  • 人们这个罪犯处死。
    People sent the criminal to his doom.
  • 从社会行程说来,日本已不是兴旺的国家,战争不能达到日本统治阶级所期求的兴旺,而达到它所期求的反面——日本帝国主义的死亡。
    In terms of social development, Japan is no longer a thriving country; The war will not lead to the prosperity sought by her ruling classes but to the very reverse, the doom of Japanese imperialism.
  • 当认为某家企业已不再服务十社会的最大利益的消费者人数达到一定数量时,他们就会以种种方法——如抵制该企业的产品或服务,促使政府官员反对该企业,在新闻媒体上对它进行谴责或者光顾其他公司——该企业置于死地。
    When enough people believe a business no longer serves society's best interests, they may pressure the firm into its doom by boycotting its goods or services, influencing officials against it, condemning it in the media, or patronizing other firms.
  • 我厨房的门前石阶下有个蚁穴,我得拿些毒药,蚂蚁杀死。
    There is an ants' nest under my kitchen doorstep. I must get some poison and send them to kingdom come.
  • 当怀特太太发现门阶上的弃婴时,她他拾起来,紧紧抱在怀里。
    When Mrs White found the abandoned baby on her doorstep, she lifted it up and enfolded it in her arms.
  • 村民们门口撒满了鲜花。
    The villagers had strewn the doorway with flowers.
  • 我们定出明年的计划。
    We are to dope out the next year's plan.
  • 我们定出明年的计划。
    We is to dope out the next year's plan.
  • 如果让兴奋剂肆虐下去,那来的奥运选手还不人人行如“神行太保”戴宗,强壮好似施瓦辛格,耐久如沙漠骆驼……
    If we let doping indulge in willful persecution, the future athletes would be like Dai Zong, who was able to walk five hundred kilometers a day, or they would be as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, or as endurable as a camel in the desert...
  • 王平:如果让兴奋剂肆虐下去,那来的奥运选手还不人人行如“神行太保”戴宗,强壮如施瓦辛格,耐久如沙漠骆驼......。
    Wang Ping: If we let doping indulge in willful persecution, the future athletes would be like Dai Zong, who was able to walk five hundred kilometers a day , or they would be as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger, or as endurable as a camel in the desert.
  •  今天,我要代表中国奥委会、国家各单项体育协会庄严承诺:如果你们选择北京作为2008年奥运会的举办地,我们竭尽全力支持、帮助、参与并监督北京奥运会组委会,2008年奥运会办成奥运史上最成功的一届运动会.我们继续坚决执行国际奥委会反兴奋剂各种决议,以捍卫奥林匹克的纯洁性!
    Today, I represent the Chinese Olympic Committee, and various Chinese National Sports Federations, to make a pledge: if you choose Beijing as the venue for the 2008 Games, we will fully support, assist, monitor and work together with the Beijing Organizing Committee to ensure the delivery of one of the most successful Olympics in the history of the Games. We will continue to firmly carry out all the IOC anti-doping decisions and do all that we can to safeguard the purity of sport.
  • 三槽板多利安柱式檐壁上的建筑装饰,包括一块微凸的长方形石板,板上有两条平行垂直的凹槽和两边两条相应的斜削的半槽,半槽排档间饰分开
    An ornament in a Doric frieze, consisting of a projecting block having on its face two parallel vertical glyphs or grooves and two half grooves or chamfers on either vertical end, that separates the metopes.
  • 我们积极开拓农村购买力市常
    China will strive to tap the purchasing power dormant in rural areas.
  • 另附,张蕾小姐从加州洛杉矶给你寄来肆拾美元的宿舍押金。
    I remain PS.40 dollars dormitory deposit will be advanced to you by Miss Zhang Lei in Los Angeles, California.
  • 对待前人底遗名当公平而爱护,因为假如你不这样做,那么这就不啻是一种债务,来你去位的时候人家一定要偿还你的。
    Use me memory of thy predecessor fairly, and tenderly; for if thou dost not, it is a debt will sure be paid, when thou art gone.
  • 虽然主席尚未事情说明,但是在场的人都明白他的意思。
    Though the chairman did not dot the I, everyone present knew what he meant.
  • 他将腿弯起又伸开。
    He doubled up his legs and kicked out.
  • 褶皱衣服上的褶,通过衣服的材料对折叠,然后在衣料上再压紧或缝在一起而制成
    A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place.
  • 国会听取了人民的心声,同意降低税率,终止征收遗产税,儿童享受的福利增加一倍。
    Congress listened to the people and responded by reducing tax rates, doubling the child credit, and ending the death tax.
  • 今年晚些时候,英特尔的新芯片组增加新的性能,如133mhz的前端总线,支持更快的存储器和英特尔的加速图形端口的性能翻一番。
    Later in the year, a new Intel chip set will add additional performance capabilities such as 133?MHz front side bus, support for faster memory, and a doubling of the performance of Intel's Accelerated Graphics Port.
  • 经过近九年的努力,百分之九十的农村人口解决了温饱问题,全国人均国民生产总值提前两年完成了原定十年内翻一番的任务。
    Thanks to nine years of hard work, 90 per cent of the rural population now has enough food and clothing. And our ten-year task of doubling the per capita GNP has been fulfilled two years ahead of schedule.
  • 我不麻烦去这个好消息告诉汉纳,她是一个怀疑一切的人,即便告诉了她,她也可能不会相信。
    I didn't bother to tell Hannah about the good news; she's such a doubting Thomas, she probably wouldn't have believed me anyway.
  • 在我们的社会里,广大劳动者有高度的政治觉悟,他们自觉地刻苦钻研,提高科学文化水平,从而必在生产中创造出比资本主义更高的劳动生产率。
    In our society, the workers have a high degree of political awareness and study assiduously for the conscious purpose of raising their level of scientific and general knowledge, so they will doubtless be able to achieve a higher productivity of labour than that under capitalism.
  • 第三,整个泛蓝阵营在国会席次仍是多数过半,国民党、亲民党及新党仍坚持“一个中国,各自表述”、“九二共识”及倾向统一的坚定立场,无疑地这进一步制约新中间路线往独的方向摆荡。
    Thirdly, the combined number of seats of KMT, PFP and NP in parliament is still more than half of the total of 225 seats. They still subscribe to the “1992 consensus” and the view that there is only “one China but each side has its own interpretation of the term”. They are also inclined to reunification and will doubtless act to counter any swing in favour of an independent Taiwan.
  • 在楼下的大厅里,我去那儿等您。
    In the lobby downstairs. I'll be waiting for you there.
  • 通过简化数据传输的基础结构和提高速度,它有助于电子商务;通过每台服务器处理更多的用户和减少故障停机时间,它有助于电子邮件;以及随着用户数量的增加使处理器和内存增加,来改进在线事务处理。
    It would aid e-commerce by simplifying the data transmission infrastructure and increasing speed, help e-mail by handling more users per server and reducing downtime and improve online transaction processing by enabling the addition of processors and memory as the number of users increases.
  • 每天在此时市中心会非常拥挤。
    Downtown will is very crowded at this time of day.
  • 假如张三在8月24日以180.0点的价位卖出一只9月期货,再于8月31日以165.2点买进清盘,他未扣除交易成本的投机利润是2960元。由于他不会接到任何补仓通知,他的投资就是初始保证金5000元。
    If Mr Tan foresees the market downtrend correctly and sells the contract at 180.0 on 24 August and buys it back at 165.2 on 31 August, his investment will be just $5,000 (since he will not face any margin calls).
  • 假如张三正确预见股市下滑趋势,在8月24日以180.0点的价位卖出一只9月期货,再于8月31日以165.2点买进清盘,他未扣除交易成本的投机利润是2960元。由于他不会接到任何补仓通知,他的投资就是初始保证金5000元。他的报酬率是59.2%。
    If Mr Tan foresees the market downtrend correctly and sells the contract at 180.0 on 24 August and buys it back at 165.2 on 31 August, his investment will be just $5,000 (since he will not face any margin calls). He will have a profit of $2,960, a 59.2% rate of return.
  • 随后的几周内我们会看到全球经济滑坡仍延续且有恶化趋势。
    The coming weeks will allow us to see just how prolonged and deep the general economic downturn will be.
  • 由于全球经济正处于低迷时期,图书出版业也迎来了严冬。参加今年法兰克福图书博览会的公司数目就比去年减少了百分之四,不过届时仍有来自110个国家的6375家公司前来参展。
    With the industry hit by the current global downturn, the number of companies attending this year's Frankfurt Book Fair has dropped four percent -- but there are still 6,375 exhibitors from 110 countries.
  • 因为上次的经济衰退是在整整10年以前,自那时以来美国经济的结构已经发生了巨大的变化,而格林斯潘和美联储对于目前这次经济下滑会如何演变却是比以往更加一无所知。
    Because the last recession was a full decade ago and the makeup of the U.S. economy has changed dramatically since then, Greenspan and the Fed are eve n more in the dark than usual as to how this downturn might play out.