  • 我们的园是个大园。
    Ours is a big garden.
  • 他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的园大些。
    Their house is similar to ours, but ours has a bigger garden.
  • 他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的园大些。
    Their house is similar to ours, but ours have a bigger garden.
  • 那个瓶她出价比我高。
    She outbid me for the vase.
  • 支出支付的行为或过程;
    The act or process of expending; outlay.
  • 人们能够欣赏竹树的纤细的轮廓,所以在绘画里也可以画上两三枝竹,或一枝梅
    The appreciation of its slender outlines makes it possible to paint just two or three twigs of bamboo in a picture, as it is also possible to paint a single twig of plum flowers.
  • 过高的租金;过高的价格;在款待上费过高;过高的利率;过高的开销。
    exorbitant rent; extortionate prices; spends an outrageous amount on entertainment; usorious interest rate; unconscionable spending.
  • 蒂纳总是玩弄损害别人的招,对王室进行诽谤攻击以煽动人们。
    Tina is up to her usual parlour tricks and provoking people by making outrageous comments about the Royal Family.
  • 如今生是比棉更重要的主要产品。
    Peanuts now outrank cotton as the chief crop.
  • 兴致勃勃的中国考察团最后很可能沦为走马看的观光团,大伙只能当看热闹的门外汉,根本无法深入地挖掘任何宝藏。
    At the end of their attachment, they can only be outsiders without gaining any true understanding of China and all its unique business practises.
  • 热带草本植物,开过橘红色的后结荚,像燕子展翅;遍布热带地区。
    tropical herb having orange-red flowers followed by pods suggesting a swallow with outspread wings; a weed throughout the tropics.
  • 突出的突出的或伸出的,如突出瓣的雄蕊
    Thrust outward or protruding, as stamens projecting beyond petals.
  • 小偷耍招瞒过警察跑掉了。
    The thief outwitted the police and escaped.
  • 以管形瓣状被和下位子房著称的植物;马兜铃科;大草科;一个产于非洲和阿根廷的有植物科。
    plants distinguished by tubular petaloid perianth and inferior ovary: Aristolochiaceae; Rafflesiaceae; Hydnoraceae.
  • 胎座开植物子房内的某部分,胚珠可附于其上
    The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.
  • 雌蕊,雌蕊群包括柱头、柱和子房的雌蕊,长有胚珠
    The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.
  • 同壁的,侧膜的位于果核内壁的。用作开植物的胚球或胚座
    Borne on the inside of the ovary wall. Used of the ovules or placentas in flowering plants.
  • 周位的有萼片、瓣或雄蕊围在包含子房的杯状托周围的,如玫瑰或樱桃
    Having sepals, petals, and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary, as in flowers of the rose or cherry.
  • 由结果实的开植物组成,其果实包在子房之中;在某些分类中,被归为一个纲(被子植物纲),在另外一些分类中,被归为一个亚部(木兰部)。
    comprising flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Angiospermae) and in others a division (Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta).
  • 或多或少比较高级的树、灌木和草本植物的集合,有离瓣或连瓣的冠,胚珠通常附在子房壁上;有69个科,包含杜鹃科、十字科和锦葵科。
    a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 北半球的一个兰科植物小属,具匍匐茎,有柄的卵形叶和小的
    genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers.
  • 紫罗兰堇菜属的各种植物,尤指产于加利福尼亚州的(堇菜属腊芬氏堇菜)或鸟足堇菜(堇菜属三色堇),,长有卵形叶,开有颜色各异的
    Any of various plants of the genus Viola, especially a California violet(V. pedunculata) or a European pansy(V. tricolor), having ovate leaves and variously colored flowers.
  • 今年的版本没有不同于过去的新样。
    This year's copy contains no innovations over those in the past.
  • 医疗保健的总花销
    The overall costs of medical care.
  • 为什么下载网站页面要很长时间有多个原因,但其中有两个最常见的:因特网连接慢以及过度的负担将服务器推到了极限。
    There are many reasons why Web pages can take a long time to download, but two of the most common causes are slow Internet connections and overburdened Web servers pushed to their limits.
  • 丰饶角饰装满水果、朵和谷物用来象征繁荣的山羊角
    A goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity.
  • 没人照料的园很快长满了野草;没人照料的孩子。
    untended garden was soon overgrown with weeds; untended children.
  • 每当我同妻子吵架时,我就在园里丛生的植物身上出气。
    Whenever I have a quarrel with my wife I vent my feelings on the overgrown part of the garden.
  • 花园里长满了植物。
    The garden's completely overgrown.
  • 雕出(样)象雕刻中切去…一部分以制造一突出部分
    To create an overhang by cutting material away from, as in carving.
  • 钱彻底大修这台机器,是购置一台新机器和继续钱每天小修小补之间的折中办法。
    Spending money on a complete overhaul of the machine it half-way house between buying a new one and continuing to pay for minor day-to-day repairs.
  • 花园中杂草蔓生。
    Weeds have overrun the garden.