  • 我们用帘子遮掉房的一部分,把小人床放在那儿。
    We curtained off part of the room and put the crib there.
  • 赤卫队虽不至完全消灭,党和群众的基础将受到极大的摧残,除山头割据可以保存一些外,平地均将转入秘密状态,如八九月一样。
    Although not all our Red Guards would be wiped out, the Party and our mass base would receive a crippling blow, and while there are places in the mountains where we might retain a foothold, in the plains we would all have to go underground as in August and September.
  • 资产者彼此日益加剧的竞争以及由此引起的商业危机,使工人的工资越来越不稳定;
    The growing competition among the bourgeois, and the resulting commercial crises, make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating.
  • 毛主席一生中大部分时是做了非常好的事情的,他多次从危机中把党和国家挽救过来。
    For most of his life, Chairman Mao did very good things. Many times he saved the Party and the state from crises.
  • 在商业危机期,总是不仅有很大一部分制成的产品被毁灭掉,而且有很大一部分已经造成的生产力被毁灭掉。
    In these crises a great part not only of the existing products, but also of the previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed.
  • 假定担任这一工作的十个工人并不住在一处,而是各居一国,那么由于战争、运输方面发生的障碍、商业恐慌等等,他们之的协作就不免要时常中断;
    Let us suppose e.g. that every one of these ten workmen lives in a different country; how often might their co-operation be interrupted by wars, interruptions of transport, commercial crises, &c.;
  • 被褥由两层织物与中的一层棉花、羊毛、羽毛或绒羽制成的床罩或毯子,通常以一种装饰性的十字压针脚紧密地缝合在一起
    A coverlet or blanket made of two layers of fabric with a layer of cotton, wool, feathers, or down in between, all stitched firmly together, usually in a decorative crisscross design.
  • 对成功的电子商务来说,时是至关重要的。
    Successful e-business is time-critical.
  • 这中还要批评“两个凡是”的观点。
    We should also criticize the "two whatevers".
  • 在英国内战期,议会和奥立弗克伦威尔的支持者。
    a supporter of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War.
  • 作物田间管理
    field management of crop
  • 这一年小麦豌豆种获得了高产。
    That year good yields of mixed cropping of wheat and peas were obtained.
  • 许多农家女学会了棉花摘早蕾、稻麦作、地膜覆盖、生态养殖、立体化栽培、果树高接换头等各项新技术,创造了可观的经济效益。
    Many women learned to use variety of new techniques, such as picking cotton buds early, intercropping of rice and wheat, cropping the grain covered with film, fish feeding and poultry raising in an ecological way, space-saving planting as well as fruit tree top grafting. They have made great economic result.
  • 在印度全国旅游期,对所到地方稍做逗留。
    The tour crosse india by easy stage.
  • 横楣一个位于门上面或门和其上面窗户之的水平横档
    A horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it.
  • 用于描述文档中某一条款的关键字之的关系的一种方法,采用此方法,可以做到不会因串扰而导致某些非常特别的查询失败。
    A technique that allows the relationships of keywords in an item of documentation to is described so that very specific inquiries can is answered without false retrievals due to crosstalk.
  • 他把所有的时都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上
    He spends all his time on crossword and other trifles
  • 塞列娜在候机时,做填字游戏来消磨时
    Selina is killing time while waiting for her plane by doing a crossword puzzle.
  • 那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时才恍然大悟.
    I wrestled with the crossword clue for ages before light finally dawned, ie I understood the solution.
  • 房间里挤满了客人。
    The room was crowded with guests.
  • 他们挤进了我的房
    They crowded into my room.
  • 我们的时间太紧迫。
    We were crowded for time.
  • 那些客人挤进房里。
    The guests crowded into the room.
  • 那个房摆满了家具。
    The room was crowded with furniture.
  • 头冠为黑白相的条纹的雀鸟。
    finch with black-and-white striped crown.
  • 和谈成功是本届政府执政期的最大成就。
    Success in the peace talks has crowned this government's period in power.
  • 是什么力量使得情绪和理性之能够达到平衡呢?
    What faculty provides the crucial balance between emotions and reason?
  • 这些游船可用两天的时装卸完毕。
    These cruise ships can turn round in two days.
  • 柴油潜艇在水下只能航行非常短的时,而核潜艇在水下航行的时要长得多。
    A diesel submarine is able to cruise under water for a short period of time , but a nuclear one is able to cruise under water much longer.
  • 比起亚洲危机最紧张的时期,情况刚好相反,当时的资金紧缩、银行彼此借贷的同业拆息率高达12%。
    This contrasts with the situation at the height of the Asian economic crisis when there was a liquidity crunch, and interbank rates, which are the rates at which banks borrow from or lend to each other,hit as high as 12%.
  • 比起亚洲危机最紧张的时期,情况刚好相反,当时的资金紧缩、银行彼此借贷的同业拆息率高达12%。
    This contrasts with the situation at the height of the Asian economic crisis when there was a liquidity crunch, and inter-bank rates, which are the rates at which banks borrow from or lend to each other, hit as high as 12%.
  • 比起亚洲危机最紧张的时期,情况刚好相反,当时的资金紧缩、银行彼此借贷的同业拆息率高达12%。
    This contrasts with the situation at the height of the Asian economic crisis when there was a liquidity crunch, and inter bank rates, which are the rates at which banks borrow from or lend to each other, hit as high as 12%.