  • 英国詹姆士世统冶时期的任何个著名的要人。
    any distinguished personage during the reign of James I of England.
  • 伊兹密尔,士每那土耳其西部城市,位于伊兹密尔海湾,是爱琴海的个海湾。在青铜石器时代就有人居住,伊兹密尔现在是个重要的港口和工业中心。人口757,854
    A city of western Turkey on the Gulf of Izmir, an inlet of the Aegean Sea. Settled during the Bronze Age, Izmir is now a major port and an industrial center. Population,757, 854.
  • 属于或关于詹姆士世、他的统治或其统治时代的。
    of or relating to James I or his reign or times.
  • 旦当政,将占据王位直到死。
    Once he is crowned , the king will reign until he dies.
  • 千禧年说宣称耶稣统治地球千年的教义
    The doctrine stating that Jesus will reign on earth for1, 000 years.
  • 巴列维语在萨珊王朝统治期间波斯人用的种伊朗语言
    An Iranian language used in Persia during the reign of the Sassanids.
  • 利西亚古国,曾为罗马帝国行省,位于小亚细亚西南部,靠爱琴海。早期为波斯和叙利亚所统治,于公元1世纪被罗马帝国兼并
    An ancient country and Roman province of southwest Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea. Ruled from early times by Persia and Syria, it was annexed by Rome in the first century a.d.
  • 伊丽莎白世的英国伊丽莎白世或其统治的、与之有关的或表现为之的
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of Elizabeth I of England or her reign.
  • 巴尔干半岛地区和古国,位于爱琴海北部;曾为古希腊的殖民地;后来成为罗马的个省;现在被希腊和土耳其瓜分。
    a region and ancient country in the east of the Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea; colonized by ancient Greeks; later a Roman province; now divided between Greece and Turkey.
  • 乔治湖美国纽约州东北的冰川湖,位于尚普兰湖以南的阿迪朗达克山麓小丘上。1646年被发现,是法印战争和美国独立战争中多次战役的地点。今天该湖是个大的休养娱乐地区的中心
    An English coin during the reign of Henry VIII, imprinted with a figure of Saint George.
  • 詹姆斯世的英王詹姆斯世统治的或该时代的
    Of or having to do with the reign of James I of England or his times.
  • 现今世界冠军意大利队也只获得个第五名。
    Reigning world men's champion Italy just ranked fifth.
  • 奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的列山。其主峰奥林匹斯山海拔2,918。9米(9,570英尺),是希腊境内最高点,也是希腊诸神的家园
    A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast. It rises to2, 918.9 m(9, 570 ft) at Mount Olympus, the highest point in Greece and home of the mythical Greek gods.
  • 唉,又是我倒霉!在高尔夫球锦标赛第轮中,我只得面对绝对冠军了。
    Just my luck! I've got to face up to the reigning champion in the first round of the golf tournament.
  • 我们生活在个用金钱来衡量价值的社会,但是我认为个人在金钱方面的成功往往被过高地评价成了价值的至上标准。
    We live in a money?oriented society,but I think that personal success in money matters is often overrated13 as the reigning monarch of our standard of values.
  • 基克拉泽斯希腊东南群岛,位于爱琴海南部。这个名字用于古代,指得洛斯小岛四周的群岛
    A group of islands of southeast Greece in the southern Aegean Sea. The name was used in ancient times for the islands surrounding the small island of Delos.
  • 亨利八世统治了很长段时间。
    Henry VIII reigned for a long time.
  • 雷声过后又是片静寂。
    Silence reigned once more after the thunder.
  • 马尔马拉海土耳其西北部的个海,位于亚洲和欧洲之间。通过博斯普鲁斯海峡与黑海相连,通过达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相连
    A sea of northwest Turkey between Europe and Asia. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Bosporus and to the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles.
  • 夜深人静一片死寂。
    Night was deep and dead silence reigned everywhere.
  • 瓦达条长约386公里(240英里)的河流,发源于南斯拉夫东南部并向南在希腊东北部注入爱琴海海湾
    A river, about386 km(240 mi) long, rising in southeast Yugoslavia and flowing southward to an arm of the Aegean Sea in northeast Greece.
  • 维多利亚统治个具有众多民族和辽阔土地的国家。
    Victoria reigned over a great variety of peoples and lands.
  • 在1154-1485期间统治的系列英国国王的姓。
    the family name of a line of English kings that reigned from 1154 to 1485.
  • 位于土耳其西北的个内陆海;通过博斯普鲁斯海峡与黑海相连,通过达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相接。
    an inland sea in northwestern Turkey; linked to the Black Sea by the Bosporus and linked to the Aegean by the Dardanelles.
  • 我们愿赔偿顾客受到的切损失和损害。
    We will reimburse the customer for any loss or damage.
  • 希腊中东部肥沃的平原,位于爱琴海沿岸;是古希腊的个区。
    a fertile plain on the Aegean Sea in east central Greece; Thessaly was a former region of ancient Greece.
  • 多立斯方言古希腊种方言,伯罗奔尼撒、克里特岛、爱琴群岛部分和西西里岛以及意大利南部讲此方言
    A dialect of ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus, Crete, certain of the Aegean Islands, Sicily, and southern Italy.
  • 爱琴海北部的个希腊岛屿;因为其红褐色黏土的医用价值而出名。
    a Greek island in the northern Aegean Sea; famous for a reddish-brown clay that has medicinal properties.
  • 特别在运动后期,明确了发动贫雇农方针,从退押和惩治不法地主中,适当满足了贫雇农的经济要求,并随着运动的深入,在贫雇农积极动员起来的基础上,步地改造了农会领导成分和农村政权。
    In the later stage of the movement in particular, we made clear our policy of mobilizing the poor peasants and farm labourers, and satisfactorily met their economic needs by returning them the security money reimbursed by landlords and by expropriating law-breaking landlords. As the movement deepened, the poor peasants and farm labourers were mobilized, which provided the basis for systematically transforming the composition of the leadership of peasant associations and organs of political power in the rural areas.
  • 希腊东部的个岛屿;在古代由于抒情诗而出名。
    an island of eastern Greece in the Aegean Sea; in antiquity it was famous for its lyric poetry.
  • 除了从卡内基那儿得到些旅费补助之外,其他切费用都由我自行负责。
    Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses, I got no compensation from Carnegis for me efforts.
  • 希腊中北部的个城市,位于爱琴海入海口;希腊第二大城市。
    a city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea; the 2nd largest city of Greece.