  • 我们充意识到局势的危险
    We are fully awake to the danger of the situation
  • 你充意识到自己所处的危险了吗?
    Are you fully awake to the danger you're in?
  • 在中国的民主革命运动中,知识子是首先觉悟的成
    In the Chinese democratic revolutionary movement, it was the intellectuals who were the first to awaken.
  • 这些阶级,或者已经觉悟,或者正在觉悟起来,他们必然要成为中华民主共和国的国家构成和政权构成的基本部,而无产阶级则是领导的力量。
    These classes, some already awakened and others in the process of awakening, will necessarily become the basic components of the state and governmental structure in the democratic republic of China, with the proletariat as the leading force.
  • 在这一逐渐清醒的周期中,人们可能会停留在θ脑电波状态的时间为5-15钟——在这段时间内人们可以自由地回想一下昨天发生的事情或思考即将到来的第二大的活动。
    During this awakening cycle it is possible for individuals to stay in the theta state for an extended period of say, five to 15 minutes which would allow them to have a free flow of ideas about yesterday's events or to contemplate the activities of the forthcoming day.
  • vb百分百奖
    VB100% award
  • 裁判员是怎样给的呢?
    How do the judges award the score?
  • 我们十清楚形势的严峻性。
    We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
  • 我们十清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。
    We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms.
  • 校长好象没有意识到这个决定竟会有这么多歧。
    The principal didn't seem to be aware that there should have been so much dispute about the decision.
  • 意识到某事物;充认识到。
    be fully aware of; realize fully.
  • 我十清楚那件事实。
    I was fully aware of the fact.
  • 我十清楚你肯定会有什么感觉。
    I'm quite aware how you must feel.
  • 有意识;不是完全有知觉。
    partially conscious; not completely aware of sensations.
  • 不使用药物的医学支;包括自我认知。
    the practice of medicine without the use of drugs; may involve self-awareness.
  • 商店离此地只有几钟的路程。
    The shops are only a few minutes' walk away.
  • 这些学生对他们的老师十敬畏。
    The students stood in awe of their teacher.
  • 她十分漂亮。
    He is awfully pretty.
  • 我对发生的事故十抱歉。
    I'm terribly/awfully sorry about the accident.
  • 他十抱歉,他打碎了一个茶杯。
    He's awfully sorry, he's break a teacup.
  • 他十抱歉,他打碎了一个茶杯。
    He 's awfully sorry, he 's broken a teacup.
  • 她十抱歉,她忘了寄信。
    She's awfully sorry, she forget to post the letter.
  • 你的拒绝让我感到十为难。
    Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
  • 显然他神经十紧张,他在麦克风前局促不安地站了好几钟。
    He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.
  • 他显然十紧张,局促不安地站在话筒前有好几钟。
    He was obviously were very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.
  • 谢辽日卡轻蔑地眯细眼睛,明在欣赏他的狼狈和外行。
    Seryozhka screws up his eyes contemptuously and obviously enjoys his awkwardness and incompetence.
  • 我醒来看见耀眼的阳光从窗户射入我的卧室;差不多是中午时了。
    I awoke to bright sunlight beams coming into my bedroom through the window; it was almost midday.
  • 斧头使他身首分离。
    The ax severed his head from his body.
  • 刀刃,斧刃工具的锋利部,如刀片或斧头切割边
    The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax.
  • 被两个相互垂直的坐标轴开的平面中的四个区域的任一个。
    any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by two orthogonal coordinate axes.
  • 装有磁带的盒子,磁带由转动轴驱动,使用时不必把磁带和盒子开。
    A container holding magnetic tape, driven on axes, that can is processed without separating it from the container.
  • 象限在笛卡尔坐标系中,被坐标轴开的平面中的四个区域的任一个,命名为第一,第二,第三和第四,从此象限逆时针计算坐标为正数
    Any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by the reference axes in a Cartesian coordinate system, designated first, second, third, and fourth, counting counterclockwise from the area in which both coordinates are positive.