  • 骨骼学研究骨的结构和功的解剖学的分支
    The branch of anatomy that deals with the structure and function of bones.
  • 我们明年才学到解剖学。
    We don't get to onto anatomy until next year.
  • 眼科学关于眼的结构、功和疾病治疗的医学学科
    The branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, functions, pathology, and treatment of the eye.
  • 只有在此之后,病毒专家才解析病毒并获得其编码。
    Only then will a specialist programmer be able to study the virus's anatomy and find a signature.
  • 是温血动物;被认为是哺乳动物的直接祖先。
    probably warm-blooded; considered direct ancestor of mammals.
  • 被认为是类人猿及人类的可的祖先。
    considered a possible ancestor to both anthropoid apes and humans.
  • 濒临绝迹的一个人种;可是现代人的祖先。
    a member of an extinct species of human being; probably an ancestor of modern man.
  • 如果那个人比他的先人长命,他的继承权就不被剥夺的人。
    an heir whose right to an inheritance cannot be defeated if that person outlives the ancestor.
  • 追溯他的祖先到第十四代。
    He can trace his ancestors back through fourteen generations.
  • 南美洲豚鼠;可是家养豚鼠的祖先。
    South American cavy; possibly ancestral to the domestic guinea pig.
  • 是恐龙、鳄鱼和鸟的共同祖先。
    presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds.
  • 女子和穷人不进祠堂吃酒的老例,也被打破。
    The old rule barring women and poor people from the banquets in the ancestral temples has also been broken.
  • 但你不避免使用属于你会馆的方言与那些只听得懂方言的老会员沟通。
    But you cannot avoid using the dialect ofyour clan when communicating to the older members who can only understand their ancestral tongue.
  • 但你不避免使用属于你会馆的方言与那些只听得懂方言的老会员沟通。
    But you cannot avoid using the dialect of your clan when communicating to the older members who can only understand their ancestral tongue.
  • 解开锚缆在甲板上解开(缆绳)以便更快下锚
    To uncoil(an anchor cable) on deck so the anchor may descend easily.
  • 在狂风暴雨中你使船停泊吗?
    Can you anchor the boat in this storm?
  • 对古时候可发生什么的一种关注。
    a concern with what may have happened anciently.
  • 钩虫钩虫属的大量小的寄生线虫,嘴部有倒刺,可以固定于寄主内脏壁上(包括人类),引起钩虫病
    Any of numerous small parasitic nematode worms of the family Ancylostomatidae, having hooked mouthparts with which they fasten themselves to the intestinal walls of various hosts, including human beings, causing ancylostomiasis.
  • 然而安达信的会计师保罗·多克塞则认为,技术固然够帮助人们发现洗钱活动,但是为客户开户并且与他们有直接接触的员工的参与对于发现洗钱活动仍然是非常重要的。
    Paul Doxey of Andersen, the accountant, says technology can help in detecting money? laundering but the involvement of staff who sign up customers and have any personal contact with them remains essential.
  • 实际上克鲁斯可以自由选择要出演的电影,这种情况下为什么安德森认为他得到肯定的答复?
    When Cruise can choose virtually any movie, why did Anderson think he got the yes?
  • 她觉得自己脱离了集体;不保持他以往独立的身份-舍伍德·安德森;认为自己与其他人分开十分孤单的;孤立感。
    she felt detached from the group; could not remain the isolated figure he had been- Sherwood Anderson; thought of herself as alone and separated from the others; had a set-apart feeling.
  •  从美国最大的源交易商恩龙开始,丑闻就像传染病一样迅速蔓延开来,美国其他重量级企业,例如环球电讯、世界通讯、泰科、qwest、世界通讯、施乐、默克公司、布里斯托尔—迈尔斯和安达信审计等也陆续爆出丑闻。
    Starting with Enron, the largest US energy-trading company, the contagion spread quickly to other heavy-weight enterprises like Global Crossing, Tyco, QWest, WorldCom, Xerox, Merck, Bristol-Myers and Arthur Anderson.
  • 管理风格:“自从我认识迪克以后,我认为他有力开发、学习和适应风云变幻的环境。”bestbuy的总裁和coo布来德布利.安得森如是说,“他已经转变了他的运营风格,不再是七十年代的那种极权作风了。现在,他会给你充分的自由去做你自己必须要做的事情。”
    Management Style: "Dick has been able to develop, learn, and adapt to changing environments over the years I've known him," says Best Buy president and COO Bradbury Anderson. "He's adjusted his operating style from a hands-on, domineering style in the '70s to one now where he gives you the freedom to do what you need to do."
  • 对此,古代墓志铭专家安德烈·勒迈里在《圣经考古学评论》期刊中写道,这些墓志铭极有可成为拿撒勒人耶稣存在的可信证据。
    Writing in Biblical Archaeology Review, Andre Lemaire, a pecialist in ancient inscriptions, says it is very probable the find is an authentic reference to Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 对此,古代墓志铭专家安德烈·勒迈里在《圣经考古学评论》期刊中写道,这些墓志铭极有可成为拿撒勒人耶稣存在的可信证据。
    Writing in Biblical Archaeology Review, Andre Lemaire, a specialist in ancient inscriptions, says it is very probable the find is an authentic reference to Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 安德鲁想到印度学医,但他还没有积足钱。我相信他一定的,有志者事竟成嘛。
    Andrew wants to study medicine in India, but he hasn't raised the necessary money yet.I'm, sure he will. Where there's a will there's a way.
  • 我将尽可安排和安德鲁见个面。
    I'd move heaven and earth to get a date with Andrew.
  • 安德鲁听说他不去旅游时脸沉了下来。
    Andrew’s face fell when he was told he couldn’t go on the trip.
  • 好的,现在好多了。安德鲁,看来我不如期赴约了。
    Yes, that's much better now. andrew, it looks as if I will not be able to keep the appointment we make.
  • 好的,现在好多了。安德鲁,看来我不如期赴约了。
    Yes, that 's much better now. Andrew, it looks as if I will not be able to keep the appointment we made.
  • 如果是这样的话,我们可就要及时地设计一台新的空间望远镜用以回望和观察仙女座星系和我们的古老家乡的相互撞击。
    If so, perhaps a new space telescope will be built in time to look back and watch Andromeda crash into our old home.
  • 由于骨髓功不充分而导致的贫血症。
    anemia resulting from inadequately functioning bone marrow; can develop into aplastic anemia.