
  • 在当前严峻的国际经济形势下,实现经济较快增长的根本之策,是扩大国需求,进一步形成消费和投资的双重拉动。
    In the current grim international economic situation, expanding domestic demand is very important for achieving a relatively rapid economic growth to further stimulate both consumption and investment.
  • 两家杂货店,一家综合商店就是当地商业的全部容了。
    Two grocery shops and the general store are the sum total of local commerce.
  • 例如,周末睡几个小时的懒觉就会打乱人体部的生物钟,从而让我们感到夜里精神,早上反而变得疲惫无力。
    Sleeping in for hours on weekends, for example, confuses the body's internal clock and leads to wide?eyed nights and groggy mornings.
  • 加强肋作为连接物填入槽的楔形物或舌状物
    A wedge or key that fits into a groove to make a joint.
  • 她住在一间龌龊的斗室,连做饭的地方都没有。
    She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook.
  • 沿着界滚动的地滚球。
    a grounder that rolls along the infield.
  • 保龄球(bowling)中国人过去叫“地滚球”,是一种滚球击木柱的室体育运动。
    The Chinese used to call bowling as "grounder", which was a kind of indoor sport using a grounder hitting the stakes. It was origi-nated in Germany between the 3rd-4th century.
  • 对于国的形势和四个现代化的前途抱怀疑态度,是完全错误、没有根据的。
    It is groundless and utterly wrong to be sceptical about the domestic situation and the future of the four modernizations.
  • 至于党的主观主义的批评,不要证据的乱说,或互相猜忌,往往酿成党的无原则纠纷,破坏党的组织。
    As for subjective criticism, loose and groundless talk or suspiciousness, such practices inside the Party often breed unprincipled disputes and undermine the Party organization.
  • 常作为室盆栽植物种植。
    often grown as a houseplant.
  • 从不嫌晚如果心的积怨已长达数十载,请记住抚平创伤总比留着好,从不嫌晚。
    It's never too late If you have let a grudge fester for decades, remember it's never too late to heal wounds.
  • 他们保证在一个月把货送到。
    They have guaranteed delivery within a month.
  • 所有这些成功要素,在《基本法》都一一得到了保障。
    All these factors which underlie our success have been guaranteed in the Basic Law.
  • 而在这段时间,你可以与你的保证人谈谈。
    In the meantime, you can discuss it with your guarantor.
  • 这个新冰箱仍在保修期
    A new refrigerator still under guaranty.