| - 各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分。
in these areas organs of self- government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy. - 大选后的分析
A post-election campaign autopsy. - 绿道医院儿童心脏外科医生柯尔斯滕·菲纽肯解释说,这些儿童的心脏大部分是在做尸体剖检的时候被切除的,如果剖检时间过长,这些心脏的归还则赶不上夭折儿童的的葬礼,如果在孩子被掩埋后再将心脏还给死者家属则太不合适了。
The hospital's paediatric cardiac surgeon, Dr Kirsten Finucane said that was partly because most of the hearts were removed for autopsy, and delays meant the child might have already been buried so it was not appropriate to return the heart to the family. - 让身体一部分自行分割。
cause a body part to undergo autotomy. - 主要图书馆及其从属分支机构
The main library and its auxiliary branches. - 分页,页试调度计算机内存和外存间信息组的移动
The transfer of pages of data between a computer's main memory and an auxiliary memory. - 第二部分有关知识产权的效力、范围及利用的标准
High availability began in the 1970s with mainframe systems, which support high up time as part of their inherent design. - 他说他的工会――运输工会504分会――历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。
He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, made"massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles."It was all to no avail, " he lamented. - 为了团结,就要反对分裂运动,反对内部磨擦,反对从抗日阵线后面进攻八路军、新四军和一切进步势力,反对破坏敌后的抗日根据地,反对破坏八路军的后方陕甘宁边区,反对不承认共产党的合法地位,反对雪片一样的“限制异党活动”的文件。
For the sake of unity, it is necessary to oppose splitting activities and internal "friction", to oppose the stabbing of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and other progressive anti-Japanese groups in the back, to oppose the disruption of the anti-Japanese base areas behind the enemy lines and of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region which is the rear area of the Eighth Route Army, to oppose the denial of legal status to the Communist Party and the avalanche of documents for "restricting the activities of alien parties". - 贪婪的过分渴求物质攫取的;贪财的
Exceedingly eager for material gain; avaricious. - 通常我都只打110分左右。
I usually average around 110. - 你的保龄球平均得分多少?
What's your bowling average? - 以一个500分的平均成绩结束了本赛季;平均274分的击球成绩
Finished the season with a.500 average; a batting average of.274. - 上个赛季他代表他的队出战平均每场得17.9分。
He averaged 17.9 points a game last season for his team. - 在2000年奥运会上,他以平均13.5分的得分成为悉尼第8位最佳投篮手。
He averaged 13.5 points at the 2000 Olympics,eighth best in Sydney scoring. - 享利交付的税款平均为他收入的四分之一左右。
Henry's taxes averaged out to about a fourth of his income. - 女子跳马比赛时,运动员可试跳两次,取平均分。
In the women's vault, the athletes are allowed two attempts, with the scores averaged. - 王治郅刚刚22岁,在中国篮球季后赛中平均每场得分27.5分并抢得11个篮板球。在常规赛中,他为八一队每场得23分并获得11个篮板球。
Wang,who just turned 22,averaged 27.5. points and 11 rebounds a game in the Chinese league playoffs and 23 points and rebounds for Bayi in the regular season. - 稳定在1秒钟以上的时间内的实际运行带速与正常带速之差,用带速的容许偏差的百分数表示。
The difference between actual steady running tape speed, averaged over a period of 1 second or greater, and nominal tape speed, expressed as tolerance percentage on tape speed. - --关于儿童的教育状况,1986年至1993年,发展中国家的小学净入学率男女平均分别为87%和80%,东亚和太平洋地区平均分别为99%和94%,中国分别为99%和94%。
Children's education. Between 1986 and 1993, the net attendance rate of schoolage boys of primary schools in developing countries averaged 87 percent, and that of girls, 80 percent. This compares to, respectively, 99 percent and 94 percent in East Asia and the Pacific region, and 99 percent and 94 percent in China. - 化肥生产总量由建国初期的3.9万吨(按100%有效成分计算,下同)增加到目前的2450万吨,使用量由7.9万吨增加到3570万吨,每公顷耕地的使用量375公斤;
The total output of chemical fertilizer has increased to the present 24.5 million tons from 39,000 tons in the early Liberation period (expressed in 100 percent available ingredients -- similarly hereinafter), and the amount used has increased to 35.70 million tons from 79,000 tons, averaging 375 kg per hectare of cultivated land. - 从去年十月开始,香港遭遇到从未有过的亚洲金融风暴和「禽流感」事件,特区政府和香港全体市民一起,充分运用我们的智慧和勇气,共同努力去面对这些重大考验。
Since late October last year, Hong Kong has been hit by the unprecedented Asian financial crisis and "avian flu" incident. With wisdom and courage, the SAR Government and the entire community have made concerted efforts to overcome these critical challenges. - “实在太出乎我们意料之外了,”国际野生保护所(纽约动物学会的一个分支机构)的比勒博士说,“那里有9200种禽类,没有任何一种飞禽类中任何一品种,具有这种以化学方式防身的现象。这简直是一个晴天霹雳。
"It blew our socks off," said Dr.Bruce M.Beehler of Wildlife Conservation International, a division of the New York Zoological Society. "There are about 9,200 species of birds out there, and no one has turned up this phenomenon of chemical defense in any of the species of any of the avian families. This was a bolt from the blue." - 海军由潜艇部队、水面舰艇部队、航空兵、岸防兵和陆战队等兵种及专业部(分)队组成。
The Navy has such arms as the submarine, surface, naval aviation, coastal defense and marine corps, as well as other specialized units. - 为避免混淆,两队分穿不同颜色的衣服。
To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours. - 我们不应该只是同情他们,应该鼓励和向他们伸出友谊之手,让他们觉得他们也是社会的一分子。
Likewise, we should extend a firmer hand of friendship and encouragement to them, not just sympathies and avoidance, in order that they would have a rightful place here. - 孟德亚洲部分国家的重量单位。在不同国家内1莫恩德相当于11。2公斤到37。4公斤(24。8磅至82。6磅)的重量,后者是印度的官方重量单位
A unit of weight varying in different countries of Asia from11.2 to37.4 kilograms(24.8 to82.6 pounds) avoirdupois, the latter being the official maund in India. - 扯掉,撕掉以撕脱的方式分离、剪开或撕开
To separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion. - 我将在7点30分左右等着你。
I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts. - 我昨夜大部分时间都醒著。
I lay awake much of the night. - 我们充分意识到局势的危险。
We fully awake to the danger of the situation.