  • 当交通管理员给了我一张违反停车规则的罚款单时,我同她进行了措词恰当的辩。
    When she gave me a parking ticket I exchanged a few well chosen words with the traffic warden.
  • 星球大战防御体系的支持者们希望,这会形成足够的威慑力来永远制止核战的爆发
    Supporters of the Star Ware defence system hope that this would be enough of a threat to keep a nuclear war from ever happening.
  • 他们毁坏那些来竞的外国商品,捣毁机器,烧毁工厂,力图恢复已经失去的中世纪工人的地位。
    they destroy imported wares that compete with their labour, they smash to pieces machinery, they set factories ablaze, they seek to restore by force the vanished status of the workman of the Middle Ages.
  • 从战学习战——这是我们的主要方法。
    Our chief method is to learn warfare through warfare.
  • 信息战与金钱有关。
    Information Warfare is about money.
  • 什么进行信息战争?
    Why will information warfare be fought?
  • 在前期,主要的是游击战;在后期,主要的是正规战
    Guerrilla warfare was primary in the first period and regular warfare in the second.
  • 第一个,国内游击战和国内正规战之间的转变。
    The first was the change from guerrilla warfare to regular warfare in the civil war.
  • 灵活地使用兵力,是游击战比较正规战更加需要的。
    The flexible employment of forces is more essential in guerrilla warfare than in regular warfare.
  • (九五)抗日战的作战形式中,主要的是运动战,其次就要算游击战了。
    95. Among the forms of warfare in the anti-Japanese war mobile warfare comes first and guerrilla warfare second.
  • 这样,整个抗日战中,中国将不会以阵地战为主要形式,主要和重要的形式是运动战和游击战。
    Hence, throughout the War of Resistance China will not adopt positional warfare as primary; The primary or important forms are mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare.
  • 征途通向战或战斗的路途
    A course that leads to warfare or battle.
  • 在战中抢劫一个国家的行为。
    the act of despoiling a country in warfare.
  • 交战处于战或有战危险的冲突状态
    The state of being at war or being engaged in a warlike conflict.
  • 提倡战或尚武理论的人。
    a person who advocates war or warlike policies.
  • 我们应该是地球上为了战的目的而同意使用原子能的最后几个人。
    We shall be the last persons on earth to approve of the use of atomic energy for warlike purpose.
  • 我们不能排除有些战贩子会冒险发动一场新的世界大战的可能性。
    We can't exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.
  • at&t花费480亿美元买入有线电视巨人田纳西州煤炭和钢铁分公司tci,并且买进它的合资企业化纳兄弟娱乐公司(timewarner),这大大增强了它的国内实力。at&t计划不仅提供电视并且还提供高速度的调制解调器和本地电话服务,以便同贝尔公司(babybells)展开竞
    AT&T's $48 billion purchase of cable-TV giant TCI and its joint venture with Time Warner give it new wires into the home, through which it plans to provide not only TV but high-speed modem and local phone service to compete with the Baby Bells.
  • 他的部落不要战,因为他们知道打仗不好。
    His nation would not go on the warpath, because they did not think it well.
  • 离婚的夫妻俩为孩子们的归属而吵。
    The divorced couples are warring over their children.
  • 互相斗的派别最后达成了协议
    The warring factions have at last come to terms.
  • 是民族和民族、国家和国家、阶级和阶级、政治集团和政治集团之间互相斗的最高形式;一切关于战的规律,都是进行战的民族、国家、阶级、政治集团为了取自己的胜利而使用的。
    War is the highest form of struggle between nations, states, classes, or political groups, and all the laws of war are applied by warring nations, states, classes, or political groups for the purpose of achieving victory for themselves.
  • 当地人互相之间斗了几个世纪。
    The natives have been warring with each other for centuries.
  • 土人一直在夺这一小片土地,双方相持不下。
    The natives have been warring over this small piece of land without either side winning.
  • 两个工厂为了原料而执。
    The two factories warred over the materials.
  • 斗争者;战士
    One who fights; a warrior.
  • 而党的组织,则是掌握统一战线和武装斗这两个武器以实行对敌冲锋陷阵的英勇战士。
    And the Party is the heroic warrior wielding the two weapons, the united front and the armed struggle, to storm and shatter the enemy's positions.
  • 人民的游击战,从整个革命战的观点看来,和主力红军是互为左右手,只有主力红军而无人民的游击战,就像一个独臂将军。
    Considering the revolutionary war as a whole, the operations of the people's guerrillas and those of the main forces of the Red Army complement each other like a man's right arm and left arm, and if we had only the main forces of the Red Army without the people's guerrillas, we would be like a warrior with only one arm.
  • 期间无辜百姓横遭蹂躏.
    Many atrocities are committed on innocent people in wartime.
  • 死伤者战中的人员损失;人身伤亡
    People lost in wartime; casualties.
  • 忘掉我在战期间的许多经历
    Blacked out many of my wartime experiences.
  • 定量供给在例如战期间等时候,把某物供应制定在一定数量以下
    To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime.