  • 我从不清楚一个煤气罐可以用这么长时,我开始认为我得到一个聚宝盆了。
    I've never known a gas cylinda last so long. I was beginning to think I'd got hold of some kind of widow's cruse.
  • 他只用了50分钟时就击败了对手。
    He took only 50 minutes to crush his opponent.
  • 不能让二十个人挤进这样一个狭小的房里。
    You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room.
  • 在巴菲特倡导的"合伙投资"模式下,从1957到1969年,巴菲特的投资以每年29.5%的综合速度增长,大大挫败了道琼斯在同一时期7.4%的回报率。
    Over the length of the Buffett partnership between 1957 and 1969, Buffett's investments grew at a compound annual rate of 29.5%, crushing the Dow's return of 7.4% over the same period.
  • 因为我们的敌人是异常强大的,革命力量就非在长期内不能聚积和锻炼成为一个足以最后地战胜敌人的力量。
    With such powerful enemies, the revolutionary forces cannot be built up and tempered into a power capable of crushing them except over a long period of time.
  • 地球中地壳与地核中的一层。
    the layer of the earth between the crust and the core.
  • 十足目动物十足目的甲壳纲动物,如螃蟹,龙虾,或虾米,其特征是有十足,每一足都与身体中一节的部分相接
    A crustacean of the order Decapoda, such as a crab, lobster, or shrimp, characteristically having ten legs, each joined to a segment of the thorax.
  • 这里的关键,就在于把主观和客观二者之好好地符合起来。
    Here the crux is to bring the subjective and the objective into proper correspondence with each other.
  • 中国在卫星回收、一箭多星、低温燃料火箭技术、捆绑火箭技术以及静止轨道卫星发射与测控等许多重要技术领域已跻身世界先进行列;在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及空微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。
    Now, China ranks among the most advanced countries in the world in many important technological fields, such as satellite recovery, multi-satellite launch with a single rocket, rockets with cryogenic fuel, strap-on rockets, launch of geo-stationary satellites and TT Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote- sensing satellites and telecommunications satellites, and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments.
  • 测角器一种光学仪器,用来测量晶体两个面之的角度
    An optical instrument for measuring crystal angles, as between crystal faces.
  • 当岩层和地仗层之甚至地仗层内进入了水,反复发生着盐的溶解,结晶,聚积时,就会破坏壁画的结构。
    When water gets into the space between the rock and base or even the interior of the base, there will occur the solution, crystallization and accumulation of salt again and again, thus destroying the structure of murals.
  • 据最新监测结果,西藏目前的水环境、大气环境仍基本没有受到污染,城市大气中总悬浮微粒年均值浓度介于每立方米193—268之
    In accordance with the latest monitoring findings, the environment of water and the atmosphere in Tibet are basically unpolluted. The average annual concentration of suspended particles in the atmosphere of Tibet’s cities is between 193 and 268 per cu m.
  • "我们研究了一长串在古巴与美国之搭建桥梁的办法,"他说,并补充一句,"显然,释放俘虏将为那座桥梁的一块砖。"
    "We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States, " he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, "Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge."
  • 北美西南部和古巴的隐密并夜活动的小蜥蜴;生下活的幼子。
    small secretive nocturnal lizard of southwestern North America and Cuba; bear live young.
  • 小房间;鸽笼式房间
    A small room; a cubbyhole.
  • 本公司生产的8或8。5立方英尺的冰箱,与旧型6立方英尺的装运体积大小相似,所占装运空不大。
    These 8 and 8.5 cubic feet refrigerator take no more shipping space than the old style 6 cubic feet model.
  • 在一九九零年至一九九八年期,各项填海工程共耗用约2.6亿立方米海砂(其中约一成半来自邻近香港的内地地区)及1.7亿立方米陆上填料。
    From 1990 to 1998, about 260 million cubic metres of marine fill (15 per cent from nearby regions in China) and 170 million cubic metres of land-based fill were used for reclamation projects.
  • 分隔物分开或隔离的事物,如把一屋子或小卧室与其它的房隔开的墙
    Something that divides or separates, as a wall dividing one room or cubicle from another.
  • 小房小室,用于工作或学习
    A cubicle, used for work or study.
  • 春天到了,朋友们就到寝室或图书馆的小单去找我,拉我到外面去玩飞盘,而我总是说:“不行,我还有很多事要做呢。”
    When spring came along friends would stop by my dorm or peer into my library cubicle to persuade me to play Frisbee on the lawn outside the main building. “ No,” I would almost always say. “ I have too much to do.
  • 我人生的最大转变就发生在那时的巴黎,我知道如果我当时关在屋里不出去走走,找个吃晚饭的地方坐坐,那么我在巴黎的全部时就只会躲在这个小屋里,我的梦想就会像先前那样破灭,而我也永远不会作为一个独立的人去享受人生,于是我振作起来走出房
    The most important thing I did in Paris happened at that moment. I knew that if I didn't go out, right then, and find a place to have dinner, I would hide in this cubicle my entire time in Paris. My dream would be foregone, and I might never learn to enjoy the world as a single individual. So I pulled myself together and went out.
  • 我们有充裕的时完成这项工作。
    We have plenty of time to finish the job.
  • 我们有充分的时赶火车。
    We have plenty of time to catch the train.
  • 给自己充裕的时间
    Left myself plenty of time.
  • 我们有的是时间。
    We have get plenty of time.
  • 你有许多时间。
    You have got plenty of time.
  • 我们有足够的时……"。
    We've got plenty of time.
  • 肯恩:我们还有充裕的时
    Ken: We have got plenty of time.
  • 在两幅图多留些空白。
    Leave plenty of whitespace between the illustrations.
  • 这台发动机还能用好长时
    The engine has plenty of wear left.
  • 在三月香港食品节举行期,又筹办"中西美食大奖",并从世界各地邀请了41位国际知名的美食家、饮食专栏作家和名厨担任评判。
    In March, in conjunction with the Hong Kong Food Festival, the Culinary Awards competition was judged by 41 international gourmets, food-writers and chefs from around the world.
  • 人人都担心,这两国的边境争端将以一场战争告终。
    Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war.