  • 政府與國會處理整體經濟上上之策,……在於控製赤字。而在此一極端重要層面,大傢卻不能沉着應付。
    The best thing the Administration and Congress could do for the whole economy,??, is to rein in those deficits. Yet on this vital front, all hands dither.
  • 溫度突下降到零下10度。
    The mercury dived to ten below zero.
  • 他突跑進一條小巷消失了。
    He dived into an alley.
  • 他突把手伸進衣袋,掏出十塊錢來。
    He dive into his pocket and fish out ten dollar.
  • 他突把手插在口袋裏拿出一美元。
    He dived into his pocket and fished out a dollar.
  • 她突把手伸進櫃子裏,拿出一條裙子。
    She suddenly dived into the chest and produced a skirt.
  • 遊擊隊員突鑽進密林,很快就消失了。
    The guerrillas dived into the thick forest and soon disappeared.
  • 讓所有客人吃驚的是,他突發起火來。
    To all the guests' surprise, he dived off the deep end suddenly.
  • 他們的興趣和我們的迥不同。
    Their interests diverge from ours.
  • 儘管海上洶涌的浪濤嚮我們捲來,潛水員卻完全是安自若的樣子。
    On the sea, though mountainous waves rolled at us, the divers looked perfectly at home.
  • 到1995年底,中國已建成類型比較齊全的自保護區799處,面積達7185萬公頃,約占國土總面積的7.19%。
    By the end of 1995 799 nature reserves of rather diversified types, covering a total area of 71.85 million hectares (or 7.19 percent of China's territory) had been established in China.
  • 多種多樣的生態類型,不可思議的自美景,又有如此多的娛樂資源,維多利亞瀑布不啻是一大奇觀。
    With such ecological diversity,incredible natural beauty,and so much to do,it's no wonder that the falls are a wonder.
  • 她贊助的組織五花八門,其中許多當反映了她的特殊愛好,包括賽馬和軍事。
    Although she supports an enormous diversity of organisations,naturally many of these reflect her particular passions, including racing and the military.
  • 而在對於這些碰撞與火山作用的回顧中卻表明,在這一時期恐竜一直呈現出一個穩定的分化增長的勢頭。
    However, a review of these impacts and volcanic episodes revealed that through this period the dinosaurs maintained a relatively high level of diversity.
  • 火山新近多了一個裂縫,救援人員已經是渾身漆黑,大汗淋漓,但他們仍在為加固土堤,讓熔岩流改道,從而避免熔岩流流經rifugiosapienza而奮戰。
    A new fissure in the volcano opened earlier as emergency crews, blackened and sweating, battled to reinforce the mounds and divert lava away from Rifugio Sapienza.
  • "大沼澤地之友"與其堅定的創立者一道,成功地阻止了在這裏修建臨時機場和增開運河的計劃,因為那樣會改變流經濕地的雨水的自流嚮,並威脅到這個大生態係統的生存。
    Friends of the Everglades and its determined founder have successfully battled the development of airstrips and additional canals that would divert the natural flow of rain through the wetlands,and threaten the very existence of one of nature's great ecosystems.
  • 使興味索,使不關註
    To divest of interest.
  • 增加並在未來日子應支付的利息或紅利
    (Interest or dividends) to increase and is due for payment at a later date
  • 中國隊正在備戰其第一個世界杯决賽;很顯米盧的那套辦法奏效了。
    As China prepared for its first World Cup finals was clear that milutinovic's methods had paid dividends.
  • 嚮每天的生活索取合理的回報,而不要光等着回報跑到你的手中,你會因為得到許多你所希望的東西而感到驚訝——雖你可能一直都沒有察覺到。
    Demand a reasonable amount of dividends from life every day,instead of waiting to receive them.You will be surprised to learn how many of the desirable things in life are already your,even though you have not noticed them.
  • 不知道是怎麽回事,我突感到頭暈目眩。
    I don't know what came over me, but I felt dizzy all of a sudden.
  • 而,如果你的血糖量高於250毫剋/分升,鍛煉會使你的血糖量升得更高。
    If your blood-sugar level is above 250 mg/dl, however, exercise could make it rise even higher.
  • 你在學校裏學自科學嗎?
    Do you do science at school?
  • 然後他又幹了什麽?
    Then what do he do?
  • 其他博士畢業生覺得轉嚮非教學生活較為輕鬆,許多人甚至開始欣接受這種新生活。
    Other doctoral grads find the transition to nonacademic life easier, and some are even starting to embrace it.
  • 儘管醫生竭盡全力治療,但她的雙腿仍無法恢復功能。
    The doctors did what they could, but she lost the sue of both legs.
  • 無目的論認為自界毫無目的可言的理論
    The doctrine of purposelessness in nature.
  • 與之相關的文件記錄證據或者人員的證詞仍顯得必要。
    Documentary evidence and testimony by staff that dealt with the items still appears to be needed.
  • 艾森施塔特,艾爾弗雷德生於1898德裔美國攝影工作者,以其反應日常生活和重大歷史事件的自的記實照片而成為攝影新聞的先驅
    German-born American photographer who pioneered photojournalism with his unposed documentary photographs of daily life and historic events.
  • ,最響亮的信息先來自以《科倫拜恩的保齡》獲得最佳記錄片奬的導演邁剋爾·穆爾。
    By far the loudest message came earlier from director Michael Moore,he won the Oscar for Best Documentary for Bowling for Columbine.
  • 有人曾記載,當時一個稀有的球莖竟叫價相等於十噸重芝士的價值。
    It was documented that one rare bulb fetched a price equivalent to ten tons of cheese.
  • 而,在文獻紀載方面,即使一些具商業價值但不大普遍的魚類,以及生長在本港極北地區的珊瑚品種,也少有紀載,更遑論成千上萬不太為人熟悉的蠕蟲、海膽、海星、雌鵠及更微細的浮遊生物。
    The less-common commercial fish and many corals that reach the northernmost extent of their range in Hong Kong remain poorly documented, not to mention the myriad of less familiar worms, urchins, starfish, sea pens and the more microscopicplanktonic forms.