  • ipsec生成一个标准平台,来开发安全网络和两台机器之的电子隧道。
    IPsec creates a standard platform to develop secure networks and electronic tunnels between two machines.
  • 的造成不和的,制造分裂的
    Creating dissension or discord.
  • 电极的放电,形成可见的电离的粒子流。
    discharge between electrodes creating visible streamers of ionized particles.
  • 逐渐为每一天创造一段安静的时
    Start small by creating islands of silence in your day.
  • 创造的神秘,有如夜的黑暗--是伟大的。
    The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.
  • 教师和学生之创造性的双向学习是可以实现的。
    Creative, two- way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.
  • 归属指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时
    The act of attributing, especially of establishing a particular person, place, or time as the creator, provenance, or era of a work of art.
  • 妖怪民传说中的一种面貌丑陋的小精灵般的动物,被认为常恶作剧或调皮
    A grotesque, elfin creature of folklore, thought to work mischief or evil.
  • 这消息也许是真的,但我只是接听来的,所以在我证实它以前,我是不大可能相信它的。
    The news may be true but as I heard it only at second hand, I am not likely to give it credence until I have it confirmed.
  • 第一任使节为香港首任布政司布鲁司爵士,他奉命前往北京呈递国书,但途经大沽突遭炮轰,于是一八五九至六零年,战火再起。
    The first British envoy, Sir Frederick Bruce, who had been the first Colonial Secretary in Hong Kong, was fired on at Taku (Dagu) Bar on his way to Peking to present his credentials, and hostilities were renewed from 1859-60.
  • 两代人之互不信任几乎是不可避免的。
    A credibility gap is almost inescapable between generations.
  • 虽然ldap已存在一段时了,但只是近年才受到重视,信誉得到提高。
    Although LDAP has been around for a while, it gained attention and credibility in recent years.
  • 公司与其债权人之的协议。按此协议,债权人接受用商定的款额了结他们偿还债务的要求而不是让公司破产
    Agreement between a company and its creditor whereby the creditor accept an agree sum in settlement of their claim rather than force the company into insolvency
  • 债务人与他债权人之的协议。按此协议债权人接受用商定的款项了结债权人的还债要求,而不是让他破产
    Agreement make between a debtor and his creditor whereby the creditor accept an agree sum in settlement of their claim rather than make the debtor bankrupt
  • 当他们在主现场表演期邀请"门乐队"的吉他手罗比·克里格登台共同表演的时候,"信念"此举令歌迷们对这次音乐盛会特别难以忘怀。
    Creed gave fans something special to remember the festival by when they invited Robby Krieger,guitarist for The Doors,to join them during their performance on the main stage.
  • 在流逝,而我们却一事无成。
    Time is creeping on and we have done nothing.
  • 城齿城堡雉堞墙上两块敞开空中的实墙
    A solid portion of a crenelated wall between two open spaces.
  • 他脱去鞋子悄悄地走进房
    He removed his shoes and crept into the room.
  • 她悄悄走进房,吻了一下睡着的孩子。
    She crept into the room and kissed the sleeping child.
  • 他们蹑手蹑脚地走进我的房,把箱子放在我床上。
    They crept into my room and set the box down on the bed.
  • 或黄昏时活动的白鹭。
    nocturnal or crepuscular herons.
  • 主要是在黄昏或夜活动的非雀形目鸟,斑驳的灰褐色羽毛,大眼;以昆虫为食。
    mainly crepuscular or nocturnal nonpasserine birds with mottled grayish-brown plumage and large eyes; feed on insects.
  • 东半球和美洲热带头大、眼大并在拂晓、傍晚或夜活动的滨鸟,膝关节粗壮。
    large-headed large-eyed crepuscular or nocturnal shorebird of the Old World and tropical America having a thickened knee joint.
  • 在圣诞节期, 广告战已达到高潮.
    The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
  • 波长光、热或其它能量波的一个波峰或波谷与下一个对应的波峰或波谷之的距离
    The distance between one peak or crest of a wave of light, heat, or other energy and the next corresponding peak or crest.
  • 事实上,富与不富之的差异程度1995年以来就趋于平衡。但是,虽然这一事实令某些经济学家认为那种趋势已经登峰造极,可是另外一些经济学家却感到失望。
    The degree of separation between the rich and nonrich, in fact, has leveled off since l995. But while that fact leads some economists to hope that the trend has crested, others are disappointed.
  • 翼手龙任一种小型已灭绝的翼龙目的飞行爬行动物,它们绝大多数都没有尾巴,生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪之的那段时期
    Any of various small, mostly tailless, extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
  • 鱼龙三叠纪至白垩纪的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙
    Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout.
  • 翼龙任一种已灭绝的翼龙目能飞行的爬行动物,包括翼手龙,它们生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪之的那段时期,翅膀由一块由每个前肢中非常长的脚趾支撑的皮构成
    Any of various extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria, including the pterodactyls, of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, characterized by wings consisting of a flap of skin supported by the very long fourth digit on each forelimb.
  • 6500万年前恐龙的灭绝很久以来就是一个热门话题,地质学家们早就认识到了白垩纪与三叠纪之界限的重要性,因为它记录了地球史上的一个重大事件,就是6500万年前半数已知生物的突然消失,这其中就包括了恐龙。
    The origin of the dinosaur extinction that occurred 65 million years ago has long been a topic of interest. Geologists had long known that the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary time periods was important because it marked a period in the Earth's history, some 65 million years ago, when almost half of all known species suddenly disappeared, including the dinosaurs.
  • 位于希腊和土耳其之的地中海的海湾;在克利特岛和希腊以及罗马和波斯的古文明中的一个主要的商用航路。
    an arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia.
  • 欧罗巴的三个独生子都是希腊神话中赫赫有名的人物。弥诺斯做了克里特的国王,死后成为阴曹的法官;拉达曼提斯也被认为幽冥的国王和法官;而萨耳珀冬则是吕西亚人的祖先。
    Her three sons are famous in Greek myth: Minos, who became king of Crete, and after his death a judge in the lower word; Rhadamanthus, who also was regarded as king and judge in the world of ghosts; and Sarpedon, who was ancestor of the Lycians.