  • 那群驯鹿被只狼群寻踪追赶上来。
    The herd of reindeer was being trailed by a pack of wolves.
  • 纳纳特斯人欧洲东北部和前苏联西伯利亚西北部放牧驯鹿的个民族的成员
    A member of a reindeer-herding people of the northeast European and northwest Siberian U.S.S.R.
  • 你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这主张吗?
    Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre?
  • 鹿鹿科动物中的任何种有蹄的反刍哺乳动物,特征是雄鹿生有会脱落的角。鹿科动物也包括驼鹿、麋、北美驯鹿以及驯鹿
    Any of various hoofed ruminant mammals of the family Cervidae, characteristically having deciduous antlers borne chiefly by the males. The deer family also includes the elk, moose, caribou, and reindeer.
  • 近日,位英国教区牧师的句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他说,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。
    A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
  • 近日,位英国教区牧师的句话让无数小孩子哭出了声,也使他们的家长目瞪口呆不知所措。他说,如果圣诞老人真的驾着驯鹿以超音速飞行在空中给孩子们送礼物的话,他早就起火烧成碎片了。
    Several hundreds of students dressed as Santa Claus A British vicar reduced young hildren to tears and stunned their parents when he said Santa Claus and his reindeer would burn to a crisp while delivering presents at supersonic speed.
  • 这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的这看法。
    This evidence reinforce my view that he is a spy.
  • 金属圈种金属环,用于嵌在小孔上;垫圈
    A metal ring designed to reinforce such a hole; a grommet.
  • 他们赶运了旅伪军来增援这个地区。
    They rushed a brigade of puppet troops to reinforce the area.
  • 又派出支民兵去增援主力部队。
    Another detachment of militiamen was drawn out to reinforce the main forces.
  • 个好的演讲者会用事实来加强他论点。
    Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts.
  • 大型公路工程将进步扩大及巩固主要道路网。
    Major highway projects will further extend and reinforce the main road network.
  • 种薄的其震动能提高器具的声音的板(用于音乐)。
    (music) a thin resonating board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument.
  • 六是进步加强企业管理,提高企业整体素质。
    Six, to further reinforce enterprise management and improve the entire quality of enterprises.
  • 所谓“全盘西化”的主张,乃是种错误的观点。
    To advocate "wholesale westernization" is wrong.
  • 三、2000年,中国人民银行将从五个方面进步发挥货币政策的作用。
    III. In 2000 the PBC will reinforce the role of monetary policy in the following five aspects
  • 安慰剂种不含药性的制剂,开给病人仅仅为加强他康复的希望
    A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation to get well.
  • 个自由国际贸易的提倡者。
    an advocate of unrestricted international trade.
  • 补片,补钉补缀在较大的片材料上的小片材料,用来添补、加强或修补磨损部分、小洞或撕裂处
    A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear.
  • 我看见我们的人民解放军不顾切地保卫人民,甚至用身体保卫堤防。
    I saw People’s Liberation Army soldiers using their bodies to reinforce river embankments and to protect the lives and the safety of the people.
  • 个立宪政体的倡导者。
    an advocate of constitutional government.
  • 他是一个拥护者。
    He is an advocate.
  • 交通运输业:综合运输能力进步增强。
    Transportation: The comprehensive capacity of transportation was further reinforced.
  • 个能防炸弹的庇护所(通常是地下的);在空袭时会用到。
    a shelter (often underground) reinforced against bombing; used during air raids.
  • 类倡导资本主义的人。
    an advocate of capitalism.
  • 脊锯种沿其后部边缘被金属环加固的锯
    A saw that is reinforced by a metal band along its back edge.
  • 鞋头种用于包住鞋或靴子尖的用于加固的皮革或金属覆盖物
    A reinforced covering of leather or metal for the toe of a shoe or boot.
  • 扣眼个加固过的小孔,如在布料或皮革上,纽扣可以穿其而过
    A reinforced eyelet, as in cloth or leather, through which a fastener may be passed.
  • 为了躲避敌人进攻而建的个很严密的要点;它有枪眼可以用来自卫。
    a stronghold that is reinforced for protection from enemy fire; with apertures for defensive fire.
  • 安全帽种工人们在工业生产环境中戴的通常用金属或加强塑料制成的轻型保护头盔
    A lightweight protective helmet, usually of metal or reinforced plastic, worn by workers in industrial settings.
  • 将来,我们的新闻舆论监督作用还会进步得到加强。
    The supervision by our news media and public opinion will be further reinforced in the future.
  • 我们已经特意加固包装,以便使货物万遭到的损坏减小到最低程度。
    We have especially reinforced out pacing in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods.