  • 我们开始攒钱自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻软的那种。
    And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.
  • 广告显示的与的特价(通常是暂时性的降价)。
    a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising.
  • 我们不能保证2月2日您一个房间。
    We won't be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd.
  • 我们不能保证2月2日您一个房间。
    We do not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd.
  • 我们不能保证2月2日您一个房间。
    We will not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd.
  • 我们不能保证2月2日您一个房间。
    We will not be able to guarantee you a room on February 2nd.
  • 领航费付导航员的费用
    The fee paid to a pilot.
  • 声称免费服务的谢金。
    a fee paid for a nominally free service.
  • 这位老妇又瘦又弱,需要她多吃一些使她养胖一点儿。
    The old woman is thin and feeble. She must be fed up.
  • 妈妈们用匙子她们的婴儿喂食物。
    Mothers spoon-feed their babies.
  • 这些小溪给湖供水。
    These little streams feed the lake.
  • 你能我一些建议吗?
    Can you give me some feedback?
  • 想要国人留下来,做一名勇敢的“守将”,那么请政府我们一个我们可以捍卫的空间。
    If offering feedback does not seem to serve a purpose, how many Singaporeans will persist in providing feedback and opinions in the long run?If the government wants Singaporeans to be “stayers”, then please give us the space to stay on.
  • 饲养员在动物喂食。
    The keeper is feeding the animals.
  • 请勿给猴子喂物。
    Please refrain from feeding the monkeys.
  • 他在给炉子加煤。
    He was feeding coal to the furnace.
  • 她正在小孩子喂粥。
    She was feeding the baby with porridge.
  • 教育不仅仅意味着将事实传授学生。
    Education does not mean merely feeding facts to students.
  • 会费应交俱乐部秘书。
    Membership fees should be paid to the club secretary.
  • 谁的动作只要让裁判们觉得不舒服,他就会突然冲出来你一张白牌,而三张白牌之后,就会有一个凶神恶煞似的小胡子老头用红牌把你恶狠狠地罚出去。.
    If a judge felt uncomfortable with some movements, he would dash out suddenly to give you a white brand. If the athletes got three white brands, an old man with a devil look and mustache would use a red brand to punish you ferociously out of the race.
  • 肥沃的土壤都冲到河里去了。
    Fertile soil was swept down into the river.
  • 给花园再多施些肥料.
    Get some more fertilizer for the garden.
  • 给花园施些肥料吧!
    Do some fertilization for the garden!
  • 我帮助父亲农作物施肥。
    I help my father fertilize the crops.
  • 用机械散布机草坪施肥
    Used a mechanical spreader to fertilize the lawn.
  • 你们能匀一些化肥我们吗?
    Would you spare us some chemical fertilizer?
  • 应该这些庄稼施肥。
    The crops are to be fed with fertilizer.
  • 银行常贷款农民购买种子和肥料。
    The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.
  • 在信任的基础上我您以不断的、热烈的祈祷,希望您在我孩子以机会让他学会自控又尝试翱翔的同时,您能客观、公正地孩子设定限制。
    I added to that my constant and fervent prayers that you would be objective and fair with the ability to set limitations while offering my child a chance to learn self-control and to soar a bit in the process.
  • 利用光纤通道互连,san以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包传送服务器。
    Using Fibre Channel interconnections, SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabit speeds.
  • 有些人反对花很多钱小毛孩买奢侈品,认为是种让浪费。
    To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous.
  • 据这个创造天地的故事说:上帝在创造女人的时候,撷取花卉的美丽,禽鸟的歌声,虹霓的色彩,微风的轻吻,波浪的大笑,羔羊的温柔,狐狸的狡猾,白云的任性和骤雨的多变,而把它们造成一个女人,男人做妻子。
    According to this story of the Creation, in creating woman. God took of the beauty of the flowers, the song of the birds, the colors of the rainbow, the kiss of the breeze, the laughter of the waves, the gentleness of the lamb, the cunning of the fox, the waywardness of the clouds and the fickleness of the shower, and wove them into a female being and presented her to man as his wife.