  • 美国最大的数据库软件制造商甲骨文公司的创始人拉里·埃里森这次是回天乏术了,无法扭转次下滑的局面。在单上的排从2000年的第二到2001年的第四,再到今年的第九,资产总值从去年的219亿直落至了现在的152亿。
    Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison, who fell from second in 2000 to fourth in 2001, dropped to ninth this year. He's now worth $15.2 billion, down from $21.9 billion last year.
  • 后者,顾思义,是用来记录任何土地斜度的变化。
    The latter, as the name suggests, are used to record any changes in the tilt of the land.
  • 给狗起这个字多可笑!
    It is how laughable to this name of dog!
  • 不过在过去15年中,一系列引人注目的涉及国家财产的洗钱案已使很多国际银团声狼藉。
    But over the past 15 years,a series of high? profile cases of the laundering of money taken from national treasuries has led to unwelcome publicity for many international banking groups.
  • 该法规定了走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪,非法持有毒品罪,窝藏、转移、隐瞒毒品、毒赃罪,走私制毒物品罪,非法买卖制毒物品罪,非法种植毒品原植物罪,非法买卖、运输、携带、持有毒品原植物种子、幼苗罪,非法提供麻醉药品、精神药品罪等12个罪及刑罚,并对毒品洗钱犯罪行为作出处罚规定。
    The law specifies 12 crimes, which cover the smuggling, trafficking, transporting and manufacturing of drugs, the illegal holding of drugs, the harboring, transferring and concealing of drugs and illicit drug-related money, the smuggling of materials for manufacturing drugs, the illegal trading in such materials, the illegal cultivation of mother plants of narcotic drugs, the illegal trading, transporting, hand-carrying and holding of seeds and seedlings of such plants, and the illegal provision of narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as the criminal punishments for these crimes. In addition, the penalties for the laundering of drug-related money are stipulated.
  • 该法规定了走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪,非法持有毒品罪,窝藏、转移、隐瞒毒品、毒赃罪,走私制毒物品罪,非法买卖制毒物品罪,非法种植毒品原植物罪,非法买卖、运输、携带、持有毒品原植物种子、幼苗罪,非法提供麻醉药品、精神药品罪等12个罪及刑罚,并对毒品洗钱犯罪行为作出处罚规定。
    The law specifies 12 crimes, which cover the smuggling, trafficking, transporting and manufacturing of drugs, the illegal holding of drugs, the harboring, transferring and concealing of drugs and illicit drug- related money, the smuggling of materials for manufacturing drugs, the illegal trading in such materials, the illegal cultivation of mother plants of narcotic drugs, the illegal trading, transporting, hand-carrying and holding of seeds and seedlings of such plants, and the illegal provision of narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as the criminal punishments for these crimes. In addition, the penalties for the laundering of drug-related money are stipulated.
  • 德州仪器公司总顾问阿格尼奇否认该公司已失竞争力,或但求守成。他说,德州仪器1989年所获专利数目列第十七……。
    Richard J.Agnich, general counsel for Texas Instruments, denied that the company had become uncompetitive or was resting on its laurels. Texas Instruments ranked 17th in the number of patents received in 1989, he said …
  • 看着熔岩在距自己住所不到3英里的地方汩汩地流动,镇上一位叫杰奥瓦尼-瑟拉费那的居民说:"太可怕了,就连我爷爷也未曾见到过这么可怕的场面。"当地不少居民还把圣母玛利亚的塑像树立在家门口以求庇护。
    "It is a terrible moment. Even our grandfathers can't even remember it being like this," said Giovanni Serafina as lava bubbled less than three miles from the town's houses, many of which were adorned with statues of the Madonna for protection.
  • 还有目繁多的办节、庆典活动,比阔气、讲排场;
    Festivals and ceremonies of every conceivable description are celebrated, during which the hosts vie with one another for lavishness.
  • 越是高级干部子弟,越是高级干部,越是人,他们的违法事件越要抓紧查处,因为这些人影响大,犯罪危害大。
    We should concentrate on investigating typical cases of lawbreaking by the children of senior cadres, senior cadres themselves and well-known public figures, because crimes committed by these people cause the most serious damage.
  • 举世闻止规矩或以一种和平的合法的方法所做的行为。
    Behave well or acting in a peaceful and lawful way.
  • 它并称“中国在70年代末从劳伦斯-利弗莫尔国家实验室‘窃券了美国核弹头w-70(增强辐射弹,又中子弹)的设计机密。于是才在1988年试验了它的中子弹”。
    It claims, "In the late 1970s, the PRC stole design information on the US W-70 warhead (enhanced radiation nuclear warhead, also known as the neutron bomb) from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
  • 至少3中国消费者已准备提起诉讼。
    At least three Chinese consumers have decided to file a lawsuit against Toshiba.
  • 据吉尼斯世界记录主编斯图尔特·纽波特先生说,伦敦的吉尼斯公司起诉了上海一家盗用吉尼斯字的机构。这场官司目前还在审理当中。
    The London-based institution has a lawsuit pending against a Shanghai outfit which borrowed the Guinness tag, said Stewart Newport, the Keeper of the Records.
  • 萨拉非常爱好体育运动,能说出所有最主要的赛跑者的姓和他们的最佳成绩。
    Sarah is very keen on athletics and can trot out the names of all the leading runners and their record times.
  • 当她还是一个十六岁的无少女时,导演选中她演主角。
    The director cast her in a leading part when she was a young unknown of 16.
  • 我在那儿坐立不安,忍着疼痛翻了一刻钟的杂志。终于听到护士叫我的字,我跟着护士来到一间小的检查室。
    After sitting there restlessly and leafing through magazines in pain for about 15 minutes,I heard my name called by a nurse.I followed the nurse to a small exam room.
  • 托斯卡的一座城市;是著的比萨斜塔所在地。
    a city in Tuscany; site of the famous Leaning Tower.
  • 一举成;冒然断定。
    leap into fame; jump to a conclusion.
  • 今天《每日镜报》上她的字跃然映入了我的眼帘。
    Her name leaped out at me from today’s Daily Mirror.
  • 我从未听说过他的字。
    I never learned his name.
  • 香山是个公园,从这儿往西有几英里远,以其秋天的红叶著
    The Fragrant Hills is a park located several miles west of here. It's famous for its red leaved in autumn.
  • 地中海东部地区的以前的字,现在由黎巴嫩、叙利亚和以色列控制。
    the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon and Syria and Israel.
  • 英语系一讲师最近未能获得终身职
    A lecturer in the English Department has recently been refused tenure
  • “我从来不留片。”
    'I never left one.'
  • exactnamematch:表示的最左匹配行为应该被重载。
    exactNameMatch: signifies that lexical-order – i.e., leftmost in left-to-right languages – name match behavior should be overridden.
  • 返回的businesslist包含的businessinfo结构的商业实体的字要与该参数传入的值匹配(最左匹配,如果没有使用通配符的话)。
    The businessList returned contains businessInfo structures for businesses whose name matches the value(s) passed (lexical-order match – i.e., leftmost in left-to-right languages – if no wild cards are present).
  • 潘受应在南大史中永留美
    Let Pan Shou's legacy live on in the history of Nantah
  • 简执意要与里弗斯及其姊妹分享这笔遗产,一律师发现他们实际上是她的表兄妹。
    Jane insists on sharing this legacy with Rivers and his sisters who, a lawyer discovers, are really her cousins.
  • 经合法签作证的遗嘱
    A legally witnessed will
  • 非常有的,具有传奇性质的。
    so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend.
  • 《生活》大大胜过其它新闻杂志。它是一份深得读者青睐的极其出的杂志。
    Life was more than head and shoulders above the other news magazines. It was a legend.