  • 杰夫:当,在环法自行车大赛中服用禁药并不是1998年才开始的,可以说是由来已久了。
    Jeff: Of course. It was not in 1998 that doping in the Tour de France began. It has a long history.
  • 我们组织中有许多沉寂的部门现在突活跃起来。
    Many dormant branches of our organization are now springing to active life.
  • 这座休眠火山突爆发了。
    This dormant volcano suddenly fired up.
  • 他虽领先分数与所剩洞数相等但他仍输掉了这场比赛。
    he was dormie three and still lost the match.
  • 主席尚未将事情说明,但是在场的人都明白他的意思。
    Though the chairman did not dot the I, everyone present knew what he meant.
  • 我们两人虽没有亲缘关系,他却和我长得一模一样。
    He is my double, though we are not related.
  • 狐狸突然转身急逃。
    The fox doubled (back) on its tracks.
  • 惊奇地再看一眼;突明白了意思
    Do a double take
  • 他的车突然转向了。
    His car made a double.
  • 这条狐狸突转身循原路急逃。
    The fox doubled on its tracks.
  • 狐狸突转身循原路急逃。
    The fox doubled back on its tracks.
  • 褶皱衣服上的褶,通过将衣服的材料对折叠,后在衣料上再压紧或缝在一起而制成
    A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place.
  • 他确实是想帮忙,而事实上却只是帮倒忙。
    No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.
  • “那当然,那当然。
    "No doubt, my boy,no doubt.
  • 无疑的;必然地
    Without a doubt; surely.
  • 你方所称他们会欣同意,这一点值得怀疑。
    Your comment they party will readily agree rather doubtful.
  • 他竟按时完成了任务,这很令人怀疑。
    It's very doubtful he should finish the task on time.
  • 媒体却依反复询问,民众仍旧心生疑虑。
    But the media kept on asking and the people kept on doubting.
  • 医生们已一再重申,吸烟有害健康,但仍有不少对一切都表示怀疑的人不听言劝。
    Doctors have stated repeatedly that smoking cigarettes harms one’s health, but there are still many doubting Thomases who are not yet persuaded.
  • 人口和牲畜的增长终于开始使天牧草出现不足。这无疑便使人们开始耕种土地,正如后来这使尚存的游牧部落袭击农业部落那样。
    The growth of the population of men and cattle began in time to press upon the earth's capabilities of yielding natural pasture: and this cause doubtless produced the first tilling of the ground, just as at a later period the same cause made the superfluous hordes of the nations which had remained nomad precipitate themselves upon those which had already become agricultural;
  • 后,我下楼到厨房里吃早饭。
    After that, I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.
  • 中国的海洋石油天气开发实行油气并重,向气倾斜,自营勘探开发与对外合作相结合,上下游一体化的政策,并取得了重大进展。
    In exploiting offshore oil and natural gas, China follows the policy of placing equal stress on oil and gas, with the balance inclined slightly toward gas, combining domestic exploration and exploitation with cooperation with foreign companies, and integrating upstream and downstream. As a result, great progress has been made.
  • 投资人说,该项计划因石油与天气工业一蹶不振,而做了科罗拉多州经济走下坡的牺牲品。
    Investor said the project fell prey to a downturn in the Colorado economy when the oil and gas industry faltered.
  • 香港在一九九七至一九九八年度下半年开始经济不景,影响注册处的服务需求及收入,但该处仍可维持稳健的财政状况。
    Although the economic downturn since the second half of 1997-98 had an impact on the demand for its services and revenue, the Registry managed to maintain a healthy financial position.
  • 缩头或移动身体。
    to move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away.
  • 的赋予或礼物;嫁妆
    A natural endowment or gift; a dowry.
  • 判乱在十几个州里突发生了。
    In a dozen states revolt flared up.
  • 在罗马尼亚城市布拉索夫,十几只褐色大熊正欢畅地穿梭在灰蒙蒙的城市高楼间,它们围着一个个垃圾堆尽兴地"野餐",却全不知身后的猎枪早已对准了自己。这将是它们最后的野餐。尽管在有些欧洲地区熊已经濒临灭绝,但在此地却是"熊满为患",人们只好从中筛选出一部分,"送它们上路"。
    In Brasov, more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks, prompting authorities to begin culling the animals, which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe.
  • 那么我们起草合同,后签字。
    Now let's draft the contract and then sign it.
  • 他写了一篇文章,后数易其稿加以润饰。
    He wrote an article, then buffed it up through several drafts.
  • 没有可能达成协议,拖延时间只不过是一种浪费。
    Since there was no chance of an agreement, it was a waste of time dragging out the discussion.
  • 和他创作龙的时候一样,列奥纳多一直在研究自现象。
    All the time Leonardo was investigating natural phenomena in the same way that he had done when he created the dragon.