  • 位于印度北部天山山脉中的一座山峰,高尺。
    a mountain peak in the Tien Shan mountains in northern India (24,406 feet high).
  • 雄伟长城的姿使外国游客感动得赞赏不已。
    The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall.
  • 平均来说,八级大风每小时风速达40里,十一级风暴达56里,而十二级飓风则达90里。
    On an average a strong gale moves at the rate of40 miles an hour, a storm at about56 and hurricanes at90.
  • 她只在精圈子中活动。
    She only moves in the best circles.
  • 他一定行为古怪,花100镑买这么个二手货的割草机。
    You must be odd in the head to pay a hundred pounds for a second-hand lawn mower.
  • 斯威士兰位于南非和莫桑比克之间的东南非洲国家。1903年之后成为国保护国,1968年获得独立。姆巴巴纳是其首都及最大城市。人口585,000
    A country of southeast Africa between South Africa and Mozambique. A British protectorate after1903, it became independent in1968. Mbabane is the capital and the largest city. Population,585, 000.
  • 沃尔特,约翰1739-1812国报纸发行商,创立伦敦泰晤士报(1788年)
    German conductor noted for his interpretations of Mozart and Mahler.
  • 莫扎特听了他的音乐说:“这孩子有一天会在世界上留下名。”
    After listening to Beethoven's music , Mozart said: "This young man will leave his mark in the world someday."
  • 国)一些事情非常糟糕和混乱。
    (British) something badly botched or muddled.
  • 英式小松糕
    An English muffin.
  • 我要国松糕和一杯咖啡。
    I'd like to have English muffin and a cup of coffee.
  • 可否不要烤面包而要一块式小松糕?
    Would it be possible to have an English muffin instead of toast?
  • 在台北很难买得到国松饼。
    It's difficult to buy English muffins in Taipei.
  • 教育部并没有给文弱的学生安排文b课程,文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬着头皮把文搞好。
    There is no English B course for those weak in the subject. Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.
  • 这样的人,坐在他的扶手椅上,一大杯啤酒在面前的圆桌上冒着白沫,只要你在饭后适当的时间,在这山中方圆五六里区域内走一趟,总可以看得到的。
    Such an individual seated in his armchair, his mug of ale frothing on the round table before him, is to be seen in any circuit of five or six miles among these hills, if you go at the right time after dinner.
  • 约翰被法庭罚款500镑。
    John was mulcted in £ 500 by the court.
  • 在或世纪的国产生的用混合线制成的彩色毛纺纤维。
    a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England.
  • 他们签了一项几百万镑的交易。
    They sign a multimillion pound deal.
  • 他经营着一个资金达数百万镑的公司。
    He is running a multimillion-pound company.
  • 由于math.random()会产生0到1之间的一个值,所以只需将其乘以想获得的最大随机数(对于语字母,这个数字是26),再加上一个偏移量,得到最小的随机数。
    Since Math.random( ) generates a value between 0 and 1, you need only multiply it by the upper bound of the range of numbers you want to produce (26 for the letters in the alphabet) and add an offset to establish the lower bound.
  • 此外,我国的多元种族的社会背景,小岛国以语为通用语言,屹立在马来群岛的海洋之中。
    Moreover, our island has managed to survive amid the Malay Archipelagos, partly thanks to the use of English as alingua franca among its multiracial population.
  • 此外,我国的多元种族的社会背景,小岛国以语为通用语言,屹立在马来群岛的海洋之中。
    Moreover, our island has managed to survive amid the Malay Archipelagos, partly thanks to the use of English as the language in common use among its multiracial population.
  • 曼斯菲尔德国中部的一个市级行政区,位于诺丁汉以北,是采煤地区的工业中心。人口99,900
    A municipal borough of central England north of Nottingham. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining region. Population, 99,900.
  • 温彻斯特区格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100
    A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
  • "一里博物馆"(位于第五大道,70街和104街之间)是为纽约城的一组最具名望的博物馆而起的名,其中包括大都市艺术博物馆、纽约市博物馆、全国设计学院。
    “ The Museum Mile” (5th Avenue,between 70th & 104th streets)is named to the group of the most prestigious museums the city has to offer: The Metropolitan Museum of Art,The Museum of the City of New York,The National Academy of Design among others.
  • 现在,全部的资助加在一起可能达到了5000万镑,或者说是5年前的3倍。
    Sponsorship overall now takes up perhaps £ 50 million, or three times as mush as it did five years ago.
  • 国芥末和法国芥末都可以。
    It's possible to buy both English mustard and French mustard.
  • 他的语到现在为止还未达到标准。
    His English up to this point would hardly pass muster.
  • 一群群队伍在带领下正穿过格兰,期待与苏格兰和法兰西开战。
    Musters were being taken through England in view of wars with Scotland and France.
  • 我的职业是教英语。
    My job is teaching English.
  • 联邦农业局国际真菌学研究所
    International Mycological Institute , C. A. B.
  • 用于钉子大小的;9/8寸长的。
    used of nail size; 1 1/8 in long.