  • 每个包裹都要标明各主人的字。
    Every parcel should be clearly labelled with the owner’s name.
  • “四人帮”创造了一个词叫“臭老九”。
    The Gang of Four labelled intellectuals the "stinking Number Nine".
  • 但是,对于没有错划的那几个原来民主党派中的著人士,在他们的结论中也要说几句:在反右派斗争前,特别是在民主革命时期,他们曾经做过好事。
    However, in the case of figures formerly prominent in the democratic parties who were correctly labelled Rightists, it should be written into the judgements on their cases that they had performed good deeds before the anti-Rightist struggle, and especially during the period of the democratic revolution.
  • 她现在的衣服如此之多……她可以滔滔不绝地说出它们的牌子,好像它们是她录制的歌曲的字一样。
    She now has so many clothes … and she can tick off the labels as readily as if they were the names of the songs she has recorded.
  • 2000年3月,迈耶到得克萨斯州奥斯汀参加知的南偏西南音乐节,之后便有许多唱片公司找他合作,迈耶最后选择了哥伦比亚唱片公司。
    In March 2000 Mayer headed to Austin, Texas, to perform at the prestigious South By Southwest (SxSW) music conference and afterwards was courted by several record labels, eventually signing with Aware/Columbia Records.
  • 他是一名工党党员。
    He is a member of the Labor Party.
  • 他们需要一实验室技术员。
    They need one laboratory technician.
  • 当时一位叫neillomax的民俗学家正在研究记录美国南部地区的风土人情,他偶然录下了卡特和他的狱友顶着炎炎烈日在密西西比河畔劳作时哼唱的他们自己创作的歌曲。
    A folklorist who was documenting life in the South, made a recording of Carter leading his fellow inmates in song while they labored under the blazing Mississippi sun.
  • 农场主雇佣3工人收割庄稼。
    The farmer paid 3 labourers to gather the crop.
  • 当我看到他驾驶着一辆劳斯莱斯汽车时,我不敢相信自己的眼睛——两年前他还是建筑工地上的一工人呢。
    I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw driving a Rolls Royce-two years ago he was a labourer on a building stie.
  • 但是国会显然觉得有必要知道在美国武器实验室与中国武器实验室之间在搞什么堂,有必要弄清楚克林顿政权与中国的“接触”(“engagement”)及“开放”政策到底已经造成了多大的危害。
    But Congress apparently felt the need to find out what had been going on between the US weapons Labs and the PRC weapons labs, and to determine how much damage might already have been done by the Administration's PRC "Engagement" and "Openness" policles.
  • 过了小塔宫,直至查理五世兴建的城墙,展现在眼前的是一片片庄稼,一座座林苑,宛如一张柔软的地毯,只见其间绿树成荫,花团锦簇。在林苑中央,树木繁茂,幽径交错,一看这树林和曲径的迷宫,便可认出这就是路易十一赏赐给科瓦蒂埃的那座闻遐迩的迷宫花园。
    Beyond the Tournelles, as far as the wall of Charles V.,spread out, with rich compartments of verdure and of flowers,a velvet carpet of cultivated land and royal parks, in the midst of which one recognized, by its labyrinth of trees and alleys, the famous Daedalus garden which Louis XI. had given to Coictier.
  • 出口商如何签发记提单呢?
    How does an exporter create an order bill of lading?
  • 这么说,货物的所有权即属于出口商,并依其记签发提单而有所转移喽!
    Then the title to the goods is vested in the exporter to whose order the bill of lading is drawn.
  • 我们需要一个大点的勺子从这锅里出汤来。
    We need a larger spoon to ladle the soup out of the pan.
  • 王平:其实,著的品牌也就是给那些喜欢的人准备的,而对一个外行人看来,也就没有什么意思了。
    Wang Ping: In fact, the famous brands are prepared for those who like them. However, for a laical it doesn't have any meaning.
  • 这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,公司昨天又遣散了2500未参加工会的工人……。
    Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday??.
  • 1782年,当时的国王拉玛给自己国家的首都取了一个冗长的字,译成中文有41个汉字。
    In 1782, the king, Lama, gave a long name to the capital of his country. It would have 41 characters if it were translated into Chinese.
  • 这有时叫某些并不做生意的小贩莫其妙地发了财,可奇怪的是,这附近却没有人乐意承担一个点灯夫的费用。
    Small tradesmen, who did no business whatever, sometimes unaccountably realised large fortunes, and it was remarkable that nobody in the neighbourhood could endure a lamplighter.
  • 这从前有罗马军的城堡,从此有了兰卡斯特这个称。
    There was once a castle of the Roman army here, whence the name of Lancaster.
  • 林肯美国内布拉斯卡州的首府,位于奥马哈西南,该州东南部。1864年首建时被称为兰开斯特,1867被选作该州首府而重新命。人口191,972
    The capital of Nebraska, in the southeast part of the state southwest of Omaha. Founded in1864 as Lancaster, it was renamed when it was chosen as the state capital in1867. Population,191, 972.
  • 女房东赶走了一不交房租的房客。
    The landlady turned out a tenant for not paying the rent.
  • 那个地主的儿子已被列入征兵册,但出钱免去了服役。
    The landlord's son had enlisted, but he was bought off.
  • 这首曲赞美了中国的大好河山。
    It praises the picturesque landscape of China.
  • 引发土石流的这场豪雨造成意外的发生,六十乘客中有五人受伤。
    The accident happened following heavy rains which caused a landslide. The train engine driver was thought to be dead after it plunged into the river, and five of the sixty passengers were injured.
  • 目前,只有描述元素和称元素支持xml:lang修饰。
    Presently, only the description and name elements support xml:lang qualifications.
  • name:这是一个可选的字符串值的聚集,用于表示了一个或多个部分的或完整的称,如果是出现多个称的话,每一个都应当使用xml:lang修饰。
    name: This optional collection of string values represents one or more partial names qualified with xml:lang attributes.
  • 我们从前碰到过一次;他们很久以前就放弃了他们的游牧生活;早就去上班了;他早就放弃了登山;这个字早就被遗忘了;langsyne是苏格兰话。
    We met once long ago; they long ago forsook their nomadic life; left for work long ago; he has long since given up mountain climbing; This name has long since been forgotten; lang syne is Scottish.
  • 这个班上有几女孩子能在一分钟内跑完一圈。
    There are a few girls in the class who can lap in under one minute.
  • 欧洲有褐斑的云雀,以其在高空飞行时发出的叫声而闻
    brown-speckled European lark noted for singing while hovering at a great height.
  • 美国最大的数据库软件制造商甲骨文公司的创始人拉里·埃里森排在第五位。由山姆·沃尔顿创办的全球最大的零售公司--沃尔玛公司的五位家族继承人排都在前十
    Oracle Corp.founder Larry Ellison had the fifth spot, while five heirs of the Wal-Mart fortune created by founder Sam Walton rounded out the top 10.
  • perl语言可追溯到1987年,有一叫拉利·华尔的人为解决他作为unix管理员所碰到的系统编程问题,开始开发这种语言作为工具。
    Perl dates back to 1987, when one man, Larry Wall, began developing the language simply as a tool for solving the system programming problems he encountered as a Unix administrator.