  • 安昨天可没看见汤姆。
    Ann might not have seen Tom yesterday.
  • 安说那肉不可是好的。
    Ann said that the meat couldn't have been good.
  • 我确信安娜一定胜任她新的工作。
    I'm sure Anna will make good in her new post.
  • 比尔不骑那匹马,但黛安娜
    The Bill can not ride that horse, but Dai Anna can.
  • 安娜尽其所,使婚姻不致破裂。
    Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart.
  • 安娜和艾达是好朋友,没什麽使她们分开。
    Anna and Ida are very good friends and nothing can come between them.
  • 职员们够和这位准备和安娜贝尔小姐结婚的文质彬彬、模样英俊的年轻人打个招呼感到非常荣幸。
    The clerks were pleased to be greeted by the good-looking, pleasant young man who was going to marry Miss Annabel.
  • 身为南大的一分子,我认为潘先生的国宝荣誉应该含括他在南大筹建、初创与刻苦经营期间的贡献,让他与陈六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名!
    Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honour conferred upon Mr Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the foundingand the running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr Tan Lark Sye.
  • 身为南大的一分子,我认为潘先生的“国宝”荣誉应该含括他在南大筹建、初创与刻苦经营期间的贡献,让他与陈六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名!
    Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honor conferred upon Mr. Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the founding and the hardworking of running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr. Tan Lark Sye.
  • 所以肯尼和贝蒂·安妮都对肯尼无罪开释很有信心。
    Kenny and Betty Anne were confident he would be acquitted.
  • 使…归并并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者保持自己的头衔及部分权力
    To annex(a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority.
  • 如不大量歼灭敌人和充分发动群众,要想站稳脚跟是不可的。
    Unless we annihilate large numbers of enemy troops and fully arouse the masses, it would be impossible for us to gain a firm foothold.
  • 在作战上讲,十个月的经验证明歼灭是可的,平型关、台儿庄等战役就是明证。
    Our experience in the last ten months of military operations shows that it is possible to annihilate enemy forces -- witness the Pinghsingkuan and Taierhchuang campaigns.
  • 全面的核子战争导致人类的灭绝。
    A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.
  • 抗日战争的正确要求应该是:尽可的歼灭战。
    What should be demanded of our forces in the anti-Japanese war is that they should fight battles of annihilation as far as possible.
  • 敌之强的因素尚在发挥,战略上的优势和主动依然存在,没有战役和战斗的歼灭战,就不有效地迅速地减杀其强的因素,破坏其优势和主动。
    Because the enemy is still exploiting his strength and retains strategic superiority and strategic initiative, and therefore, unless we fight campaigns and battles of annihilation, we cannot effectively and speedily reduce his strength and break his superiority and initiative.
  • 我之弱的因素也依然存在,战略上的劣势和被动还未脱离,为了争取时间,加强国内国际条件,改变自己的不利状态,没有战役和战斗的歼灭战,也不成功。
    We still have our weakness and have not yet rid ourselves of strategic inferiority and passivity; therefore, unless we fight campaigns and battles of annihilation, we cannot win time to improve our internal and international situation and alter our unfavourable position.
  • 20多年来,萨达姆用语言和行动追逐着自己的野心,企图独霸伊拉克和广大的中东地区。他使用他仅知的威胁、强迫和灭绝手段来对付那些可挡他道路的人。
    For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way.
  • 否有幸邀您前来参加我们的结婚纪念?
    Will you do me the pleasure of attend our wedding anniversary?
  • 否有幸邀您前来参加我们的结婚纪念?
    Would you do me the pleasure of attending our wedding anniversary?
  • 这是我收到的最好的金婚50年礼物。
    It's the most wonderful 50th wedding anniversary present I could have received.
  • 当数字以电子形式出现时,智工作人员便可以对此加以研究、注释,以任意数量或以任意喜欢的观点进行观察,并将它们分发以获得其他人员的合作。
    When figures are in electronic form, knowledge workers can study them, annotate them, look at them in any amount of detail or in any view they want and pass them around for collaboration.
  • 广播说我们正点到达。
    The announcement says we'll arrive on time.
  • 我会特别小心不使哈里恼火——他可是个粗暴无礼的家伙。
    I'd be very careful not to annoy Harry—he can be an ugly customer.
  • 同老板搞好关系是值得的,因为如果得罪了他,你可会丢掉工作的。
    It will pay you to stay on the right side of the boss, as if you annoy him it could cost you your job.
  • 忍耐的,忍受的平静地承受或忍受痛苦、困难、挑衅或烦扰的
    Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.
  • 明天可能下雪。
    It 'll probably snow tomorrow.
  • 收入最高阶层的家庭,那些每年收入75000美元的家庭,比那些年收入只有10000美元的最低的家庭其上网的可要大20倍。
    The highest income bracket households those earning more than $75,000 annually, are 20 times as likely to have access to the Internet as households at the lowest income levels, under $10,000 annually.
  • 每年大约会发生4万一5万次被感觉到,但不会造成损害的小地震。
    About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes large enough to be felt but not damaging occur annually.
  • 在某人不提取而由另一人拥有的年金。
    an annuity payable to one person in the event that someone else is unable to receive it.
  • 够被废除、使之失效或者终止。
    capable of being annulled or voided or terminated.
  • 我们一直都达到平均占每年本地生产总值2%的财政盈馀。
    We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2% of GDP per annum.