  • 即使公司没有清盘,股也只有在公司已付给债券持有人利息后才可领到股息。
    For a firm not in liquidation, shareholders have claim to part of the operating income left over after taxes and interest to bond hold-ers have been paid.
  • 一月中,巴西金融危机恶化,广国际信托投资有限公司清盘,但这些消息并未对港元汇率造成重大影响。
    The deepening of the financial crisis in Brazil and the liquidation of Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corporation (GITIC) in mid-January had no significant impact on the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate.
  • 你有烟酒类东西吗?
    Do you have any cigarettes or liquor?
  • 里斯本作为方香料市场胜过威尼斯。
    Lisbon outshone Venice as a mart for oriental spices.
  • 我把要买的西列了个单子。
    I listed the things I wanted to buy.
  • 妈妈把她要买的西列了张表。
    Mother listed the items she wanted to buy.
  • 我希望我弹的别人喜欢听,我弹的西别人也能弹,只不过别和我弹得一个样。”
    " I wanted to be listenable and play tunes that other people could play but not the way I play them."
  • 洗耳恭听的人,不仅到处受到欢迎,过些时候,他还会学到一些西。
    A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something.
  • 一个月之后,信用卡公司给我寄来帐单,列出我购买的所有西和金额。
    The credit card company would send me a bill a month later,listing all my purchased items and amounts.
  • 立陶宛共和国首都和最大城市;位于立陶宛共和国南部。
    the capital and largest city of Lithuania; located in southeastern Lithuania.
  • 西买来时大家都不知道它在法律上是有问题的。
    The thing was not known to be litigious when purchased.
  • 在变化和竞争的时代,我们应该“输得起”,不怕输,输了重新来,山再起,这是考验人的素质的试金石,真正优秀的人力资源应该是输得起的人。
    In these competitive times, people should not be afraid of losing. They should be prepared to start all over again. This is the litmus test of a truly quality workforce.
  • 不要在房间里乱丢西。
    Don't litter up the room.
  • 我看你不应该把西到处乱扔。
    I do not think you shall litter thing about.
  • 我看你不应该把西到处乱扔。
    I do not think you should litter things about.
  • 我看你不应该把西到处乱扔。
    I don't think you should litter things about.
  • 例如去年“西单墙”的许多西,能叫它生动活泼?
    For instance, could some of the posters that appeared on the "Xidan Wall" last year be considered a contribution to liveliness?
  • 毛泽主席提出的中国要形成既有集中又有民主,既有纪律又有自由,既有统一意志又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼的政治局面,也与苏联不同。
    Besides, the political situation characterized by both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness, as advocated by Chairman Mao Zedong, is not similar to that of the Soviet Union.
  • 正因为这样,毛泽同志才说,我们的目标,是想造成一个又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又有统一意志、又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼,那样一种政治局面。
    This is precisely why Comrade Mao Zedong said that our aim is to create a political situation in which we have both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness.
  • 她整整一天没有吃西。
    She has eaten nothing this livelong day.
  • 他住在东京。
    He lives in Tokyo.
  • 他住在东京这。
    He lives here in Tokyo.
  • 美国部和蔼中部非常敏捷的蜥蜴。
    very swift lizard of eastern and central United States.
  • 半球温暖地区陆栖的小型蜥蜴~agama和agamid中英文定义相同。
    small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World.
  • 铁行走九龙至新界,并通往连接中国内地的罗湖边界管制站。
    East Rail connects Kowloon, through the New Territories, to the Lo Wu crossing to the Mainland.
  • 在赤角过路湾、大屿山湾和沙螺湾,以及南丫岛大湾和沙埔村出土的青铜器石范,足可证明青铜器确曾在本港铸造。
    There is evidence, too, in the form of stone moulds from Kwo Lo Wan on Chek Lap Kok Island, Tung Wan and Sha Lo Wan on Lantau Island, and Tai Wan and Sha Po Tsuen on Lamma Island, that the metal was worked locally.
  • 所有的西都装在车上。
    All things are loaded in truck.
  • 负载了阻碍运动的西。
    loaded with something that hinders motion.
  • 他们把掠夺来的西装进大车里。
    They loaded the carts with plunder.
  • 我的朋友吃了很多西。
    My friend loaded his stomach with food.
  • 为装载西如货物而设计的。
    designed for use in loading e.g. cargo.
  • 大堂里充满了烟雾。她还听到了西燃烧的噼啪声。
    The lobby was filled with smoke,and she could hear the crackle of flames.