  • 持续性胃炎;可是胃溃疡,恶性贫血,胃癌或其他失调的症状。
    persistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders.
  • 有不正常的过多或过久的月经:可是有子宫肿瘤的症状;拖延会导致贫血。
    abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation; can be a symptom of uterine tumors and can lead to anemia if prolonged.
  • 血细胞减少由于骨髓功失调。
    anemia characterized by pancytopenia resulting from failure of the bone marrow; can be caused by neoplasm or by toxic exposure.
  • 胆红素过量集聚血液中引起皮肤和眼白发黄的现象:可是胆石,肝炎或贫血的症状。
    yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood; can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or anemia.
  • 银莲花,白头翁一种银莲花属植物尤指银莲花长有蓝色、紫色或白色的大花,每朵结出许多显眼的羽状瘦果
    Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A. patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes.
  • 通过麻醉的方式打断正常的机
    interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia.
  • 阻塞中断(神经、肌肉或其他生理进程的)正常功,尤指麻醉药的使用
    To interrupt the proper functioning of(a nervous, muscular, or other physiological process), especially by the use of anesthesia.
  • 病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍保持完全清醒
    The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.
  • 某种麻醉剂导致体温过高或肌肉发硬的一种遗传状态。
    hereditary condition in which certain anesthetics (e.g., halothane) cause high body temperatures and muscle rigidity.
  • 我们如何够同心协力,又应怎样同心协力终止这次危机,重新振作?
    How can we work together - how should we work together - to end this crisis and re-build anew?
  • 安吉拉,精明干,真诚坦率,是我大学毕业后的第一位老板。
    Angela,my first boss out of college,was smart and outspoken.
  • 很多女子既料理家务同时又外出工作——譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same timetake Angela, for example.
  • 安吉拉在照看米莉,她的最后几句话仍在我耳边:“我过去的想法可是错的。丽兹,你好好想想吧。
    Angela has kept Millie and her last words are still in my ears. "I could be wrong, Liz, think it through.
  • 很多女子既料理家务同时又外出工作--譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
  • 布林迪斯地方考古博物馆的馆长安吉拉·玛里拉佐认为她可是福斯蒂娜,马可·奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯多葛派哲学家。
    She may be Faustina, wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, according to Angela Marinazzo, director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi.
  • 源自宽扎(宽扎河),安哥拉一河流。
    Possibly from Kwanza(Cuanza), a river of Angola.
  • 他气愤地插嘴说:"我不明白为什么我不去。"
    "I don't see why I must not go, " he burst in angrily.
  • 海德格尔,马丁1889-1976德国哲学家,认为只有意识到人存在的暂时性才领悟存在的真谛。主要著作有存在与时间(1927年),他对萨特及其他存在主义哲学家都有很大的影响
    German philosopher who maintained that authentic human existence belongs only to those who react with angst to the inherent emptiness of life. His works, including Being and Time(1927), greatly influenced Sartre and other existentialists.
  • 什麽都不解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛.
    Nothing can take away the anguish of losing a child.
  • 问君有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。
    Should I be ask how much anguish I have found, Strange! It is like flowing water, eastward bound.
  • 产于西太平洋和印度洋的多沙水域的鱼,生有够在沙中挖洞的三角形口鼻。
    fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand.
  • 显微镜或望远镜够测量靠得很紧的像的角度的力。
    the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together.
  • 我可以付给你50英镑, 不再多了.
    I can offer you 50, but I can't go any further than that.
  • 老士官是个典型的令人讨厌的人;你所提出的问题,几乎没有不会使他在人性方面予以评论的;而且通常用一连串难以令人忍受的陈词滥调。
    Old Sergeant is the classic bore: there is hardly a subject that you can mention that will not make him animadvert upon some aspect of human nature, usually in a series of unbearable clichés.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就看出他多么兴奋。
    We could see how excited he was by the animation in his face.
  • 在行为和表达方面有量和活力。
    animation and energy in action or expression.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就看出他多么兴奋。
    We can see how excited he is by the animation in his face.
  • 失水休眠一种休眠状态,特别指某些水生非脊椎动物够经受长时间干旱的状态
    A state of suspended animation, especially one in which certain aquatic invertebrates are able to survive long periods of drought.
  • 然后,java解释程序就在你的计算机上运行这个可包含动画或声音的小程序,而不是从internet网一位一位地把程序代码发送出去。
    Then the Java interpreter runs the applet, which could include animation or sound, on your computer rather than transmitting the code bit by bit over the Internet.
  • 明智的做法是吞下你可有的失望之情,让工作关系不带敌意地继续下去。
    It's far better to swallow any disappointment you may feel and let the work relationship proceed without animosity.
  • 稍等一下吗? 我和安还没完事呢.
    Can you wait a minute? I haven't finished with Ann yet.
  • 安昨天不可看见汤姆。
    Ann couldn't have seen Tom yesterday.