  • 假设在5年前你买了1000美元的10年期债券,利率是6%,类似地,假设现在有一个5年期的债券,其利率是8%,那么还会有人1000美元来买你的债券吗?
    Suppose that five years ago you bought a ten-year $ 1, 000 bond carrying a 6 percent interest rate, and that the interest rate now obtainable on similar bonds that also have five years to go until they mature is 8 percent. Would anyone pay $ 1, 000 for your bond?
  • 如果不可能,劳动者暂时仍将处于半饥半饱的状态。但是,资本家的费从非生产性支出转变为生产性支出,会使商品需求发生变化,其结果乃是下一年生产的食物将增多,而餐具和珠宝将减少。
    if not possible, the labourers will remain for a season on their short allowance: but the consequences of this change in the demand for commodities, occasioned by the change in the expenditure of capitalists from unproductive to productive, is that next year more food will be produced, and less plate and jewellery.
  • 在她居住期间园改观了。
    During her occupancy the garden was transformed.
  • 虎猫一种产于中南美洲的身上有斑点的野猫(美洲斑猫猫属),形似一种体小而有长尾的豹猫
    A spotted Central and South American wildcat(Felis wiedi) resembling a small, long-tailed ocelot.
  • 齿舌兰属的任何一种兰朵大而艳丽、色繁多,总状序。
    any of numerous and diverse orchids of the genus Odontoglossum having racemes of few to many showy usually large flowers in many colors.
  • 我的房间里充满了玫瑰的香味。
    My room is filled with the odor of roses.
  • 香料;果园里的气息;六月的气息;香
    odoriferous spices; the odorous air of the orchard; the perfumed air of June; scented flowers.
  • 没有气味的气体;没有香味的
    odorless gas; odorless flowers.
  • 北美洲的一年生的植物,类似于香豌豆,具有艳丽但无味的朵。
    North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers.
  • 我的房间里充满了玫瑰的香味。
    My room is filled with the odour of roses.
  • 我买了一些送给她表示歉意。
    I bought her some flowers as a peace offering.
  • 让我现在随口说,我猜这部车要一千五百美元修理费。
    Offhand, I will guess that this car repair will cost us$1, 500.
  • 足以补偿足够支付、偿付或抵消…的费和价钱。
    be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of.
  • 由于当地的生活费用低廉,可以补偿去那里所的旅费。
    The cost of getting there was offset by the fact that it's a very cheap place to live.
  • 增生的无限制地产生蕾或萌蘖枝条的,尤指从不常见的地方,比如从朵中长出枝条或从果实中长出果实
    Freely producing buds or offshoots, especially from unusual places, as shoots from flowers or fruits from fruits.
  • 她使用言巧语使话有说服力。
    She oiled her words in order to sound persuasive.
  • 使浸透油的破布燃烧起来了。
    The sparks set fire to the oily rage.
  • 草本和灌木和一些乔木;锦葵;棉;黄秋葵。
    herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okra.
  • 这是世界上历史最悠久的园式露天电影院。
    It is the world's oldest outdoor movie garden.
  • 世界上历史最悠久的露天园式电影院
    World's Oldest Movie Garden Found in Middle of Australia's Outback
  • 多年生洋葱中的一个普通品种,主要被用作珍奇品栽培或作早熟的色拉用洋葱;以序中珠芽代替的繁殖。
    type of perennial onion grown chiefly as a curiosity or for early salad onions; having bulbils that replace the flowers.
  • 欧洲的一种葱,白色。
    European onion with white flowers.
  • 他的窗户面对花园。
    His window looks onto the garden.
  • 花翳白陷
    corneal ulcer with scaly opacity
  • 鲜花怒放。
    The flowers are open.
  • 城里的园应该对公众免费开放。
    The town gardens must be open to the public free of charge.
  • 花正在开放。
    The flowers are opening.
  • 透孔边带,网眼小饰丝带可以穿过网眼的狭窄的透孔镂刻
    A narrow piece of openwork lace through which ribbon may be run.
  • 卡文特园歌剧团在皇家歌剧院演出。
    The Ovate Garden Opera plays in the Royal Opera House.
  • 克莱斯勒,弗里兹1875-1962美籍奥地利裔小提琴家,小提琴作品和轻歌剧苹果(1919年)的作曲者
    Austrian-born American violinist and composer of violin works and the operetta Apple Blossoms(1919).
  • 长有灰色叶片并开白或红的亚洲西南部草本植物;鸦片的来源。
    southwestern Asian herb with grayish leaves and white or reddish flowers; source of opium.
  • 为了这个原因,李笠翁说:一个人坐在一个满是桃和柳树的园里,而近旁没有一棵松树,有如坐在一些小孩和女人之间,而没有一位可敬的庄严的老人一样。
    For this reason Li Liweng says that to sit in an orchard full of peach trees and flowers and willows without a pine nearby is like sitting in the company of young children and women without the presence of an austere master or old man, whom we can look up to.