  • 1893年,两姐妹发表了一部歌曲集,题为"幼儿园的故事"。
    The sisters published the song in a collection entitled "Song Stories of the Kindergarten" in 1893.
  • 在北美繁殖、在美国热带过冬的食蜂鹟;以尾巴尖有白带而贵。
    a kingbird that breeds in North American and winters in tropical America; distinguished by a white band on the tip of the tail.
  • 以歌唱著的美洲戴菊鸟,其雄鸟有红色头冠。
    American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch.
  • 并且很多著人物包括国王和诗人都安葬在这里。
    And many famous men are buried there including kings and poets.
  • 假设我知道她的字。
    Suppose I knew her name.
  • 我只知道他的名字。
    I knew him only by name.
  • 我真希望我知道他的字。
    I wish I knew his name.
  • 我要是知道她的字就好了
    If only I knew her name.
  • 在提候选人的预选会前,他派了50人帮他登门游说。
    He sent50helpers knocking up before the primaries.
  • 击倒获胜是指一拳击手被击倒在地,并地裁判数十个数前站不起来的情况;
    A knockout occurs when a fighter is knocked down to the canvas and cannot get up before the referee counts to ten.
  • 我知道他的名字。
    I know his name.
  • 工人中间应该教育出大批的干部,他们应该有知识,有能力,不务空,会干实事。
    It is necessary to educate many cadres from among the workers, knowledgeable and capable cadres who do not seek empty fame but are ready for honest work.
  • 这家新剧院因上演节目的质量好而渐渐出
    This new theatre is becoming known for its good productions.
  • 唯一知道的案例;知权威
    The only known case; a known authority.
  • 全球闻名
    Known the world over.
  • 闻名的很出名的
    Well or widely known.
  • 的著的且有口皆碑的;驰
    Known and praised widely; noted.
  • 那位作家很有名。
    That writer is well known.
  • 侍者:菜也是意大利文,意思是烤猪肘拌酸菜薯茸,味道可口,值得尝尝。
    The name of the dish of is also in Italian. It means picked pork-knuckle on sour cabbage and mashed potatoes. It is delicious and worth trying.
  • 葛[市长]礼拜一晚上以两家中城戏院做目标,并说每个礼拜一他要在攻击单上增加一家戏院,“一直等到戏院东主屈服,并且把票价降回到6元。”
    Koch targeted two midtown theaters on Monday night and says he'll add another theater to the hit list on each succeeding Monday "until the theater owners are brought to their knees and roll back prices to $6."
  • 写这封信给您,是为了通知阁下,本公司已被指定为闻的kodak相机代理商。
    We are writing to inform you that we have been appointed agents for the famous Kodak cameras.
  • 明年奥斯卡奖的提会在1月27日公布,而最终的结果将于2004年2月29日在好莱坞的柯达剧院揭晓。
    Nominations for next year's Oscars will be unveiled January 27 and the awards will be handed out on February 29, 2004, at Hollywood's Kodak Theatre.
  • 朝鲜作为日本一个省时候的字(1910-1945)。
    the name for Korea as a Japanese province (1910-1945).
  • 朝鲜古从公元前两千年后朝鲜使用的
    A name used for Korea since the second millennium b.c.
  • 韩国同学:后来决定由中国、菲律宾、印度、南朝鲜(当时的字)起草了相关的文件和章程。
    Korean student: Later, China, the Philippines, India, and South Korea drafted documents and relevant regulations.
  • 我不想给他这样的无小卒磕头。
    I'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him.
  • 将近一万西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。
    Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
  • 作为执业预备学校,学院成立于1970年,距京都有20英里,是以受人尊敬的公司创始人命的。
    Named after the company' s revered founder, the prep school, about 20 miles outside Kyoto, opened in 1970.
  • 但是那些议定书的著评论家们——尤其是华盛顿智囊团的一员,未来资源部的经济学家威廉·皮兹和外交委员会的政治科学家大卫·维克多——争论道,最好的应对措施不是销毁《京都议定书》而是增加一个安全阀门。
    Yet prominent critics of the protocol -- notably economist William Pizer of Resources for the Future, a Washington think tank, and political scientist David G.Victor of the Council on Foreign Relations -- have argued that the best response isn't to deep-six Kyoto but to add a safety valve.
  • 实验室主管吸收了一有能力的助手。
    The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants.
  • 我不知道这个实验室里物件的称。
    I do not know the name of the object in this lab.
  • 这是由新加坡的一个著实验室提供的一份检查报告,证据绝对可靠。
    Here's survey report by a well-know lab in Singapore, whose testimony is absolutely reliable.